Chapter 19: 1 year later

I am at the palace getting ready for my wedding in a week. It has been a hassle but we have been managing. I am on my break right now. I heard someone come by and it was only Liam. "Oh its you. You scared me." "Sorry Rhylie." "Its all good." He sat next to me. "Are you on break too?" "Yeah I am." I ended up in a daze. Thinking about something. "Hey Rhyile. What are you thinking about?" "Oh nothing." He came over and wrapped his arms around me from the back and said. "Its not nothing is it?" 'Oh I hate it when he does this. He really isn't fair.' "Its just that the dark elves. Why do they do what they do? How do they end up that way? I wish I could help them before they turn." "I know Somethings just happen and its out of our control. Lets just hope something like this never comes." "Yeah your right." "Well its time to finish now." "Let's go." He helped me up and we walked hand in hand back inside.

A Week later I was getting my dress on and ready for the day I marry my handsome prince. We are having Kion and my father walk me down the isle and having Liam's little cousins be the ring bearer and flower girl. I got my makeup and hair done. I was already dressed. Now it was jewelry time. I had to take my necklace off that father gave me. I put it in a hidden pocket of my dress then I let them put on a beautiful blue necklace in the shape of a heart with a silver chain. They had earing to match. I walked to the door and waited for my flowers and my escorts. They finally Showed up and Kion had my flowers. "Sorry for the delay. Here are the flowers. You look beautiful Rhylie." "Thank you Kion. Ok I'm ready." The servants opened the door and I looked around. All the important people I met are all here. They made it. I'm glad. Even Sea and Cove made it. Then I looked forward and I finally made it. "Who gives these two to be together?" "I do." Said my father that raised me. They sat back down in their place and we said our own vows then He said you may kiss the bride. I pulled him over and kissed him. He was shocked first then continued the kiss. We let go then walked out for a bit. We went to the room we are going to be in to lighten our clothes. I put on a lighter dress which was a white handkerchief type wedding dress. "OK Ready my wife?" "Ready husband." We smiled then headed out to the reception. "Welcome the future sun and moon of The fire kingdom Prince Liam and Princess Rhylie." Then it was time for our first dance. We did a ball room dance. He put his hand around my waist and I put it on his shoulder. Then we clasp our other hands. The music started and there was a bunch of twirling and walking back and forth and around. Then we finished and anyone can dance now.

After awhile it was time to eat. We sat at the table and we ate our food. We all visited awhile friends I haven't seen in awhile I was happy. Then he hopped on Cyra and I threw the flowers behind me. I turned around and saw is was Liam's sister who caught the bouquet. I smiled and told her "Get a boyfriend already." Then we flew off.

We stayed at a hotel somewhere nice. We had fun our first night. Then 6 days later we were heading home.

We finally got home. My brothers and Kion were waiting for me. Liam helped me off and I hugged my brother and Kion. I missed them so much. I squeezed them hard. "Ok I'm going to go rest. Its been a long week." "OK let me carry you to the room to lay down then let father know we are back." "Ok." I hung my arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed me back. "OK here we are my wife. Get some sleep ok?" "Yeah thank you." I closed my eyes.

Father we are back. Rhylie is asleep in the room. "Ok well lets let her sleep for a little while. She needs it I'm sure." Oh tomorrow. When things settle down you will be meeting with the crown prince of the Water kingdom. "Ok sounds good." Then he went off to do other business.

The next day I was feeling more tired than usual. I woke up my normal time but I felt exhausted. I snuggled back up to Liam who was still asleep. Then went back to sleep. He woke up and said, "Rhylie? Are you ok?" I opened my tired eyes. "I feel so tired. I usually up by now. I don't have the energy to get up." "Want me to get the doctor?" "No lets wait awhile I just might need some more sleep." "Ok but I need to get up. I have a meeting with the Crown prince of the water kingdom today." "Oh fewy I wish you could just ignore them and you could sleep in with me." "Haha. Me too." He kissed me the got up to get dressed. "You just rest ok?" "Yeah I'll try to be up before noon." Liam walked out and Kion was walking by. "Oh Liam. Is Rhylie up yet?" "She's tired right now. Lets let her sleep in a little bit more." "Oh ok. I hope she's ok?" "I'm sure its just not sleeping well." Then he walked off to do his business. Kion went to play with the twins.

After awhile I felt nauseous. I ran to the toilet to puke. Just as I finished, there was knock on my door. (Knock Knock) "Its Liam." "Come in already." He walked in and saw my pale face. "I think its time to call a doctor. I think I might be pregnant." "Really? That would be great if we are. I will go have a servant call one now." He kissed my cheek and left. "Oh good. Go get a doctor and hurry please." "Right away."

The doctor came in after awhile. The doctor checked me out and he said, "Well its only 1 week but you are definitely pregnant." If you're going to take a bath make sure is not hot but Luke warm ok. As for sex no penetration anything else is ok as long as you don't over due it ok?" "Yes sir." I will have a midwife come and take care of you. She knows a lot more about this than I do. I hate to admit. For now rest. If you want to go outside have someone, go with you and only walking ok?" "Yes sir." So he walked out to get a midwife. "We are pregnant Liam? Your going to be a father and me a mother." "We also have my parents and your parents to help if needed." "Oh we definitely will. After we see the midwife, I want to tell Kion and my brothers." "OK sure." Then there was a knock on our door. (Knock Knock) "It's the midwife." "Come in." said Liam. "First of all my name is Stella. Congratulations on your pregnancy." "Thank you." I said. Then she explained what all we needed to know.

