Chapter 7: Rhylie's fever

About a half hour later, she finally woke up again. Liam was at her side that time. "Rhylie? How you feeling?" "Ow my head hurts. Other than that I feel fine. Liam? Is that you?" "Yes its me." I yanked him over and gave him a hug. "Its about time idiot." I felt relived he was here. "Once I don't feel pain anymore I will be able to start training. I take it you heard about how I ended up here?" "Yes I did. Your father and mother told you not to go over there but you did anyways now look your in bad shape." "Haha I won't die that easy. If I did I would come back to life. I am just that strong." "Well you should get some sleep I will stay here till you fall asleep then tell your brother and sister." "Oh they are here too?" "Yes but you should get some rest first. Maybe tonight you will be able to see them." I nodded and listened to Liam because my head heart really bad.

Finally a few hours later it was starting to get dark and Rhylie woke up. "Hmm." "How are you feeling Rhylie?" I jumped up at the voice not expecting it. "Sorry to scare you sis." "Sage is that you?" "Yeah sorry to scare you. I'm glad your awake how are you feeling?" "I'm find now. I should be able to at least go out and get some fresh air." I stood up ok but when I took a step I almost fell but sage caught me. "Woah there little sis." "Damn! Could you help me outside Sage?" "Yeah sure hang on. Here hold on to my shoulder I gotcha sis." "Sorry about this brother." "Its fine." He helped her to a bench and sat her down. "Ah thanks sage. Where is everyone?" "Oh they will be back don't worry. They are helping out with stuff." Sage sat down next to Rhylie and they talked a bit.

A few minutes later Liam and Lily came by. "Oh hey little sis. How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling ok. I could be better. Hi Liam." "Hi Rhylie good to see you outside getting some fresh air." "Yeah I needed to get out it was stuffy in there." So all 3 of them visited Rhylie for awhile.

About an hour later A centaur came by and said, "Hello Rhylie good to see you feeling better." "Yeah thanks Prince. Oh has anyone seen Sparkles?" "She's fine relax." Said Prince. "Breathe. I will go get her." I nodded and waited.

A little while later I saw Sparkles and I wanted to run. The moment I took a couple steps I almost fell but Sparkles caught me in time. "Oh Child you are so reckless." Said Sparkles. "I'm so glad your ok Sparkles." I cried in happiness. "It looks like you are doing much better. Have you eaten yet?" "No Sparkles not since I woke up. I'm about to go have dinner with the others." "Oh is that so? That's good then. How are your wounds?" "A little sore they don't hurt as much as before." "Oh that's good. When I brought you over I was afraid of how much blood you lost." "II heard I was bleeding pretty bad." "Well at least your good now. Go get something in that belly of yours." "Hehe yeah I want some meat." "Oh child you and your meat. Just be careful you just woke up ok?" "Yeah I know."

A few days later she was healed enough to walk around. She wanted to take a tour of the centaur village. "Hey liam? Why don't all of us explore the centaur village?" "Yeah sure ok." Said Liam. Everyone agreed so we walked around to look.

"It looks like any other village." I said. "Well what do you think it would be like?" Said sage. Then Prince was strolling by and saw them. "Oh looking around the village? Want me to come with and explain a few things?" "Yes that would be helpful thanks Prince." "Yeah sure." "So Prince. I wasn't expecting a centaur village to be like any other village." "Yes well many people think that as well. You wouldn't think that when you saw the inside of the houses. Come with me I will take you to my nephews house and show you." We followed him a few minutes away.

Prince knocked on his brothers door. (Knock Knock) "Hey brother! Its me Prince!" Then someone opened the door but it wasn't his brother it was his sister in law Miranda. "OH hey Miranda. Where is Jameson?" "Oh he is helping someone out. Are these the people you have been telling me about?" "Yes maam." "Oh well come on in come sit down." So we all went in and were shocked that everything looked normal the difference is it was a little taller since they were half horse. "That's very convenient." I told myself out loud not knowing anyone else heard. "What is it Rhylie?" Said Prince. "Oh nothing I just noticed everything looked normal but was a little taller I was just saying it was convent. Mind if I see what the rooms look like?" "Oh that's right you are all human. Go ahead. Where is that son of mine or there he is. Son?" "Yeah mom what's up?" "Can you show these people what your room looks like?" He looked at them and spotted me. 'That is the boy I saw in the woods.' I said in my head. "Yeah sure. Come with me. By the way my name is Ezra if you all didn't know. My dad's name is Bane." "Nice to meet you Ezra." Said everyone in person. "Thanks. Ok here is my room." He opened his door and all of us where shocked. It looked like a place where horses slept in stables. "So is this where you sleep?" "Yeah sorry at the moment it's a little cluttered." He said embarrassed scratching the back of his head. "Well thanks for showing us your room." said Sage. "It was really a site to see." "Thanks I guess. Oh hey Rhylie? Oh sorry your highness Rhylie." He bowed. "Oh don't worry about the formalities. Its ok." He stood up and said, "Mind if I talk to you alone for a minute?" "Go ahead everyone. Wait for me outside I will be out in a bit ok?" "Yeah sure." Said Liam. He wasn't jealous the kid is young enough to be her little brother.

