Chapter 259-New Path being Set Out.

[What's the plan now?]

All-Seer asked, to which Azrail replied.

'I need to increase my strength, get a better idea of how everything works for me, and also start qualifying for my evolution criteria.'

The needs he has to meet to evolve aren't something easy, and it will take some time, but the result of it all will be very useful for Azrail in the end. Thus, with narrowed eyes, Azrail sent out a message to one of the maids outside his room. Within minutes, the door to his room was knocked upon.

"Young master, may I enter?"

The voice of Yunbai was heard, to which Azrail spoke.


As he did, Yunbai entered the room, his presence feeling much stronger and more compact. Azrail didn't just let him go for the time; he had given Yunbai several topics to study and several people to kill and hunt, the best path of growth right now for Yunbai being to hunt several criminals blacklisted all around.