Origin Story

The thunder slammed into the ground loudly lighting up the nearby houses and finally allowed the young boy to see...

He slowly fell to his knees as he reached out softly tears streaming down his face as he brushed his hand over the face of his dead mother...


A benevolent person with superhuman powers, and the will to do good deeds.

For years this was something that only existed within comics and other forms of fiction, but when an Alien fell from Space, and took up the role of Earths protector the world was forever changed!

All across the world many people with powers began to rise up. Some for good and some for bad.

And just like that the world was thrusted into an age of heroes and villains!

But with so many people becoming heroes in an attempt to get famous what does a real superhero look like now?

The start of a brand new tale.

The Origin story of the one and only Bad Wolf!


Year 2020...

The large white marble bank was bustling with people of all ages going back and forth through the lines. "Come on!" A man in an expensive looking suit sighed stomping his foot down. "I don't have all day... Jeez. I'm gonna be late to that damn meeting at this rate. Things can't get any worse at least."

Over in a corner two guards could be seen talking among themselves.

"So." One said casually. "It's been nearly ten years since... Well you know. Those costume guys popped up."

"Don't remind me." The older of the guards said letting out a sigh as he adjusted his cap. "I miss those golden days sometimes. Don't get me wrong. I like that we have heroes who can save the planet but things for us normal folk really are down hill aren't they." He said snorting.

"Oh tell me about it!" The second guard said with wide eyes. "I mean the training to get into the police force has really gone up! Apparently they train you to deal with superpowers now! Like how the hell does that work? What do they teach you to not get ripped apart when someone with super strength punches you?" He joked. "I swear... Sometimes I don't think them Supers are really all that-"

The entire bank suddenly shook knocking several people over as a blast seemed to slam into it. Many people slipped, or had to grab ahold of something to avoid falling.

"Way to jinx us man!" Someone yelled towards the business man who had whined at the start.

"W... What the hell!" The man in the suit asked grabbing a near by table and using it to remain standing.

"I... Is it... Is it another attack?" A girl asked a small amount of fear entering her voice.

"Another one?" Somebody groaned. "That's the tenth one today... Come on... When will these random scrub baddies learn to just knock it off and stop trying to take over the damn world-"

The entire wall of the bank exploded in making everyone yell as they were thrown back. Suddenly every piece of metal in the room began to slowly twitch and then rise up off the ground making more people freak out. All the people in the bank looked up as five people strolled into the room very casually. They were all dressed very oddly.

The two guards made for their weapons but in a flash one of the figures appeared behind the guards as the two men were ripped apart faster then they could react!

"O... Oh God." A woman said with wide eyes when she saw them. "T... These aren't just random bad guys! These are the Fifth Organization! Made up of the five strongest villains! Blue Howler, Iconic Iron, Mars King, Demonica, and Little Red Wolf!"

Blue Howler walked in first. Seemingly the ring leader of this group. His 'costume' wasn't what you'd expect a supervillain of his status to have. It was plain and simple. Nothing more than a grey jacket zipped up with the hood up, and a wolf mask over his face. In his hand he held a simple revolver and in his other hand he held a metal bat.

Next to him was Little Red Wolf, who was the youngest being only five or six. He wore a red jacket like Blue Howler as well as a wolf themed mask and also held Blue Howlers hand tightly. The sicko had turned his son into a supervillain that was on his level. In Little Red Wolfs hand he held a handgun of his own which he raised firing and shooting someone killing them and making the people in the bank scream louder.

After them was someone dressed as a typical supervillain, a man in a full body of black armor complete with a black knight helmet. All the metal in the room bent and twisted around him forming blades and other weapons as he used his powers. Iconic Iron.

Mars King was next and seemed to be the only non human. He had pitch red skin and stood at eight feet tall. He wore a black speedo and had a crown on, as well as a fancy king cape. His arms were crossed and his limbs were twisted in a snarl. He had a set of black emo like hair and twisting horns looking more like a demon than an alien.

Lastly the only girl, Demonica. She too had her arm wrapped around Blue Howler, who was her lover. Her outfit was a skin tight black gimp like suit that covered her from head to toe not allowing any of her flesh or body to be seen save for the very top that had a small tear in it allowing two twisted goat like horns to stab out. At her belt were several flaming demonic looking weapons.

"Three of them were said too be born with their powers and had a taste for evil, the red one is an evil alien from mars and the woman is a demon of hell Blue Howler summoned to gain more power..." Someone gulped.

Loud sirens blared in the distance as the police quickly approached.

"Iconic Iron." Blue Howler sighed speaking in an almost bored tone as he slowly stalked forward small bits of electricity coming off of his body.

"Yeah, yeah..." Iconic Iron moved to the bank entrance moving almost like he was bored or something.

