Chapter 4


We reached a parking lot, when we entered the lot I could smell blood.

When Raphael and I heard the voices we turned around and saw a vampire standing near a dead body. Raphael didn't even say a word and lounge himself towards the vampire, the vampire wasn't expecting such aggression and got himself pinned to the ground by Raphael.

{Wait can't I just devour him? That way I gain both power and the memories I want from him. Ok, let's try it.}

I walked over to the vampire under Raphael and started devouring him. I didn't just drink his blood. No, I also took his soul from him. Making me about 20% more powerful and also adding him to my undead army, which only has him at the moment. I quickly looked through the memories of the vampire and learned that this group of vampires are batshit crazy. They go from house to house killing families and using them as blood bags.He was here to take their van to the house they are occupying. I looked at Raphael and he looked both curious and a little scared.

Wait what the fuck is he talking about?

This is definitely the "God's " doing.

I really don't want to fight him, I may be 20% more powerful than him, but he is more experienced than me.

{I could feel that he was nervous, I am his only way of him seeing his beloved sister more often and not having to hide in the shadows like a rat}

< Let's make a deal. My goal is to create my own clan, and I want you to be something like an underboss an elder if you prefer. And in return I make you stronger, better than other vampires. A vampire with the ability to walk in the sun.>

He got on one knee in front of me.

< Really, A lord?>

We made our way to the car and searched through it, but I found a gift in the trunk. A werewolf, he was chained and someone has sawn his mouth shut.

Raphael took a knife and carefully cut the sawing.

I called 911

===>A couple minutes later<===

Without letting him answer I closed the phone and crushed it in my hands.

Me and Raphael sped to the house which I knew our targets were staying in. We broke the front door and went to the living room to see 2 grown up newly turned vampires killing 2, 10 year old kids. When the parents came to their senses it was already too late. The kids were dead.

Without letting the mother and father grieve I devoured them making me 60% stronger from a normal human. I got out off the room and saw Raphael beating the shit out of 3 vampires. I sped to the women on the back and quickly devoured her before her friends could help her. Her two tried to lunge to me but I was already 80% stronger than them so I caught them by the neck and broke their neck like twigs. When they fell down I started devouring both of them.

I stood up with blood all over my mouth and shirt. I went near him and bit him while drying all of his blood and just As he was dying I let him drink my blood. He passed out, I took his phone and opened it, went to his contacts and called Magnus so he can open a portal to his apartment.