"What is it, Ezra?" "I know you remember seeing me in the forest. I heard there was a girl and I had to follow uncle prince. Then I was called home." "Yes of course I remember you. Would you like to be friends?" "Yeah I'd like it a lot." "OK sure. Oh I can talk to animals as well. Besides my mom I am the only one who can at the moment as of here I'm sure all centaur can do it." "Well not all of us but most of us yes." "Well maybe sometime during a training break we can hang out in the forest and see some forest friends." "Yeah I like the forest too. In fact I have some forest friends and night friends as well." "Me too. Back at home there are a few." "Haha I'd like to meet them sometime." "Ok well I better get going your uncle prince is giving me a tour of the village." "Yeah I heard I have some things to do or I would join you." "Oh ok well see you later." "Yeah see you princess." "Oh just call me Rhylie." "OK Rylie." So I waved goodbye and we toured a little more of the village.

"Oh this place here is pretty. It would be nice to have a picnic here." I said. "Yes it would." Said Prince. "If only it wasn't an illusion it would be." "What do you mean illusion?" I said. "Since Nina put a spell on the forest his has been called illusion forest. It was so beautiful now look at it. It may seem this way but I hope the beauty is still there." I saw how emotional his face was about the forest. "I have an idea Prince. If I can train hard enough to get my power under control and fix the fog at my palace then I will go see Nina and see what I can do." Prince smiled. "Its not that easy Rhylie. Thanks though I will hold you to your word." Everyone looked shocked at what I said.

"Ok shall we look around some more?" Said Prince looking more cheerful. "Y-yeah sure." I said. As we were walking I was in a daze. The first one to notice was my sister Lily. "Hey Rhylie are you ok? Rhylie. Rhylie? Rhylie!" "Huh? What is it?" I said to my sister. Liam looked at me concerned. He felt my head and It seemed like I had a slight fever. "She will be staying with me at my house in the guest room. I have a bed for her." Said Prince. Everyone helped me back to princes house and Liam helped me to bed. "Ha…Ha… What's wrong with me?" Liam felt her head again. It had gotten a little worse. "Lay down. Your fever got a little worse." "Why did my fever get worse? How did I get one in the first place?" "Let me go get Prince and have him come in. Maybe he will know something." I laid down and Liam left to get Prince.

"Prince?" "Oh Liam what's up? How is Rhylie?" "Her fever has gotten worse. I told her you might know a little of how she got it in the first place." "Yeah I might." Prince went in with Liam.

Prince went in and felt her forehead and she was asleep. "Yeah she does have a fever. Maybe walking as much as we did wasn't good enough for her. Then again it could be something else." "What could that something else be?" " I guess I should tell all of you. Lets go out and let her sleep. I will tell all of you in the living room." "Ok." Said Liam.

"OK Everyone. Why don't you all sit down. I have to tell you what might be going on with little Rhylie." Everyone sat down and were ready to listen. "All right. As you know Rhylie isn't a normal human or princess. She can do things that even some people at her own castle can't. She has special blood in her. Yes you both are her blood siblings. Full blood. Some reason her blood is special and she can do things you both can't do she must have taken the mothers side of the family. You both took after your father in abilities. As for looks Lily and Rhylie look like your mom and Sage looks like your father. Once in a while he pops in to say hello. Then he has to leave again. He is usually here on business. As for your sisters condition like I said she has special blood so her body is more sensitive to things. She senses things a little easier her ears are sensitive and people and creatures emotions. Among other things as well. She must have sensed my emotion as well when I told her about the forest. Also she must have sensed it was an illusion sensing things so many at a time can tire you out. Sometimes she can control it sometimes she can't. At this time I think she had gotten a fever from sensing too many things at once. She should be fine in the morning. The worst of the fever would be at night. Depending on how she feels, we will start her training. I will get a rag and some water to put on her head." He got up and everyone looked at each other worriedly and talked about Rhylie.

The next morning Rhylie woke up wondering where she was. Then when she woke up enough, she knew she was at the centaur village. "Oh yeah I am here for training. I had a fever." She looked on her side and saw Liam asleep on a chair next to her. "Hehe oh Liam. Everyone is so worried about me." I got up and gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to the living room.

"Hello Everyone good morning." "Rhylie your ok!" Lily and Sage ran over to hug me. "Easy I can't breathe. Sage." "Sorry sorry we were so worried about you." Liam got up wondering what the commotion was and didn't see Rhylie so he went out to see if she was out there. "Hey Liam. Thanks for staying with me." "Yeah of course."