Enchantment Spells and Glory Of Mages

With the status as a mage and the acceptance letter, the three of them quickly cleared the gate. Lin Qi also took out a map of Magic Capital.

There were still two days before the official start of school. Lin Qi and Wang Ruoling stayed in a nearby hotel under the arrangement of Mage Mo Feng and spent the next few days touring the famous Magic Capital.

The three of them were not fussy. When they saw that the airport express line was about to set off, they bought tickets and sat in it. The vehicle was spacious and bright, and the seats comfortable.

After sitting down, Mage Mo Feng was still a little worried. "Magic Capital isn't like the outside world. When you look at spells outside, it's like watching an art performance. But here, it's like the full moon. It's not an everyday thing but not a strange occurrence at all."

"Naturally, the chances of encountering evil mages are much higher. For you, the greatest threat among the eight factions is the Enchantment faction. They can affect the minds of others until they control their actions."

Lin Qi and Wang Ruoling immediately became alert and listened carefully to his teachings.

"Generally speaking, compared to illusions which have four types, there are two types of enchantment spells. The first type is the bewitchment spell, which specializes in changing the view of the subject. The second type is the coercion spell, which forcefully changes the subject's behavior and thoughts. It can even determine the person's actions and control them."

"Over the past few years, the higher-ups have been controlling the outflow of 'enchantment' spells. Some of the key spells, such as first-level bewitchment of humans, third-level suggestion spells, fourth-level geas spells, fifth-level domination of human spells, etc. They can only be learned after approval. However, enchantment mages themselves already have these few specialty spells. We can't stop them."

After entering the territory of Magic Capital, Mo Feng didn't have any taboos on speaking about this topic.

He looked at the two of them and spoke meaningfully.

"How powerful can a first-level bewitchment be?" Wang Ruoling asked cautiously.

If the strength of a first-level spell was off the charts, then she would definitely choose to focus on the enchantment specialty.

An idol specializing in enchantment spells. These two seem to go hand in hand.

Mo Feng rested his chin on his hand and thought for a while. "It can make strangers think that you are a trustworthy friend or ally. For example, have you conquered a female protagonist in a game? It is equivalent to increasing your affinity to the 'friendly' level."

Lin Qi nodded. "Strong enough indeed."

Mo Feng sighed. "That's right. Back then, it took a lot of willpower for me to give up on my secondary cultivation of enchantment spells. Think about it, even if you don't know how to pick up girls, an enchantment spell would make you a huge success in bars."

Lin Qi grinned. It was as if after Mo Feng returned to the capital, his true nature had started to show.

He persuaded, "Mage Mo Feng, using spells is too despicable. The effect might be better if you wear your robe to show off your status."

Mo Feng immediately shook his head. "Look, you're just a fledgling who has never been to Magic Capital's bars. If you act like you are a rich second-generation heir, these girls will be like eagles who will not relent until they see their prey. They are very good at baiting your appetite."

He then shook his head and said, "Back then, I went to relax with an apprentice in my project group. In the end, he was able to hook up with a rich and beautiful girl even though he was ugly. I could only drive my Lamborghini home empty-handed."

Wang Ruoling, who was sitting next to Lin Qi, rolled her eyes.

"Ha, men."

"Hey, don't look at me with disdain. In the future, when you are really troubled by love and come to me to beg for a love potion made with 'bewitchment' as the core, I will not give it to you." Mo Feng said confidently, as if he could not endure Wang Ruoling's disdain.

Seeing the sparks flying, Lin Qi tried to intervene. "Mage Mo Feng, are you going to teach us how to resist enchantment spells?"

Mo Feng nodded. "Actually, it's nothing much. Pain is the best way to clear your mind. However, the time you have to defend against the spell is very short. It's best to prepare an instant pain method, or else it will definitely be too late."

"Let me tell you first, a hard pinch won't work. Don't ask me how I know."

At this moment, the surrounding passengers all realized that this young man who was riding the express line was actually a true mage. Everyone silently leaned over to listen, but no one dared to disturb him.