These were the worlds most dangerous villains. You'd be expecting them to try and end the world itself. Not rob some bank. So the question came. Just what the hell were they doing here.

Iconic Iron stepped outside right as the cops arrived. They all stared at the villain in shock.

"Oh God they're the ones that are here! Quick someone call the Enforcer-"

The villain waved his hand as all the cop cars slammed together and formed into a ball crushing anyone that was still in them. Then with another wave of his hand the ball landed on the ground and rolled across the others turning the cops into a red paste on the pavement.

"Oh my God..." Some people inside said tears streaming down their faces when they saw the cops brutally killed instantly.

Blue Howler sighed walking forward past the people. "Please. Everyone just stay calm. As soon as we have the money we'll leave. However." He turned staring past the bullet proof glass and staring into the eyes of the bank workers who were behind it. "In the event that you don't start bagging up the money for us we will be forced to kill one person every minute."

"M... Minute?"

"That minute has started." The man said in a blunt tone. "Go."

"Hey guys do what he says. He's serious and this bullet proof glass won't keep him out if he really wants to get through. Go get the money."

"Remove any traps that may or may not be within the cash."

"R... Right."

"I'm back." Iconic Iron said re-entering the bank.

"Good. Then I'm up." Mars King hummed walking towards one of the people who whimpered in fear when they saw him. "They're taking too long. I'm gonna eat one of them. That okay with you boss?"

"Do as you wish." Blue Howler sighed.

"Good." Mars King grinned his face twisting into a smirk as he reached out for a little girl.

"W... Wait!" The girl begged. "Please don't! I'll do anything-"

The entire building once again shook, this time however it caught the bad guys as well as the people, off guard.

"...Damn it." Blue Howler said letting out a sigh. "Looks like we weren't fast enough..."

The roof was blown apart as someone came crashing into the building with a powerful force. Everyone stared in shock when they saw him fear slowly fading away and replaced with something else entirely.

Their cape flew up as a glow began to come off of them. "Villains." The new person announced as they began to stand up. The man wore a skin tight black suit with a Blue vest over it. He had on black gloves, and black boots, as well as a simple black belt with a small golden symbol of a butterfly on it. Attached to his back was a long flowing white cape that was picked up with the wind. The cape also had the symbol of a golden butterfly on it and seemed to lift up on its own. Lastly was the black steel mask they wore that covered all but their mouth. It was twisted down giving them a vizard like eye guard and had a pair of two tips coming out of it. "I don't know how many times I have to stop you. Over, and over again. I promise. This will be the last time."

"It's Full Monarch!" Someone yelled. At this point fear was gone and the entire building was filled with hope. "The Number Two Hero, the Second Strongest Hero, and Leader of the Enforcers, the Greatest Superhero team! The Strongest Man Alive!"

"He's not a Man! Didn't you hear! He's an Alien!"

"He's so cool!"

"Only 'Stand Tall' the Rank One Hero stands above him!"

Blue Howler stared at the man. "I thought I'd run into you."

"Howler." Full Monarch said.

"Monarch..." Was Blue's simple response.

"It's over. I'm taking you in. I don't know why you thought a frontal attack on the bank would work."

"I wonder." Blue Howler gave a shrug.

"Not good..." Demonica hissed out eyeing the hero up. "Can we all handle him?"

"Maybe." Blue Howler said bluntly.

"Father." Little Red Wolf hummed. "I think we might need to leave-"

The rest of the bank shook as suddenly nine more heroes appeared out of nowhere! This meant there were now ten heroes in the bank, literally double the amount of villains.

These heroes were, Full Monarch the number two hero, Ultra Light, the Number Five Hero, Goddess Gold, the Number Six Hero, Dark Shadow, the Number Seven Hero, Flame Empress, the Number Eight Hero, Old Dog, the Number Nine Hero, Full Steel, the Number Ten Hero, Metal God, Lady Quick, and lastly Mister Man!

Metal God, Lady Quick, and Mister Man, weren't numbered as only the top 10 heroes were ranked, and the number one hero, the number three hero, and the number four hero were not in the Enforcers.

Blue Howler eyed them all up for a moment. "Well. Since you're here. I might as well just kill you all." He announced as a deep blue flame like aura came off of his body.

"You don't have to do this..."

"I know... I want to." Blue Howler was wrapped up in the deep blue flame like aura as his clothing began to rip. Pitch white Metal suddenly began to pull out of his flesh covering him from head to toe. The metal bent and twisted around him giving him large clawed arms, two powerful metallic legs, and a wolf like head. He looked almost like a metal werewolf, his shoulders splitting apart as a set of large barrels came out of them. He had somehow turned into a robotic werewolf...

Full Monarch let out a sad sigh. "Okay then... Let's go."

'And just like that their battle began-'


"I don't care..."

