Chapter 833: What's the Big Deal with Being Fat!

The slowly swaying vines brought an inexplicably intense shock to Tyrone.

All along, he had no vivid conception of Ange's strength; he only felt it was very powerful, but he couldn't articulate where that strength lay.

Now he truly felt the enormity of such strength; a mere word from Ange could actually change the constellations in the sky.

The constellations were the domain Tyrone understood most profoundly. To him, the constellations could not be reversed; they were immutable omens.

Beings on the Plane could only look up, speculate, and adapt to the changes in the constellations, thus preserving themselves in great disasters. But now, with just a few words from Ange, in just five short words, he had altered the constellations and averted a plane-level disaster. What kind of ability was this?