Immortal Creature

"Mage Mo Feng, you're playing dumb."

The female mage, Mi Lan, said, "Ravens are the largest of the finch family. They are usually black, and their feathers have a purplish-blue metallic luster. But look carefully at this raven."

"That's right." Mo Feng had an innocent look on his face. "Look at this raven, its wings are shining, its chest has needle-like long feathers, dark brown irises, a pitch-black mouth and toes, no matter how you look at it, it's a standard raven."

As he spoke, he patted his head. "Oh, oh, right, this is a magic pet, so it should be a magic beast. I remember that raven magic beasts are born with the ability of 'language', right? And they're good at delivering letters."

Mi Lan shook her head. "Mage Mo Feng, he's the first mage apprentice to pass the school enrollment pledge and the forest of magical pets. Even if I only recorded 'Ordinary Magic Beast Raven', others would easily see through it at first glance."

Mo Feng waved his hand. "Don't worry, mage apprentices are only mage apprentices after all. Before becoming a mage, they are nothing. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many 'former apprentices' leaving Star World Island every year."

"Those who have the ability to see through it won't specially keep an eye on Lin Qi. The higher-ups mostly rely on paper records to make judgments."

He recognized it because he was knowledgeable, and the female mage recognized it because she was a researcher in this field. That was why she had been assigned to grade the mage apprentices' magic pets.

Only then did Mi Lan sigh and say, "Alright then, I won't go and examine the special characteristics of it. On a magic beast raven, even if it has the bloodline of a dragon or the bloodline of the Heavenly realm, its foundation is too weak and won't affect the overall situation."

The black-winged raven, who was the subject of the conversation, was now lying quietly on Lin Qi's shoulder. "Boss, those idiots are watching you and pointing."

Lin Qi looked helplessly at the raven on his shoulder, who was also speaking in the same standard voice as him. "If you raise your voice any louder, I promise you'll be the quickest magic pet to die in all history."

On Planet Blue, mages had protection against slander to their honor and reputation. Those who insulted mages to their face would be charged.

And this was just a feathered beast. If things went wrong, he might even have to eat a meal of "roasted raven" and cry out "how tasty".

"Don't underestimate me, boss. I am the famous Iry and I am no ordinary raven, but—"

"An immortal creature, I know." Lin Qi felt a headache coming along so he quickly cut in.

After the summoning ritual was completed, he had heard this raven's brag no less than five times. If he continued, he would probably confirm tonight's dinner menu.

When he was in the depths of the forest, the ghost in the Bone Robe had pointed out a "light spot" that made him feel repulsed.

It was very likely that the corresponding magic pet was a creature from the heavenly realm. This way, it would be even more impossible to suspect that he knew necromancy spells in the future.

It was not until Lin Qi threw out the pledge symbol that he realized that the magic pet behind the light was an immortal raven.

Compared to ordinary animals, magical beasts had higher intelligence and had some supernatural abilities, but they still could not escape the fate of being born, growing old, getting sick and dying. They still needed to eat, breathe and sleep.

For example, this magic beast raven had the ability to speak.

Although magic pets could communicate with their masters after interacting with them for a long time, they still had barriers communicating with outsiders.

Having mastered language and being able to travel through the spirit world like a magic pet, ravens were qualified messengers.

Immortal creatures, on the other hand, were creatures that had once died and then been revived through supernatural means!

Many of them were similar to living creatures and undead creatures.

The existence of undead creatures such as ghosts, skeletons and zombies were a blasphemy against the laws of life and death. They were considered "negative energy".

On the other hand, immortal creatures like Raven Iry were the epitome of life. They were the embodiment of the laws of life and death, and were considered "positive energy".

They could directly switch between the virtual body of the soul and the physical body of the magic beast.

Strictly speaking, immortal creatures were the opposite of undead creatures.

Therefore, when Lin Qi heard that his raven, as an immortal creature, was actually like an undead creature—

It was immune to all effects that affected its willpower, including all kinds of toxins, paralysis, shock, and illnesses. At the same time, it no longer needed to eat, drink, pee, sleep and breathe.

It had eternal life.

Strictly speaking, this was a magic pet that could send off its descendants.

Immortal creatures enjoyed the benefits of undead creatures while not looking like some wretched being. Lin Qi almost drooled when he heard that. He was envious.

If not for his lack of confidence, he would have sliced and dissected his magic pet.

Seeing Mo Feng walk over slowly, Lin Qi hurriedly shook the silly bird on his shoulder, telling it not to say anything stupid later.

