Chapter 8

It was sunset time when Ariel arrived home. If she could, she wanted to come back at midnight when everyone was sleeping. However, her condition didn't allow her. Carlo welcomed Ariel home when Ariel took off from the carriage. Ariel nodded her head with a smile. She didn't have any grudge towards Carlo at all. However, she didn't like the fact that he is so loyal to her parents. Carlo was a man who would mind his own business and just follow the orders. Lots of high nobles and commoners loved and respected Ariel's parents. They would be ready at any time to fulfil their request and wishes. Ariel understood very well, the reason behind those people's actions was because...

Suddenly... ▶Baroness: "ARIEL!!!" The Baroness was waiting for Ariel in front of the stairs.

And Yes, it was because their actions and attitude were so much different from when they were at home. Ariel's parents were known for being generous, considerate, wise, kind, educated, patient and well-mannered.

▶Baroness: "Where have you been?! Don't you know what time is it now?! Where did you go?!" Asked the Baroness with a hoarse voice.

▶Ariel: (Seriously let me breathe) "..... I went to the nearest town to look for a dress. About the time... I was looking for a dress for so long because all the shops were out of dresses so I lost track of time."

The Baroness's eyes fell on the boxes that Carlo was taking out.

▶Baroness: "Heh! Yes, sure the shops were out of dresses. Then what's all of these boxes?! And it's from a high-end quality shops. It seems you spent all of your father's money on yourself. Seriously, I never met someone who is as self-centred as you." The Baroness walked past Ariel and towards the boxes. She ordered Carlo to open these boxes. The Baroness opened her eyes wide. Surprised at how the boxes were full of dresses, jewelry, shoes, accessories and perfumes.

The Baroness turned to Ariel and glared at her. ▶Baroness: "What's all of that?! Where did you get all of these?! You dared to lie to me ?! "

▶Ariel: "I didn't spend anything from my father's money. As mother can see my dress is torn and stained with dirt that's because I bumped into a gentleman. He felt guilty and so he gave me those boxes. "  The Baroness sneered at Ariel.

▶Baroness: "Heh! So now you are going around the town and flirt with every man you bump into ?! Is that what I have taught you?!  What a waste of money and time to raise someone like you! And you are the eldest daughter of house Alexon! What a shame!" Ariel was really speechless about how the baroness reacted. She felt unnecessary and thought it was such a bother to explain anything to the baroness who had such an idea.

▶Ariel: " .... If that what mother thinks of this daughter, then this daughter has nothing to say." Said Ariel with a calm voice.


▶Ariel: ".....If mother is done talking, may Ariel excuse herself? This daughter feels tired."


▶Ariel: "..... If mother is tired please rest. It's not good to overwork yourself. Now please excuse me." Ariel said in a calm voice. Before Ariel goes up the stairs she told Carlo to put those boxes in her room and call for Carney and Bency for her.

Ariel went up to her room leaving the Baroness speechless and angry.

Ariel washed up and changed into comfortable attire. She sat down on the sofa and sipped some warm chamomile tea. Knock ×2

Carney and Bency came in.

▶Carney: "What do you need?" Said with a cold tone. No matter how you see it, to say what did the eldest daughter of the house needed with such attitude considered rude. No matter how Carney was older than Ariel, Ariel was the eldest daughter of a Baron.

However, Ariel decided to just let it go. She knows very well if she said something the Baroness won't let it go and things will turn upside down. Ariel felt tired and exhausted so she just decided to treat them as kids with no brain. As long as they don't give trouble to her she was cool with it. Ariel sighed and gave both Carney and Bency a pair of new shoes, some accessories and jewelry, 2 new dresses and 2 dresses which Ariel didn't need from her closet, 1 perfume, and some unneeded makeup.

Carney and Bency's eyes were shining with greed and fascination. Then when both realized that Ariel was looking at them, they snipped out and adjusted themselves.

▶Carney: "What does that mean? Are you trying to bribe us ?!"

Ariel laughed, she couldn't believe how Carney seemed like baroness so much. If someone told her that Carney is the long-lost daughter of this house she would believe it.

▶Ariel: "Hehehe, oh god I can't stop! Hehehehe. Well then, let me explain since you are acting or can't understand. These things are for you. I'm giving it to you. Hope you get the chance to use it well. Also, it's small gratitude for working so hard in this house. And also so you don't have to sneak around my room to get some dress or makeup."

At Ariel's words, Bency froze in her place. She looked down and tried to avoid Ariel's eyes as much as possible. While Carney didn't move an inch. She was a little bit confused but confident because she has the Baroness as her supporter.

Ariel saw Carney's expression and how confident and firm she was. Ariel smiled faintly and disposed of both of them with the things.

Ariel then took the toys in her hands and went to her sibling's room. She knocked ×2 the door and went in. They were getting ready to sleep. Ariel showed them the toys and gave them to them. The kid's face brightened up. They were so happy with their new toy. Ariel also felt happy when suddenly Alin's face came to her mind. She then quickly snipped out and put her attention on her siblings. Ariel's siblings thanked her then went to bed. Ariel wished them a good night and went back to her room.

Ariel returned to her tea. While sipping her tea, Ariel was reminded of how warm and peaceful the town was. Suddenly, Alin's face crossed her mind again. Ariel then paused and put her tea down. She touched her both cheeks.

▶Ariel: "Ariel! What are you thinking about?! That's not the time of something like this!" Said Ariel with blushed cheeks.