Sorry, I Just Don't Know How To Appreciate Favors

The reason why life was sacred and could not be blasphemed was because everyone only had one chance. It was extremely fair to everyone.

But Lin Qi quickly regained his composure.

He quietly told himself that even if there were incredible spells like the revival spell.

They would definitely have huge restrictions or even very high costs.

It was clear that Luo Qi suffered one of those restrictions and couldn't be resurrected. And he had now become the "key reason" behind the Luo family's unhappiness with him.

Lin Qi immediately feigned civility. "If the academy is unable to protect me, how can you have the confidence to protect me?"

You Zhongfeng smiled as he watched Lin Qi dance to his tune.

"Before I explain, I have to tell you about the division of power in our academy."

"Although most of them originate from the Association's secret factions, they are still localized to a certain degree in the academy. You can think of them as subsidiary organizations with a certain degree of independence."

Lin Qi nodded. He had also joined an advanced organization before.

You Zhongfeng continued, "There are more than a hundred organizations in the academy. However, they can be divided into three factions."

"The 'Herald faction' from mage families, the 'Universal faction' from commoner families, and the all-inclusive 'Moderate faction'."

"Student Lin Qi, perhaps you saw my sister and those descendants of the mage family following behind her, and thought we must be Heralds. But that is not true. We belong to the Eye of the Poulos organization, which is a Moderate."

"Caw, caw! When a temple is small, the demon aura is strong. The pool is shallow but there are many turtles in it." The raven couldn't resist criticizing. It only shut up after Lin Qi glared at it.

You Zhongfeng smiled awkwardly and continued, "The matter between you and Luo Qi and the anger of the Luo family made it so that the Heralds wouldn't betray the interests of the class and take you in. And the Universal faction has many members, all of them very ambitious. They have too many organizations and are in a state of disunity. Naturally, they can't protect you."

"As for us, the Eye of the Poulos, we have a powerful secret faction backing us. Our power spans the north, central and south sectors. We can protect you over the next few years, allowing you to smoothly become a mage."

"When you become a mage, you won't have to worry about an attack by the Luo family anymore."

Hearing this, Lin Qi couldn't help but think.

What was the secret faction Golden Dawn's affiliated organization in the academy called?

Could it be the Eye of the Poulos?

"Thanks, but no thanks."

Lin Qi declined politely. He wanted to join the organization affiliated with Golden Dawn.

This was his path to the organization and he could not afford to make any mistakes.

Also, while You Sirui's recruitment method could be considered rather normal, he found her brother's sincere attitude rather dubious.

When arriving at a new place, if someone was particularly enthusiastic about newcomers, it could only mean two things.

First, the person was rejected by the others and could only play with newcomers.

Second, the person rejected certain others and represented the group to recruit new people to continue their independence.

Combined with the academy's political ecosystem narrated by Mage Mo Feng, the other party's unaccountably solicitous behavior meant that he was definitely hiding evil intentions.

You Zhongfeng widened his eyes in disbelief and immediately revealed his trump card.

"Student Lin Qi, you don't know how serious the problem can be!"

"I'll tell you the truth. The Luo family seems to be a small family of sorcerers, but Luo Qi's mother, Zheng Ruolan, comes from the Zheng family, one of the few families from the Phoenix clan in Shanghai!"

You Zhongfeng's face flushed red. "Once the other party raises this to the clan level, you will have to face the Zheng family's thunderous suppression!"

"If you are really an obstacle to their son's revival, Zheng Xinlan will definitely demand a kill order from the clan!"

Lin Qi could not help but laugh out loud. "If that's the case, then all the more your Eye of the Poulos won't be able to protect me, right?"

At this point, You Zhongfeng knew that he would have to take a major risk to achieve his goal. So he revealed this ruthlessly.

"The president of the Eye of the Poulos and the princess of the Zheng family, Zheng Yingluo, are good friends. Zheng Yingluo is currently training in the central sector. We can introduce you to her. As long as the princess of the Zheng family gives the order, she can guarantee your safety."

As if worried that Lin Qi wouldn't believe him, he continued. "That princess of the Zheng family is the only peerless genius over the past hundreds of years to obtain a phoenix, which is on her family's emblem, as a magic pet from the forest of magic pets. That phoenix's combat strength is no less than some middle or high-level mages. In the Phoenix clan, the words of the princess of the Zheng family carries a certain weight."

Lin Qi nodded gratefully after hearing his narration.

"Thank you. Your side is trying so hard to convince me to join, that I feel embarrassed if I refuse."

You Zhongfeng looked delighted.

But then, Lin Qi continued.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to appreciate such favors. This is just how I am."

The raven agreed. "As well as courting death."

"Let's not talk about whether the princess of the Zheng family would agree to suppress Luo Qi's mother."

"Even if she agreed to it, you and I cannot predict the rationality of a mother who has lost her child. I have to face this myself."

He stared at the man as he spoke.

"Anyway, the Phoenix clan you mentioned. Is it this?"

As he spoke, Lin Qi spread out the sleeves of the robe that he had been deliberately concealing.

There was a bright and dazzling "Phoenix" embroidered on it.

The family emblem of the Phoenix clan.

There was a short sentence engraved at the bottom—This is a close friend of the Phoenix clan. Please take care of him.

You Zhongfeng was dumbfounded.


After that, Lin Qi arrived at the dormitory marked out by the "admission notice".

The mage apprentices in the central sector were each given "single-bed" rooms.

But the dormitories in the north sector were group dormitories with extremely simple amenities. A large empty study hall was in the outer circle, with filled bookshelves lining three walls, and rows of desks arranged in the center. It looked just like a self-study area in a library.

Meanwhile, at the wall at the back were cramped capsule apartments stacked like a honeycomb.

The interior of the capsule was sealed. It was only about the size of a bed and could only be used for sleeping, with some miscellaneous items like clothes stuffed in the back. With a height of just over a meter, one could stay inside in a kneeling position.

Lin Qi could not help but sigh. In his previous life, even the living environment of a first-tier city was not as extreme.

As the first person to arrive, under the guidance of the second-year students, he snatched one of the few empty capsule beds on the first floor and wrote his name on the interface before locking it.

Right after that, Lin Qi walked to the front of the study hall and chose a spot where the light was good. He wrote his name on the table too, designating it as his personal table in the future.

The academy instilled this idea right from the very beginning. First come first serve.

Then, he opened several boxes that had been placed under each long table. One box was filled with thick and heavy curriculum materials. They were all nailed together with iron bars on the hard leather cover. One box was filled with toiletries and other daily necessities. Another box was filled with daily clothes and undergarments.

Clearly, the harsh environment was one of the methods the academy used to urge them to work hard towards the central sector.

After learning that he might be an obstacle for the Luo family to revive "Luo Qi", Lin Qi realized why Mo Feng had suddenly brought Wang Ruoling to meet up with him on the way.

It was clear that he also knew about this at that time, and realized that the academy's reputation and Golden Dawn's power might not be enough to suppress the other party.

Feeling a chill on his back, Lin Qi obediently opened the box of teaching materials and copied them into his memory palace.

The Sisma language required special materials and could not be distributed to them for now.

Lin Qi didn't stop at all, rapidly flipping through page after page.

A few senior mage apprentices who had been observing him for a long time lectured the second-year students beside them. "Look, this kind of computational genius knows how to get an overall feel of the difficulty level first. Even if he doesn't remember a single page, he can still get a clear understanding of the general structure."

Suddenly, Lin Qi's fingers stopped flipping.

There was a note tucked into the book, indicating the time, place and—

Twilight Dragon Association (Academy Organization affiliated with Golden Dawn)