"A salute to you, great mage," Raven Iry greeted in an uncharacteristically respectful manner.

Well, I've worried for nothing. It's a magic pet who knows what's good for it, Lin Qi thought sarcastically.

Mo Feng looked at the raven on Lin Qi's shoulder with satisfaction. "As expected. Lin Qi, this magic pet of yours is very smart. The raven itself is very compatible with transformation. Perhaps you can really join the transformation school like me. This is a remarkable twist of fate."

Lin Qi chuckled.

Before the ghost went back, he told him many things about the characteristics of magic pets. He knew that the raven and Transformation were compatible, so he chose it. Being an immortal creature was just icing on the cake.

The "dragon egg" incarnation in the memory palace that needed constant nurturing had been silently ignored by him.

"Immortal life forms are a rather powerful characteristic, and if you really master transformation in the future, you will be able to make up for the weakness of the raven's low grade. At that time, this raven will definitely become a powerful force in your hands." Mo Feng sighed.

Why didn't he have such luck himself?

He did not expect a beautiful creature with fair skin and beauty like a water demon spirit. But previously, he had always ended up picking rats, toads, spiders and so on. Nothing with wings.

"But Lin Qi, just register it as an ordinary raven later," Mo Feng reminded him cautiously.

Lin Qi nodded, half doubtfully, half cautiously.

From the ghost, he already knew that after he was indicated as a potential recruit by Golden Dawn, the Luo couple had moved their operations underground. The risky dream realm invasion that night was mostly because "Luo Yunxi" wanted to prove herself to her family. Later on, when Lin Qi's value became apparent, the Phoenix Clan, who was behind the scenes, stopped her actions and made her offer a "magic robe" to curry favor.

According to the ghost's speculation, Lin Qi must have been involved in some critical matter, perhaps even related to Luo Qi's resurrection. That was why the Luo couple had been willing to give up their public office and applied to be transferred back to Star World Island.

Therefore, it was only logical for him to continue showing off his powerful talent. This would also allow him to be protected by the academy.

But Mage Mo Feng nudged Lin Qi's shoulder and whispered.

"Think about what the emperors of ancient times pursued after rising to the top."

"Immortality," Lin Qi responded instantly.

"Yup." Mage Mo Feng had already switched to telepathic communication.

"Although there are ways for mages to live forever, in general, undead creatures are definitely the least costly method."

"Skeletons and zombies have no intelligence, so they are not considered. Undead creatures like ghosts do have intelligence, but they don't have a proven way to transform themselves. The path of a mage can also be easily cut off afterward. Other biological and elemental creatures that can live forever have similar flaws."

"On the other hand, becoming the undead creature, Lich, is the choice of many mages. This is a specialty under the necromancy school. Every year, many mages who are close to the end of their lifespans switch to necromancy, just to become Liches and continue their journey as mages."

"However, you need to be at least at six-level to become a Lich. Do you understand what this means?"

Even if Lin Qi was stupid, he would understand the severity of the situation.

This meant that even for mages, "eternal life" was something that was difficult to attain.

So "immortal life forms" were probably extremely valuable.

"As far as I know, there are many Transformation Masters who have been researching immortal creatures, trying to find a way to advance and transform. Furthermore, mages have families. Immortal creatures are a safer and more suitable path for humans." Mo Feng sighed.

"Although immortal creatures are rare, the association has accumulated some over the years as research materials. However, immortal creatures as magic pets is very rare. Especially since you have a connection with them, it will definitely be more beneficial for research. When the time comes, these big shots will come forward and ask for it from you. They might even ask you to use it as a material?" Mo Feng's voice became even colder.

At this moment, Lin Qi was still able to maintain his indifferent attitude, while Iry, who understood human language, was already trembling on his shoulder.

"You only exposed some hints of this when you summoned it just now. In the future, let this raven maintain its corporeal form. There won't be too much risk exposing it then."

With that, Mo Feng said earnestly, "I'm not asking you to hide it forever."

"Just for you to wait until you are qualified to participate in such research."

"Thank you, Mage Mo Feng." Lin Qi nodded.

The Bone Robe pointed to forbidden necromancy spells.

The dragon egg incarnate pointed to time magic and unknown dragon battle power.

Immortal creatures pointed to the path of immortality.

The three of them had extremely powerful origins, but they did not have any battle prowess.

Lin Qi could only sigh.

This was another hot potato.