Chapter 41-Legacy Land

Xiao hugged Xuanyin for a few more seconds before letting go. Xuanyin reluctantly released him as well, her cold and apathetic eyes returning to their usual state. They then turned their attention to Xia Yunbai, who felt a shudder run through his body upon Xuanyin's gaze. Her eyes seemed to regard Xia Yunbai as insignificant, for a moment Yunbai even felt several ice-like needles poking all around him but then Yunbai let out a small laugh, his eyes turning blood red but before he could do anything Xiao's eyes landed on him which stopped his actions.

Xiao might not have been aware of it, but whenever Xuanyin looked at him, her gaze wasn't entirely cold or apathetic. A small part of her inherent coldness receded, making her appear somewhat "normal." What this would lead to was anyone's guess. After all, no one can predict the future, can they?

"Are you okay, Xiao?" Yun Yurou's voice broke the moment, drawing Xuanyin's eyes away from Xia Yunbai. Xiao wore a wry smile as he looked at Yun Yurou. Throughout the past week, Yun Yurou had been trying her best to get closer to him. He could see that she was attempting to break through his emotional barriers.

However, all her efforts had been rejected by him. While he did care about her, it didn't mean he felt that way about her romantically. For goodness' sake, she was only 11 years old, and it was impossible for him to see her in that light. No matter how mature she appeared, it didn't change the fact. But her spirit remained undaunted as she persisted time and time again, plus once again he had no desire for a vase beside him.

"I'm fine, Yurou," Xiao responded with a smile. She had achieved a small victory by making him address her by her name. Hearing his words, Yun Yurou smiled and said, "That's good. I was worried." Her words carried the relief of a married woman seeing her husband return safely. For some peculiar reason, it all felt rehearsed.

Then Yun Yurou's gaze shifted to Xia Yunbai, the new arrival, and her eyes widened as she asked, "Is he the 'thing' you had to deal with?"

"Yes, he will be traveling back with us," Xiao affirmed, and upon hearing his words, Yun Yurou calmly accepted it. She inquired further, "Are we now headed to the legacy land?"

"Yes," Xiao responded with a serious expression. The truth was that during their journey, they had fortuitously stumbled upon the opening of a legacy land. It was a one-in-a-million chance, and they happened to be the ones to discover it. At the time, Elder Fan had used an artifact to conceal its aura so that no one else could detect it.

'This is all truly bizarre,' Xiao thought, and he had reasons to support his claim. The legacy land they found would randomly open at different locations in the Lower Heavens for two weeks before vanishing and reappearing elsewhere. Xiao had heard about this renowned legacy land for a long time, but when he turned 16, he stopped hearing about it.

It seemed that someone had already conquered it. There were even rumors of a Phoenix's cry, but nobody knew if these rumors held any truth. As for how he identified it, it was simple once he understood the conditions placed upon the legacy land. Only individuals up to the age of 18 could enter.

Regardless of who else attempted to enter, they would be entirely repelled. The only positive aspect of the legacy land was that no one died inside. They were all expelled when their time was up, with their memories wiped clean. They had no recollection of what had transpired within.

"Young master, are you sure about this?" Elder Fan voiced his concern.

"Yes, and you don't have to worry. No one has ever died in this legacy land, so there's no need to worry," Xiao reassured Elder Fan. They stood near the red portal, emanating ominous dark red lights, that served as the entrance to the legacy land.

The legacy land, in essence, was the resting place of a cultivator with an unfathomable cultivation level, especially one capable of creating a spatial dimension. Not every cultivator possessed a legacy land; they were only found within the Third Heavens. So, discovering one in the Lower Heavens was a remarkable mystery.

That was also the reason why the legacy land was so renowned. Whoever obtained it would become a formidable figure in the future, though the only worrying part is that he doesn't have information about what lay ahead, not even in the book of the Heavenly opposers, with these thoughts, Xiao turned to Yun Yurou, who stood beside him.

"Are you sure you want to come with me, Yurou?"

"I am. I will always go where you go," Yun Yurou replied with a beautiful smile. Unfortunately for Xiao, this only brought him a headache. He had no way of preventing Yun Yurou from accompanying him. She, too, had direct blood ties to the Yun family. In a technical sense, he couldn't order her not to come. Moreover, the opportunity to enter the legacy land was available to all; he had no authority to stop Yun Yurou from seizing it.

In the end, Xiao could only shake his head and agree to Yun Yurou's decision. He turned to Xuanyin, who regarded him with a cold gaze. Deep down, she also wished to accompany him, but that was something he would never agree to. While death was not an option, he would never risk Xuanyin for this.

Furthermore, he could sense fire elements emanating from the portal, indicating that the legacy land belonged to a fire cultivator. It held no value for Xuanyin. Apologetically, he nodded at Xuanyin for the last time, and Yun Yurou caught his hand to enter the portal. Her words were, "I don't want to be separated from you."

As much as Xiao wanted to deny it, he had already given up trying to dissuade Yun Yurou. For now, he would go with the flow. Holding hands tightly, they stepped into the portal, under the worried gaze of Elder Fan, the cold eyes of Xuanyin, whose hands turned red from gripping them tightly, and the curious eyes of Xia Yunbai.

The moment Xiao entered the portal, he felt weightless, as if traveling through a highly viscous liquid. A sluggish sensation filled his body, but throughout it all, he still felt Yurou's hand holding onto him tightly. After a few seconds, he finally managed to open his eyes, and what he saw surprised him.

He found himself floating in a vast, dark space adorned with beautiful stars and various planets. The sun shone brightly as they floated in the vastness of space. It was a truly breathtaking sight, the two of them being surrounded by the vast power of a galaxy, enough to show a person how small they are in the grand scheme of things.

"Wow... It's beautiful," Yurou exclaimed, taking in the spectacle. Beside him, her voice filled with awe as she kept looking around. She floated beside him, holding his hand tightly, her eyes wide with wonder as she observed everything like a child. Suddenly, an ominous pressure descended upon them, freezing them in place.

Above them, the space began to twist and crackle, emitting bright yellow and red flames. Enormous eyes materialized above Xiao and Yun Yurou, their appearance mystical and beautiful, containing unfathomable wisdom. The eyes focused on Xiao and Yun Yurou, seemingly seeing through them.

"Um...?" a gentle, smooth, and calming voice of confusion resonated. It sounded somewhat feminine. Upon hearing it, Xiao had only one thought: 'Fuck!'