When she came a bit far from that place , she realised that what she had done right now , remembering her words , she kept her hand on her mouth

"AAH , why can't I keep control on this tongue, what if the queen get to know about it , my tongue will be sacrificed for sure , and the one whom he was talking to, prince are not friends with normal people, he surely will be prince too , and if..."

She saw Lucas sitting on a throne and a lady was sitting next to her behind curtains.

"How dare she talk like that to young prince,chop her tongue and display it in a glass box , so that no one would ever dare to do that again". The lady behind the curtain said

"No, no please don't do that to me, I won't do that again".

She screamed, two guards came , holded both of her arms and dragged her with them , she could hear , both Lucas and the lady laughing loudly, she ended up in a place , where it was dark, she was surrounded by trees , tied with ropes , one man was holding her tongue out , another took out the sword , and cut her tongue of , the pain was so unbearable that she lost hate consciousness, when she woke up , she was sitting on her knees , blood on her cloths , she moved her gaze upwards, it was a Mike , sitting on the throne, this time , with lot of people behind him , they all looked like shadow

"She dared to use high tone with me , chop her tongue in front of me ".

She tried to speak but she wasn't able to she tried to move her tongue, but it wasn't there she had lost her tongue,


A guard came near me , he opened my mouth and said

"She don't have tongue , his highness ".

"Oh". Mike said with a smirk on his face "then , behead her instead ".


The guard took out his sword and moved it freely , now it became blackout, she moved her fingers which were on her mouth to feel her tongue, it was perfect , she then moved her hands down her neck to feel, it was in place , she looked at her sides , she was in school, she sighed

"It was my imagination , I will try my best not to face them again, I don't want to die in such a small age , I haven't seen anything yet ". She was near her building. She entered the building, it was full of boys and girls , some in corridor , some walking inside the classes , some walking upstairs .


I was looking here and there , " oh , you are back ", a voice came from my side , I turned my face to see , it was the boy from earlier , "I thought you were lost , that's why you didn't return".

"No , it's just ...something came up ". I couldn't say what happened to me , what if he became my enemy for disrespecting, young prince

"It's your first day here , right?"

"Yes , it is "

"It's mine first day too, so you must be in the same class as mine , follow me if you want "

We started walking

"How came it's your first day when you already know this place "

"Oh, I forgot to Introduce myself , I'm Carrie Dacian , I'm the only son of Tueksbery Dacian , the royal advisor , and we all have learn our quirks from this place, you can say it's our primary school, and now we all are here for our training "

"Oh , so you guys learn from basic till end in this place , but people from magic world !! Isn't this place too small for that "she said while tilting her head

"No, that's not what I meant, in magic world , their are different kingdoms and every kingdom have their own magic school ", he said entering one of the classes , "and this is our class".

It was a room with blue carpet , white curtains, glass windows which were decided by white wood , a small chandelier on ceiling , grey walls . It gave a quite old school vibe , it looked old like, it was situated from a long time

Wooden benches and tables were placed in sequence, every desk had a space for two persons, the sound of the bell ranged as those of church , the students hurried and settled down on the benches , on every desk seated a girl next to them seated a boy , no place was left for me to sit , except from the two benches which were at the end of the class , I moved towards one of them and took a seat on the one which was near the window, when everyone was settled, after few seconds a lady stepped inside she looked like she was in her end thirties or at the starting of forties , she was wearing a maroon gown, which had umbrella sleeves,followed by a black robe on top,which was secured with a wide golden cloth belt , her hairs were tied back in form of a bun ,

She entered by saying "Good morning students, those who are new welcome and rest welcome back , today's first class is going to be history ".

She was standing on a high platform which was at the starting of the class , there was a desk and chair at its end , the wall behind the platform had a blackboard,whose ends were brown, on the board something was written with chalk which was impossible for me to read , both of her hands were resting on her sides , she moved one of her hand forward and moved her fingers from which a blue light came out it had glittering it , she turned facing the board , she was just was just moving her hands , within no time the duster float in the air and started erasing the board , she turned to our side "I see , some of our students are missing "

Suddenly the sound of running footsteps surrounded the corridor, the teacher turned towards the door folding her arms

"Sorry , we are late " it was Lucas and Mike standing at the door , breathing heavily, there hands resting on their knees ,

The teacher snapped her index finger to her thumb ,,the duster which was moving on its own stopped and rested on the table "Ah , don't worry we always expect this from you , gentlemen, come inside , and take a seat " , she said while grunting her teeth and looking at the floor .

I was the only one who had a seat next to me , I didn't wanted to face them , I tried to hide myself under the desk , I was peeking from the whole under the desk , but of no avail, Mike had already seen me, he said something in Lucas's ears , and patted his shoulder,Lucas looked towards me with a smirk on his face, and stared moving towards me, I closed my eyes , hiding myself completely, when I opened them , no one was standing there, I moved my head to make sure no one was there ,

"Looking for me " someone whispered in my ear , I moved my head upwards and ended up hurting my head from the desk above my head , I moved upwards holding the top of my head with my hands and seated quietly, the sound was enough to make the teacher notice me ,

"Is everything okay there ?" She asked

"I believe , she was hiding under the desk Mrs frank " said Lucas looking at me

"What's your name "

I stood up as I had no option left "It's Eedina hog , ma'am " I said

"Is that true , that you were hiding there?"

"No, it's just ..." I thought for an appropriate reason and answered "I dropped down my hair pin , ma'am "

"And , you found it ?"

"Yes I have " I replied calmly

"Then be seated , dear " she said with a smile on her face , I settled down, I felt weird so I looked up , all the girls were staring at me as they are going to eat me , i looked to my left Mike was sitting on the desk which was left near Lucas

"Why are you sitting here". I asked

"Why ...don't you like it " he said with one of his eyebrow raised

"Get up and leave "

"You know you are really weird , i know you like sitting next to me , just don't pretend that you don't"

"Why would I like sitting next to you ? If you didn't leave right now your lovers are going to eat me raw , that's why , I asked you to leave "


"Look up "

When he looked up he found every single girl staring at Eedina with the gaze of hatred

,he smirked, shooking his head, and said "if that's the case ..."and placed his arm on my shoulder,

I was shocked and scared , because all the girls were now ready to play football with my head , I took his arm and removed it , I looked at Mike he was laughing

"I don't want any disturbance "the teacher shouted, the class was now hushed she started :

"This world was once in contact with Rings , where our time , and their time walked together but when they were fighting a war , they asked us for help , we agreed for helping them , when there victory was near , they betrayed us,they were scared that we can harm them so , they started killing us , that's when our rulers of that time Lord Lannis and Godess Stela , distributed our times , but while they were performing the final ritual,they were attacked,by the Ringers,but some Ringers were not bad, they didn't hate us, they stepped forward and saved our lord and goddess , lord and goddess rewarded them with magic as they saved them , that's why the magic blood line exist in Rings too , but only in those whose ancestors chose the right path"

When the class was over Lucas said" if you care for your life then stay by my side" he started walking , I stood up all the girls were looking at , I unwillingly shouted " stop wait for me "and followed Lucas , after that few more classes took place in which , we were provided with a batch in the shape of swan, it was made of glass, they were given in the form of lockets to us , when the school was over , I came out , and watched everyone using there batch , they holded their batches and closed their eyes and they disappeared, I followed the same , but I think I got it wrong, when I opened my eyes I was falling from the sky ,I moved my hands and feet in order to protect me but , I ended up falling on a tree, and my skirt got stuck on the branch, I was hanging there , as the clothes are drying, it was my house , I was in the garden, i tried to free myself , until Marcus came.