The place they were in was a gigantic man-made object, similar to a Starburst Array, whose core function was an array. However, the specific function of the array could not yet be discerned. Most of the array was not operational; only the part maintaining temperature was working. Under these circumstances, unless Ange dismantled the entire array or inspected it inch by inch, it would be impossible to determine the core function of the array.
The next plan was to wait for the entire array to operate and then confirm its function by observing the trajectory of its energy flow. Now that it was activated, Negris hastily called out, "Ange, Ange, bring out Old Du to take a look."
Ange casually lifted Durken out.
Seeing a group of dark element armored mages, Durken was also startled. He wrapped himself in his cape and vanished into the void as a wisp of smoke.