Mangled Meat

Laughter reverberated through the entire cave, the balls of flame ensued with an odd one hitting Luke once in a while, his desperate pleads only came out as the whimpering of a dying dog, his entire body dropped, he had rolled down the cliff side opening, his hand that was intended to soften the fall shattered, akin to a bag of sweets being ran over, his hand flopped over arching at an unnerving angle, his fingers were plunged into his hand leaving only but a disfigured nub.

laughter continued but fell soon after, a bright light appeared from one of the woman and they all looked down in unison at the ungodly sight of the Porter, he twitched slighted and again and again, his entire body was having a spasm, foam bubbles entrapped his mouth and he screeched like an old door.

laughter yet again ensued, the light disappeared, they had walked away from the entrance of the fall leaving his mangled body behind like it was nothing, mundane talks sprouted about this and that, their steps echoed on the damp walls of the cave and it fell silent.

A two day interval occurred, when Luke awoke, his body that he looked upon before passing out, the mangled piece of meat slathered in blood with s cow to the slaughter was yet to be seen, he saw his body yet it remained, his fingers moved and his body sat.