Chapter 15: Surprise Party

The next morning. They both got up later than usual. Rhylie got ready and said. "Prince I have to go pick up Kion. I had him stay at Ezra's house." "oh and did you send word that Liam is here?" "Yes I did. I told him you will be staying here for another full month and Liam will be heading back with you." "Oh good. Lets eat our breakfast so we can get Kion Liam." He nodded then we ate. My voice was finally starting to come back after resting a lot.

We got to Ezra's house and Liam Knocked (Knock Knock) Bane opened the door. "Oh Liam and Rhylie! Thank God you both are ok!" He hugged us both. Liam said "Easy her throat is still a little sore." "Oh sorry. Come on in." Kion saw me and came running up to hug me as well. "It took you so long to get here. I thought you died." I kneeled down to his level and hugged him back. "Look at me Kion. It will take a lot to kill me. If I die I will just come back. So don't kill me off yet ok?" "Ok." Then I hugged him once more. "Come on you too Ezra get in here." He hugged her too. "Rhylie what happened to your voice?" said Kion. "Lets sit down on the couch and I will explain." Once everyone sat down she explained it the way Liam did to them. "Oh at least you will be able to talk normally again." Said Kion. "Yeah that is a plus. Maybe when I get back to the castle I can get help with the situation. I know I can't go into the forest today so I have an idea. I want to try something. Bane I am going to illusion forest. I will be ok. I can clear it now. I don't have to sing since I can't at the moment anyway." "Liam Ezra Kion. If anything happens let me or Prince know ok?" "Yes sir." Said Liam. "Ok lets go."

So all 4 of us walked towards illusion forest and I had that strange feeling again. The closer I get but I didn't let anyone know. "Ok here we are guys." Said Ezra. Ok Liam watch the little ones ok?" He nodded. "Be careful in there." I nodded. I took a deep breath then went in.

"Wow so this is what the forest really looks like. Amazing. Hello? Is anyone there?" "You must be Princess Rhylie am I right?" "Yes and who are you? Can you please show yourself?" "Oh sorry yes." He jumped down from a tree and startled me. "You scared me." "Sorry about that." "Its fine. I finished clearing the castle. It is completely cleared now. I am just getting my voice back from doing it. Then she explained the rest. "I hope you get your singing voice back along with the power." "So can you clear the illusion now?" "It has nothing to do with the castle situation. Prince and his brother broke a promise. Talk to them about the promise they made to me. I will bring the illusion down. My name is Jojen. It was nice meeting you." "Before I go may I ask what you are?" "Oh sorry. I am an ayakashi. I am a half hawk and half human. I am related to ice. I am his half brother. Are you the only brother he has?" "Yes I am." "Oh well he considers you a brother. After my birthday today I will go to see him. If this is all cleared up by then would you like to come with me?" "I would be happy too." "Ok then. Well I will talk to Prince and Bane." "Thank you." I walked out and almost fell but I held on to the gate.

"Prince what are you doing here?" "I told him where you were. You had been in there quite awhile." Said Liam. "Its fine its perfect timing actually. Prince I know who is putting up the barrier and he has a pretty good reason too. Your old friend Jojen. He said he wasn't going to bring it down until you and your brother Bane fulfil your promise. What exactly was it?" "Oh I totally forgot about that. Its all our fault. Don't worry about it we will fulfil it today. In the meantime kids go to the park and hang out ok?" "Ok then." "Come on kids and Liam. Hehe." "What's so funny Rhylie." Said Liam. "Oh its just that its like I'm a mother already and you're a father. We have two kids." "Yeah your right. Haha you'll be an awesome wife and mother." "Aww thanks Liam." I kissed his cheek. "Ew you two get a room." Said Kion. "Hehe" "haha." Everyone started laughing. We finally got to the park.

We played at park until I started getting tired. I got up and sat on the bench. Liam noticed me and went over to make sure I was fine. "Yeah I'm just a little tired. You can have more fun if you want." "I'd rather be here with you. Lets let them play longer ok?" "Yeah sounds good." I closed my eyes and leaned on Liam and fell asleep.

The kids played for awhile longer and Rhylie woke up. "Ok its time to head back home boys." "OK Rhylie." Said Kion. He got to the ways to part then we waved Ezra goodbye and headed towards prince's house. "Looks like he is taking care of that promise right now. I have a key." She used the key to open the door. "Ok Liam what do you want to eat?" "Oh I'm fine. You go ahead and eat." "I'm too tired to eat." "Ok then get to bed Rhylie finish your nap." I nodded. I went in to take a nap. Liam sat on his bed and read a book.

After awhile Prince finally came back. He had a big smile on his face. "Oh hello Prince. Where is Rhylie?" "Oh she should be waking up sometime soon. Oh here she is." "Hey Prince your finally back." "Yeah just got back. Ok you 3 time to go back to the forest." "OK ok fine. Lets go." "Come on Kion." "Yes Rhylie."

