A long time ago in a town named MENTIEZ Lived a young beautiful rich woman Yuraca She had a quirk that if she seems in one's eye then she can read what's in person's mind, she was the only one in her family who had a quirk rest of All were Normal human beings.

she was married to the wealthiest family (square hook's) Of the town, the family was well known their back belonged the Royals ,and was the last black blooder's Of magic ,their blood Seemed pure black even the servants of the family had quirks

normal people were not Allowed in their Mansion For long the family would have ended a long ago but they survived Due to Montere,who brought luck and fortune to the family and also was the most powerful in magic after their head his mother ,who ruled the family because of her power Both Montere And his mother had many quirks but still montere's Quirks were much less then his mothers they all had white wings Which they open When they wanted But his mothers wings was never seen before but all these powers magic etc.. were hidden From the normal world

People of Mentiez Were scared of this family the old wicked lady believed a lot in her Fortune teller by whome Was predicted That if a girl who has a quirk of Light will be born then she will be the end of square hook's They would Never be able to live again

The woman yuraca was treated well As she was married to montere She was living a happy life with tons of dresses Lots of jewellery ,gold It was a luxury until,on one fine morning the sun was shining brightly the birds were joyfully singing ,A young beautiful flower Was born and the flower was a girl

Yuraca prayed a lot that if her baby would be a daughter then her born Power should not be light.

The new born Was cute when she opened her eyes for the first time she was in middle of hands with long slim fingers Which were large enough to fit the small baby in them ,

she pulled The long first finger and holded It tightly in her both hands She was in her father's hand And had a little ball of Light coming from her hands

Montere put his Hand and calmed The light down the light Suddenly vanished yuraca Had a joyful smile On her face and were satisfied as she thought That her daughter's quirk is not light, Then suddenly approaches there montere's Mother ,

she was dressed in deepest grey gown With her lips coated the dark red lipstick her skin was pale her hands were small she was short highted So ,she was wearing black pointed high heels When she hold the baby the little one Barely showed any sign Of any Quirk but the oldy Wasn't satisfied

She started to look tensed and three wrinkles formed on her forehead After seeing this yuraca felt weird so she Looked in the oldies Eye And understood immediately that what her real motive was

yuraca Tried to say something but suddenly The little baby's hand threw A massive amount of Greenlight which fall on the roofs corner And destroyed it

So the teeny tiny innocent girl was sentenced to death but without anyone Even knowing they didn't let her Drink water and was not feed anything the little poor Girl was near death the baby became pale Her sparkly eyes were now closed her rosy cheeks were now colourless

So her mother Secretly give the little girl to her personal care taker and send her far away the young girl was replaced by an adopted son the next hire of the family,

The care taker Was poor And she did not Head a place to go

So she travelled another town that night and she finally arrived a city named MOORA

The board on the entrance of the city was light blue in colour On which with pink coloured letters was carved

"welcome to MOORA the city of dreams"

The first house on entering the city was on the right hand side of the road The house was big it was white in colour And had glass windows With colourful boundaries the door was black and had a Shiny gold door knob with a glass designer window on top she knocked on the door and shouted.

"please help this child need something to eat or else she will die".

Luckily The door on which she knocked was responded That family was also rich and they accepted her but on one condition that she would live there as a servant she accepted it.

So,the story which I told you right now in that story a young woman yuraca is my mother,Montere logically is my father,And the teeny tiny innocent beautiful flower is me Eedina and you must also know my mom's care taker name she is my pretend mother Izuka ,she is kind and love me like her own daughter,

The house in which I currently live has: a sir(the father),a ma'am (the mother),and MARCUS (my enemy) and dozens of more workers.

Marcus is the first bad person in my life,or maybe second,or third whatever

I think that way because ,

when I was six months old he tried to make me his pillow,when I was one and a half year old he locked me in a cupboard for more then two hours,and when I was five year old he kept me in a freezer to see weather I would froze solid or not,and when he got scolded for that he dumped me in dustbin.

After that day,he did a lot of things like trying to post me,or dipping me in a fountain,

Although he is four year older than me but I'm more well mannered than him.

But when I was of ten years,a miracle happened ,Marcus was send abroad for his studies and I was free,

Even though he was my enemy but still miss him, after that brings this day when I am finally going to enter high school but I still have to wait for that as the holidays are on.

A sound of closing a book came,it was a diary on which was written" believe and anything is possible ".

A beautiful slim hand slowly appeared and covered the caption and took a deep breath.

A girl in red shirt and denim shorts with slim figure was sitting on a chair,her eyes were big and sparkly,she had a small face,with small nose, rosy cheeks,small mouth,her hairs were half undone and was tied in a messy way,her skin was white as moon

It was Eedina,she seemed too innocent

Suddenly the phone on the table started ringing,she received it and said politely

"Hello, who is it" the person on the other side asked something she replied "Yes,it is"

The next thing which the other person said scared her she screamed loudly "SIR ,MA'am"

They entered the room after a short and asked her "what is it"

She replied shivering "Marcus had got in an accident ".