"And then-"

"I don't care..."

"Blue Howler fought Full Monarch, and the Number Two Hero totally kicked his ass and sent him packing!" Jack announced pointing to the sky. "And that was the seventh time I was at a bank that was robbed, and the first time I was at a bank that was saved by the Number Two Hero Full Monarch!"

"I still don't care..."

"Well I was trying to be nice and give a cool story!" Jack said sheepishly letting out a laugh.

Within Sakura city, late at night, two people could be seen walking down the snow covered street heading to what looked like a small antique store. It was late at night so they walked together. After all in this world you never knew when something might happen to you...

The first was an older woman in her early or mid twenties. This was Anabella Some. Someone who was 'friends' with Jack. She had long red hair tied back into a pony tail and emerald green eyes. Her outfit was a pair of long black pants and a black rock star T-shit showing off her favorite celebrity, a superhero known as Masked Beauty. She also wore a heavy black snow jacket for the cold weather and clutched a black ski mask.

The second figure was Jack Bravo, our main character, sadly... Currently he hadn't yet become a superhero. Jack Bravo had messy reddish brown hair and electrical blue eyes that seemed to almost glow. The man was somewhere in his late twenties or early thirties being a full on adult. He wore a grey zipped up jacket and grey sweat pants. His most notable feature was a scar in the center of his forehead from where he had once been shot.

The two of them reached the store stopping before they passed by the windows. "Jack. You should really focus on work more then telling dumb stories."

"Hey. These stories aren't dumb! They're about superheroes. Superheroes are kick ass!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Anabella said rolling her eyes. "You ready to get back to work?"


Both of them gave a smile to each other. Then slowly they grabbed their black ski masks slipping them on and hiding their face fully. They stepped forward and Anabella kicked out knocking the door of the store down as her and Jack stormed into the building each reaching into their back pockets and pulling out hand guns.

"Hands in the god damn air!" Anabella shouted.

"Oh my God!" Standing behind the counter of the store was a young girl only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had long pink hair and light pink eyes and she was dressed in the uniform of this small store as well as a T-Shirt that had a picture of all ten Enforcer Heroes on it. Her hands were quickly thrown high into the air. This was Shelly Avalon, and she was currently not having a good day.

This was a simple store, not too notable, but it was filled with many jewels, and rings. They had picked this location because it only ever seemed to have one worker at a time.

"Okay now don't move and you'll be fine." Anabella said marched forward and slammed the butt of her gun into a glass case. "Klarc start grabbing some of the cash out of the register. I got the jewels. As for you girl. Just stay there and nothing bad has to happen."

"R... Right!" Shelly said fear in her voice.

Jack jumped over the counter opening the register as he grabbed a black bag and began to stuff handfuls of cash into it. "Not a lot in here. Not even hundred dollars. The gems and other things are definitely the focus." He called to his partner in crime.

"Of course they are." Anabella snorted.

The two began to work faster stuffing more of the gems and cash as they began to pick the store apart.

"Nice shirt by the way." Jack said finishing his part of the job. "Huge fan of the Enforcers."

"And yet you're a criminal..." Shelly said flatly.

"Well... Things aren't so well with money right now okay?"

"Right..." Shelly said eyeing him up as he turned his back to her. She gazed towards Anabella who was focused on something else. In a flash Shelly ducked down grabbing a bat under the counter and swung it slamming it into Jack's head sending him falling to the floor. Anabella turned with wide eyes but Shelly bent down grabbing the hand gun Jack dropped and raised it up pulling the trigger!


Shelly blinked a few times.



The gun wasn't firing.

"I... It's empty!" She asked with wide eyes.

"Y... Yeah." Jack groaned sitting up. He grabbed her roughly by the leg and yanked knocking her over as he kicked the bat out of her hands and picked it back up. "We don't kill so we don't have bullets. They're for show. Also that really freaking hurt!"

"Dumbass." Anabella sighed rolling her eyes. "We pretty much got everything. Let's leave before a hero shows up and-"

Suddenly the lights in the small store shut off as everything became silent.

"Uh oh..." Jack sighed. "Too late."

There was a quiet crack as the window shattered and someone rolled in the moon light casting a shadow on them. It was a woman. Or rather. A Superheroin. She had short shoulder length green hair and straight up golden iris colored eyes that ignited the darkness around her as a cold breeze crashed into the building. A small black glass mask covered her upper face and she wore almost like a black dress that was mixed with a almost biker like jacket covering her body and allowing her to move around in it easily. Around her shoulders was a long black vampire like cape, the kind you'd expect to see in old black and white movies of Dracula. Lastly in her hands she held a straight up katana that was still in its sheath.

"Holy crap it's Vampirica!" Jack said excitement in his voice.

"We're so going to jail aren't we..." Anabella sighed.