Chapter 12

I have been at Magnus's house chilling and drinking with him all day and night long.

He seemed a little uncomfortable but also happy.

While we hugging brotherly, the door knocked and before I could understand what's happening in my intoxicated state, Magnus pushed me into my room. Yes I have a personal room at Magnus's apartment, he makes the best alcohol in the world.

===>Magnus POV<===

I knew what it was, a message rune used by the shadow hunters so the can send something like a projection to the person they want to talk to. My wards blocked it and sent it as a recorded message. The thing I saw in the message was the necklace I had made for my previous lover.

===>Dante POV<===

What the hell am I doing, Clary didn't betray me, she was scared of me because she doesn't understand what I am, and the only way I can have her back willingly is by helping her through this mess. Just as I was wondering what the hell I was going to do Magnus come in.

He gave me something purple to drink.

He looked at me straight in the eyes.

I drank the whole bottle. But instead of making me drunker it made me sober.

I stood up and left the apartment with Magnus.

I looked at him.

===>One hour later<===

As I was drinking blood from a cup, I heard Magnus call from me. When I opened a door I saw Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Clary.

I saw a couple shadow hunters who were attacking Jace and Alec I sped behind two of them ripped their hearts out, then lunged at the third and devoured him. As I turned to Magnus a new shadow hunter attacked me and stabbed me through my stomach.

I turned to the shadow hunter and ripped his head from his shoulders.

I sped in front of Clary picked her up on my shoulder and started walking towards Magnus.

I looked at Jace.

Oh fuck me...

Magnus opened a portal to his apartment.

I looked at her with a sad smile and went to take a shower.

===>Clary POV<===

When Dante went through the door I looked at the others who were looking at me with astonishment.

Isabelle asked me with wide eyes.

Jace, Alec and Isabelle looked at me with pitying gazes.

I saw Magnus Bane, a warlock smile.

Alec looked surprised.

I started getting annoyed of people not informing me of what they are talking about.

Alec looked at me and answered.

Just as Alec stopped Magnus started.