The Night Before School Begins

"Mage Mo Feng, look at my face! This is the pure and innocent face of someone who loves Planet Blue, loves the Association, and who is willing to shed his blood and lay down his life in the name of righteousness." Lin Qi used a joking tone to reduce the harshness of his "unintentional words".

In a sense, this was equivalent to the accusation of being a rebel and a traitor!

He was not just complimenting himself.

Mo Feng smiled. "No need to get so agitated."

"It's mainly because a mage apprentice said the same thing 50 years ago. His background and tone was very similar to yours."

"Who?" Lin Qi had a bad feeling.

"The legendary-mage Wu Leier." Mo Feng's tone was mysterious.

"It's him!" Wang Ruoling could not help but cover her mouth and exclaim.

"Very famous?" Lin Qi felt a bit awkward.

The original owner of the body did not leave a lot of memories behind. Now that he thought about it, he had to thank that guy for leaving at least 250 points worth of basic knowledge.

Wang Ruoling immediately turned her head and looked surprised. "Legendary-mage Wu Leier, a powerful existence that triggered the fog moon to change and nearly caused the entire Council to collapse. His whereabouts are still unknown, and all his former subordinates have been in hiding. There has been no news for the past 10 years."

Lin Qi grinned.

It was indeed a great compliment to associate him with a legendary-mage, but the other party was a rebel.

"Haha, it was just a feeling." Mo Feng looked out of the window and laughed.

This scene seemed to have been an unintentional and casual chat.


There were only a few hundred thousand permanent residents in Magic Capital, but with the addition of the temporary visitors, the total population reached as high as tens of millions. Every day, countless goods would be transported back and forth. It could be said that it was the most prosperous city on the entire Planet Blue.

For the next two days, Lin Qi and Wang Ruoling strolled around the business district surrounding the Peninsula Hotel. They tasted the local delicacies of Magic Capital and walked the entire length of the business district. When they were tired, they would drink a cup of bitter coffee in an open-air coffee shop on the banks of the Eternal Gathering River, admiring the legendary glistening river under the night sky.

However, after Lin Qi was released from prison, he did not have a single cent in his pocket. This made him the toy boy of the little rich queen Ruoling these few days. Forced to freeload off her, he just enjoyed his three free meals a day without any qualms.

However, within the mage circles, they used the "arcane gold coin" system, and the" Bone Robe" that Luo Yunxi had given him was worth 2,400 arcane gold coins. From another perspective, Lin Qi was the truly wealthy person.

The arcane gold coins were essentially made of metals that possessed good magic load capacity. It was said that they were made of adamantite, mithril, cold iron, etc.

However, after Lin Qi quietly searched, he found that there was no such thing as "adamantite mines" or "mithril mines" in the entire Planet Blue. It was as if these metals had fallen from the sky, and their origins were mysterious.

Also, after school started, everything would be distributed by the academy, from magic pets, guardian spirits, magic robes, alchemy tools, and so on. They did not need to buy them in advance.

In the mall, Lin Qi was wearing a face mask and carrying two paper bags. They were filled with newly-purchased shirts, dresses and other such things, including a pair of shoes for him.

Now, Wang Ruoling had just entered the lingerie store in the mall. Lin Qi thought about it and did not dare to follow her in. He stood at the door like the other men, acting as if they were door guardians. At the same time, he silently held the Rubik's cube in his mind while scrolling through his phone.

He was multitasking. In any case, his memory palace had the function of a "photo gallery". He could think about the matter later.

For the past few days, Lin Qi had been reading up on basic knowledge and going through the information of the previous owner on the phone, so that he wouldn't run into any old classmates and end up only offering an awkward: "Haha, it's you."

As for who it really was, who knew?

Suddenly, Lin Qi heard familiar footsteps and looked up to see Wang Ruoling walking out. She was surrounded by a few high school girls who were chattering away.

"Sister Ling, I will work hard with you as my role model."

"That's right. Sister is awesome. I'm not that smart."

"Sister, sister, remember me. My name is Zhao Chuwei."

Only after Wang Ruoling approached Lin Qi did they finally look at him with curiosity.

"Bodyguard." Lin Qi instantly assumed a soldier's straight standing posture.

"Wow, Brother Bodyguard, you have to take good care of Sister for us." A few female groupies instantly came over to greet him.

Unused to this kind of enthusiasm, Lin Qi took a small step back.

Finally, Wang Ruoling stepped in. After signing autographs for the girls, they left in satisfaction.

Lin Qi watched the group gradually disappear into the crowd, before turning to size up the young girl beside him.

"What's wrong? Do you think that my idol image now is different from the bitter, resentful side of me the day before?" Wang Ruoling lifted her delicate nose.

"Not to that extent." Lin Qi smiled. "I just didn't expect you to still be such a popular idol. Fans recognize you even when you go shopping with a mask on."

Wang Ruoling gently stroked her hair and sighed. "If you don't have enough fame, how are you going to redeem your ancestral home in Magic Capital, a place where every inch of land is precious?"

Lin Qi rubbed his head. "My first time coming in close contact with fans. It's a little new and strange."

Wang Ruoling looked at the crowd in the distance. "Actually, they are all very cute. They are able to like and follow people they admire for pure, simple reasons. If I didn't have my own difficulties, I might have just continued selling dreams until no one cared about me."

Lin Qi gave a soft sigh.

Even though many people on the Internet criticized and looked down on celebrities, in his previous life, he had never had such a chance to have a good chat with such a popular idol. In fact, he would never even get the chance to step inside a place like the Peninsula Hotel.

It wasn't until he became a mage apprentice that he naturally ascended to another level.

In his previous life, he would have entered the central department after passing the National Examination and become the secretary of one of the important officials. Becoming a mage meant being transferred to become a major official.

Therefore, even though the girls missed Wang Ruoling, they did not dare to ask their idol to return.

It was no longer the same industry.

When the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the sparkling waves of the Eternal Gathering River until it was like a crispy puff, Lin Qi and Wang Ruoling also ended their journey and returned to the hotel, only to find that Mo Feng had been waiting here for a long time.

"Yup, your Bone Robe should be fine." Mo Feng handed the paper bag to Lin Qi. "But before you can control the undead creatures, I advise you not to summon them."

After Lin Qi received it, Mo Feng nodded. "Tomorrow afternoon, you will follow the instructions on the acceptance letter. At the nearby ferry terminal, you just need to board the ferry instructed by the acceptance letter. I will settle the checkout."

With that, he stretched his muscles. "I'm planning to walk around the bars street tonight. Are you guys coming?"

Wang Ruoling shook her head. "Tonight is the death anniversary of my grandparents. I plan to pay my respects later. You guys go ahead."

Although Lin Qi had been a virgin for many years, he still rejected. "I'll go with Wang Ruoling."

After all, he had been living off her for two days. It was time for him to do something for her.

At the same time, his gaze fell on the 'Bone Robe' in the paper bag. The embroidered surface of the robe looked as if it had been strung together with arcane gold coins.

As for accidents?

Ha, he dared to bet even at the risk of jinxing himself. He was just going to an ancestral home to burn some paper offerings. How could there be any accident there?