Hearing that, Wang Ruoling said gently, "I will use the knife in my wallet to cut my face."

Lin Qi was completely stunned.

She was such a hardcore character. Although healing spells could heal wounds, that was too much.

Mo Feng was surprised. "I don't doubt your courage, but haven't you just passed the security check? Where did you get the knife?"

Wang Ruoling smiled coquettishly. "Credit Card knife? It's the size of a credit card when folded."

She turned to him. "What about you, Lin Qi?"

"Me?" Lin Qi scratched his head, thinking about the various plans he had made to break through the dream last night. He muttered to himself, "Reaching down? Crushing my balls?"

The surrounding people gasped in admiration.

It was only then that Lin Qi realized that he had just blurted out without thinking. He quickly waved his hand. "I was just joking."

But Mage Mo Feng couldn't help but applaud. "Genius! In a few years, even as a teacher, I'll probably need your protection."

Wang Ruoling, who was initially wary of Lin Qi, adjusted herself and leaned against Lin Qi.

Someone who could just blurt out something like that was definitely not a pervert.

At this moment, a middle-aged father in the front row turned his head and greeted Mo Feng respectfully before looking at Lin Qi and Wang Ruoling.

"You two are also going to the Central Magic Academy?"

Wang Ruoling did not respond, but Lin Qi nodded blankly.

"Isn't this just a coincidence? My son is also enrolled this year, so it's a good opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. In the future, you guys can take care of each other in the academy." Although the middle-aged father sounded a little oily, his love for his son was obvious.

Although Lin Qi knew that the other party was just trying to make his son known to Mo Feng, recalling the worried expression of the father of the original owner of his body, he maintained a warm manner. "Of course."

The middle-aged father immediately pulled his chubby son over.

"This is my son, Chen Shikun. It's funny. I worked in the government department for decades, but in the end, I was only able to rise to the lower management level because of my son becoming a mage apprentice."

Although he spoke as if he felt embarrassed, Father Chen's face was full of pride. On the other hand, the fatty Chen Shikun was a little timid. He did not possess the confident, unaffected manner of a child born in a civil servant's family.

"Oh, since it's fated, I'll give you a question as a test on your wisdom. It concerns your survival in the entire Magic Academy and even the association," Mo Feng said.

Fatty Chen Shikun, who had overcome numerous obstacles, raised his head when he heard this. As a confident mathematician, he was never afraid of solving problems.

"Tell me?" Wang Ruoling, who was wearing a mask, was also tempted. She had always wanted to prove herself in front of Lin Qi.

Everyone in the carriage was also extremely curious.

"If I give you ten dollars, how will you fill a classroom?"

Chen Shikun blurted out on the spot, "Buy a sickle, go to the farm and cut down free straws to fill it."

Having grown up in the countryside with his grandmother, he reacted the fastest.

"There are gaps between the straws. 80 points," Mo Feng said.

Father Chen laughed heartily. At least he answered quickly enough and obtained the first-mover's advantage.

"I will buy a candle and lighter to light it." Wang Ruoling snorted.

This question was so simple to her that it would be an insult to her intelligence.

"It's a pity there are shadows. 90 points." Mo Feng nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Lin Qi.

Lin Qi frowned slightly.

He was sure that the standard correct answer would be to buy a packet of flour and sprinkle it all over the classroom.

If Mo Feng said that there was a gap in the flour, he could continue to say that after the amount of flour in every cubic meter exceeded 9.7 grams, when the concentration reached this upper limit, it would instantly ignite upon contact with the bright flame of the 'candle', resulting in an 'explosion of flour' that was more powerful than a bomb.

Well, there probably wouldn't be any gaps after blowing up the entire classroom.

Still, this was a question concerning political survival wisdom.

Not knowing if Mo Feng was hinting at something, Lin Qi sighed and flipped through the "XX jokes" in his "Memory Palace".

"I will use this $10 to buy a copy of the Mage Association's Constitution' and place it in the classroom so that the glory of the association will fill the entire classroom."

Mo Feng widened his eyes. "Teacher Lin Qi, come up now. This podium should be yours."