Day in the life

the actions he took repeated themselves, day in and day out he remained, nothing changed all too much, the trolls grew exponentially both in numbers and power, his diet still consisted of moss and a sparse side of meat.

he would awaken, atop a large stone slab and get up, his mind almost in a comatose state performed the actions taken without thought, as if the reflex was ingrained into his body akin to blinking.

The point of contact on the wall grew stupendously large, it now bared a large ten metre deep hole one could step into, Luke was unaware of the passing of time, as if he lived above it, he slept when he wanted, there was no sun nor moon, no clock nor sundial he lived a free prisoner.

He never uttered a word and performed his tasks without a hint of consciousness, his eyes were dull and his lips dry, his hair almost crystallised.

He now sported a beard not too long nor short, he was excited at first believing he looked more mature, however without a mirror it was a futile assumption.

The once luminous white pants he held in great regards, a symbol of his dignity became tattered, his bare ass hung out the back.