Sneaking in

"But what's the difference between opening it and hacking the security of this door?" asked John.

 "There will be no notification that this door has been burglarized. The system will think that this door was indeed opened in a natural way," explained Alyosha. "So far you understand?"

 John nodded. "Yes, Mistress. I understand."

 Jean continued to fiddle with her laptop, a prototype laptop that only she owned. It was a facility that Alyosha had given to Jean.

 Jean then took a cable cutter, she tried to cut the cable that was there carefully but nimbly. She didn't want there to be a long lag between cutting the cable and connecting it to her laptop.

 "Tsk, these guys are always terrorized by the mob ghost with thick mustaches? To the point that they create an excessive security system like this. It's ridiculous, surely no other mafia would want to do something like this. It's too much."