Where it all starts


She screamed frustrated...Dondo had poured her with water while she was asleep in her warm hut..

She furiously got up and took her stick ...

"Where are you ??...you little imbecile.."

She looked around the jungle but he was no where in sight ...she smiled to herself as she could hear tiny giggles .

"Oh how I wonder where he is ...could he have run far away"she said pretending to not know where he was.She walked further her eyes were looking at the tiny giggling Dondo.

He quickly moved getting into the hut ...Aife smiled to herself and quickly got into the hut she finds Dondo searching in her bag ..she took her stick and hit him on the bum... Dondo screamed and he started jumping around trying to escape the beatings

"Bellona!!stop beating him...ohh my poor Dondo.."

The woman said holding Dondo in her arms ,he pretended to be in pain and made crying sounds..

"Mother he poured me with cold water ...you know how winter is getting closer yet he pours me with water ...it's freezing in here,"she said throwing the stick on the floor.

"You act as if you will die oh poor Dondo.. let's go and put some ointment"she said going away with the monkey..

Dondo looked at her and laughed his lungs out she sulked and took her things to go and bath.

Aife and her mom, Emiliano Zapata,were sitting around the fire cooking the freshly cut meat when Emiliano told Aife the news she hated to hear .

"I will be going to the State meeting for a month or 2.... duty calls,"Emiliano said .

"Do you have to return so soon Emi,"Aife sulked ..

Dondo came and sat on her shoulders ,he was eating a banana.Such a living temptation!!

"Dondo ...don't tell me that ..that is my banana..my last banana"Aife said while going to search her bag.

"Mom ... Dondo took my banana I Swear one day I will kill this Bafoon!"Aife said strangling the air.

"Aife ..let him be ..anyways since there are no fruits left please go fetch some for me ..for the trip please my baby ..and Dondo stop troubling my baby"she said taking the stick with meat and chewing it

"Okey ..please don't finish my meat ..lets go Dondo"Aife said taking her bag with her most treasured equipment.

They got to the other side of the forest ..the Acrone waterfall...it had the most amazing sites ,views and fruits ...

"Juniper is going to love the water from here ..it's his cup of tea.. Dondo go fetch the fruits from that tree I'm lazy to climb that tree it's too far,"

She said putting her feet in the water watching the Waterfall..

Someone came behind her Dondo saw the big figure standing behind her ,he started jumping up and down ..trying to warn her but Aife was caught in her own dream land that she didn't notice the man..

He pushed her into the water and just like that she was in..

"Tit for tat Bellona ,"he said while smirking ,he hadn't forgotten what she had done to him the week before.

Aife raised her head from the water ..she pushed her hair from her face and opened her eyes ..they were glittering blue...just like the blue moon.

"You moron ...Bafoon ..imbecile .. you stupid facaded brain ,"she said while getting out of the water

She hit his chest slightly and they hugged

"I missed you Lil moron,"he said

"Well I didn't miss you I just missed having someone to beat,"she said while looking at him

"Of course ..you are a moron ,no etiquette at all,so what are you doing here ?"he said sitting on the ground.

"Welll..Mom Emi is going back to the city ...for a month or 2 ..sooo yeah I came to get her fruits,"she said picking the berries that were in a bush.

"That's actually awesome,"he said

"How is my mother leaving me awesome?"she asked

"You so slow ...you have always wanted to come with me to my world..why not now ...when your mom is gone."

"You want me to elope with you?,"she asked confused.

"Are you stupid, only couples elope we are just going to have fun that's all,"

"Your definition of fun is weird as hell ,how does running away from home become a defination of fun?,"she asked staring at him quizzically