We went into the forest and I felt the hairs on my back go up. I looked around and didn't see anything so I just ignored it. We got to closer to the lake and "SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouted. There was a banner that said Happy birthday Rhylie and Kion. "Oh you guys." I saw a lot of the sea dragons in their human form and others in the water. Kion looked over to the lake. "What are those?" said Kion. "Those are called Sea Dragons." Said Sea. "Hello Kion. My name is Sea. I am one of them. I am just in my human form." "Strange you don't seem like an ayakashi." "We are not ayakashi we are our own species." "Oh makes since." "would you like to meet my father? He can understand human language even in his sea dragon form." "Yeah sure." "Father this here is Kion." Kion was shocked. "I don't say this much but you a beautiful green color." "Haha well thank you I get that a lot. My name is Bellus. I am Sea's father and the Elder of all the sea dragons in the lake. Oh father Cove didn't make it is he in the lake somewhere?" The elder looked back and said, "Oh looks like he just got back." He turned human and said, "Sorry I'm late. Hey Kion. I'm Cove. I'm Sea's little brother." "Nice to meet you." Kion put his feet in the water and visted with the sea dragons. Although not all could understand Bellus helped translate.

Rhylie saw how much fun he was having and said, "I'm glad he's having fun now. Getting used to everything." "Yeah he is one interesting kid." Said Calder. "Oh Father where have you been?" "Sorry I'm late. Had some things to do." "Oh father. Its fine. I Just wish mother father and my brothers could make it." "You will be seeing them in 2 months." "I know." I hugged my father and he hugged me back. "Father I don't remember much about mother what was she like?" "That's right you were only 3 when she died. Well lets see. She was a lot like you. She was curious and adventurous. That is one of the things I loved about her. Over all she loved all of you. That necklace you never take off has not only mine but your mothers last words." "How did you survive father? Did uncle save you?" "yes he did. He healed me in the nick of time. A moment later I would have been beyond help and would have died. I think that is why your mother thought I was dead and wrote you that letter." "The only think I remember about mother is how sweet she was and her voice. Also the day she died in the forest right in front of me. I will never forget that day. A few days after mom died that is when they came and found me." Father hugged me again and I hugged him back. "I miss her so much." "I know baby I miss you beautiful mother too. Are you sure you will be able to care for your future kids and Kion?" "Father I have a whole castle that can care for Kion. I am sure that there are people who would be better to take him in than I. I will be fine. I promise father." "I know you will. OK are you ready for cake?" I nodded. "Ok Cake time everyone!" said Calder. Kion and the others ran over. They lit the candles and sang happy birthday, Rhylie and Kion blew out the candles and cut the cake together. They took the candles out and gave everyone a slice. The birthday boy and girl had a piece then everyone ate their cake. "Ok present time!" Said Prince. Once everyone gave their gift father said, "Mine is at the castle. You will get it. As for Kion, this is for you." Kion tore it open and said, "Cool thank you sir." "Oh call me father or Calder whatever is easier." "Of father." He was shocked for a minute then smiled. Sea came over and said, "My present is taking you both for a ride. Don't worry I won't go under water." "Just be careful ok?" "Yes sir. Ok Ready you two?" I looked down at Kion. He nodded. "Fast?" "He wants to know if you want to go fast." "Yes as fast as he can." "OK just let us know if you need him to slow down ok?" He nodded. "Ok yes go a head." "OK hold on tight don't worry about his skin its thick." So Kion held tight. He was in front ok Rhylie. "Ok Go we are ready." Off he sped.

"Woohoo! This is fun!" said Kion. "Is everything ok up there?" said Sea. "Yeah Its fine. He's having fun." "Ok that's good." He made it to his home but they didn't go under as he promised. He stopped right there. "Woah that was fun. Where is this?" said Kion. "This is where Sea lives. Under the water. We can't go now but maybe before we go home we can ok?" "Yeah that would be cool." I looked at the sky and saw it was getting late. Looks like I will have to wait until tomorrow to go over there. "Ok lets head back. Its getting late." I said. "Ok hang on tight." He went fast again and they got back in no time. We hopped off of sea and he turned human again. "Did you have fun Kion?" "Oh yeah that was aweome!" He said as he was fixing his hair. "Heheh your hair got messy while he was going fast as well. I put stuff in my hair to keep it from doing that." "Maybe I should use it too next time." "Sure." "Father we should get going home its getting late." Everyone cleaned up and it was time to head out.

As we were walking I said, "Prince? Did you work out your issues with your friend?" "Yes we did. You can go to the caslte of flowers tomorrow with him and with your father liam and Kion ok?" "Thank you, Prince. Thank you for everything." "Your welcome Rylie." "Oh where is he staying right now? Does he live here?" "Don't worry about it. I paid for him to sleep one night in a hotel here. I'm sure he and his brother will work something out." "I hope so."