"Can I take a walk now?" "Yes but have a knight go with you ok?" "Yes maam." Liam helped me up and we walked out. Just as we were walking out Rocky was here. "I will be the knight to escort you around." "Thank you. First I want to find Kion and my brothers. Have a good meeting Liam." "Thankyou Rhylie."

Thankfully I didn't have to look far. "Hey Rhylie what's up." "Boys I have something very important to tell you. Lets go to the garden." Rocky followed us. When we got the garden I said, "Boys you might want to sit down for this. I'm sure mom and dad will be here either tonight or tomorrow." All 3 of them sat down. "As you know I was really tired this morning and I didn't get up my normal time. There is a reason for that. I am going to have a baby. I am pregnant." "What?!" All three said in Unison. "We are going to be uncles." Said Leo. "Yes that's right Leo. You 3 are going to be uncles." "Aww thanks Rhylie. Uncle Kion. I like the sound of that. Haha." "I wanted to tell you in person other than you hearing it from someone else." "Thank you. I means a lot coming from you." Said Kion. "I knew it would." "Knowing mom and dad they will be here tonight." Said Tyson. "Yeah your right. I wonder where Father Calder is right now?" Just as I was thinking that I saw him.

"Hey father." "Oh Rhylie what's up?" "Did you hear father? I'm pregnant." "Your what?" "I'm going to have a baby." "Oh congrats kiddo. Grandchild number 5. "Hehe that's true. Now I can spend more time with my nieces and nephews once this pregnancy ends."

We walked around a little more then we went inside. "Thanks for joining me on my walk boys." "Sure no problem sis." I went to my room to lay down. I was feeling tired again. I closed my eyes and slept.

3 hours later she woke up with a knock on her door. (Knock Knock) "Who is it?" I said weakly. "Its mom and dad. You brother and sister are here too." "Come in." they came in and saw how tired I looked. "So what is it you want to tell us Rhylie?" said my mother. "I'm pregnant." "Oh really? Congrats little sister!" Said Sage. "Congratulations Rhylie." Said Lily. Mom and dad were shocked. "Our first grandkids. Congrats baby girl." Said father. "Thank you dad. I already told Calder I don't care if he tells the others I told the people I wanted to in person." "How did the boys take it?" "They were excited to be uncles. Kion thought I was nice to make him an uncle." "Ok we will let you rest now. Read a book or something until your hubby returns ok?" I nodded. They left and I was so bored I decided to read.

An hour later there was a knock on my door. (Knock Knock) "Who is it?" "Its Liam." "Oh come in Liam." It was noon and almost time for lunch. "How did the meeting go?" "Pretty good." "You look tired after lunch you should take a nap with me." "I might just do that. I'll have them bring the food in here." He left for just a few minutes and came back. "What are you reading there?" "Oh I was bored and picked up a random book. Seems interesting. Its just information about different kinds of sea creatures and ones that live in the enchanted lakes." "You like those books don't you?" "Yeah. For some reason the forest and the water I love and can't stay away from. Something just calls me to it." "I wonder what?" "I don't' know." (Knock Knock) "Come in." Said Liam. My personal maid named Alana came and brought our food. "Thank you. You may leave now." Said Liam. We sat and ate our food. "Hey Liam I know it's a little early but we should think about names for the baby. I like Bella or Tiana for a girl. "I sort of like them too. If he have a girl that is what we will name it. Bella Tiana or Tiana Bella." "What about a boy? What names do you have in mind?" "Hmm. Kristoff or Ryder." I'm heading towards Ryder. I like that name. Kristoff would be a good middle name." "Ok we got or names now." Said Liam. "What if we end up with twins?" I said. "Wait until later in your pregnancy we can deal with it then."

8 months later It was time for me to give birth. I went to my room and sat on a towel with plastic underneath. I laid down and my contractions were pretty close together. "Liam I want you to hold Rhylie's hand ok?" "Yes maam." "Its going to be ok Rhylie I'm here." I nodded. "Ok when I say push you push ok?" I nodded. "push." So I pushed every time she said it and baby 1 came out it was a girl. Then a few minutes later baby number 2 girl came out. I was done. "Baby 1 Belle baby 2 Tiana." "Oh look. Belle looks like she is going to have pink hair like me. Hehe." "Can't tell on Tiana yet though." My parents brothers and Kion came in. "Oh hey boys meet your nieces." The pink hair Is Belle. The other one is Tiana." "Liam can you let the boys hold them for a little bit?" "Yeah sure." "OK boys sit down." They sat on the couch and each twin held a baby. Then they switched after awhile then let Kion hold both. "Aww thanks guys. They are so adorable. They have your nose Rhylie." "Oh do they?" "Ok daddy. You can have your kids back now." "Haha. Daddy that's cute. Kion." "Well get used to it. You will be called that soon enough."