Baby sitter pt.2

Hm, but that also doesn't guarantee that Dante's attitude will be more fierce than Donata's. It could be Donata who will be more fierce than Dante.

 "How do you tell the two of them apart?" asked Elma. He looked at the Alyosha babies one by one, but he really couldn't tell which one was Donata and which one was Dante.

 "Tsk, grandmothers won't be able to tell the difference between their grandchildren," said Alyosha. Slightly sarcastic Elma, Elma almost pinched Alyosha hard.

 "You are really mean to me, Alyosha." Elma pursed her lips a few centimeters. He then peeked into Alyosha's arms, taking another look at his adorable grandchildren.

 "Which donut?" asked Elma.

 "The one on the left," replied Alyosha. "The one on the right is Dante."

 "Gosh, they really don't make any difference. Are you sure you won't get their names mixed up?" asked Elma.