When I got home. I quickly hid the card inside the fridge, why you ask? Because nobody would suspect someone to hide the card under blood bags. I have 10 safes around the hotel but only one of them holds something of significants to me, the drawing I requested Clary to make of my past family. I may have reincarnated but I still love my past family. So I was really happy when Clary asked me to describe my family and asked me and weather I had a picture of my "Dead" family. "God" made it so my dead family in this universe were extremely old fashioned and never took a picture of themselves. Weird? Yes, convenient? Also yes. I described my old family and Clary did a fantastic job painting them. I was really thankful that she did that for me. I started walking towards the couch when my phone started ringing.
Raphael was a really good guy, but when you do a mistake, even if you are his superior, he will have a "talk" with you.
I really messed up big time there, but I didn't only threaten her to do that. I also ordered her to wear a dog collar like a fucking dog. What the fuck was I thinking.
I knew he was angry because he was talking loudly. Raphael always talks quietly and never raises his voice. Oh and he hang up on me. But I will deal with the seelie queen tomorrow. For now I need to relax a bit. I walked and sat at the couch while taking a bottle of wine and expensive blood to pour myself a drink. Wine doesn't get us drunk but vampires mix it with blood to enchant the taste. Many have asked me what do you mean expensive blood. Well, there are shadow hunters who for extra money sell their blood to "special" vampires. The blood becomes more expensive when the shadow hunter is a girl who is still virgin. The blood tastes like you are drinking a sweet wine which with a single sip makes you addicted to it if you aren't strong enough. As I was drinking suddenly the door opens and Clary comes in crying.
I looked at her crying face, she looked miserable.
She suddenly stopped moving then ran into my arms and started crying more.
Clary continued to rant about her father and then told me that she also figured out where the mortal cup was.
She looked cute trying to be serious.
She looked at me surprised.
She looked a little scared of the idea.
She looked embarrassed and a little angry.
I acted like I was worried.
She looked shocked.
I was surprised she was into role play and cosplaying but I was totally going to be buying a bunny costume as soon as possible.
I tried role playing as the bad vampire and she looked confused at first but then smiled and joined in the play.
While she was speaking she was also undressing. When she fully undressed and was sitting seductively on my couch I couldn't hold myself back and just ripped my clothes to have sex in the couch. We really need to stop breaking furniture while fucking.