♫ (Noah Kahan – Young Blood) play this while reading if you want to ♫
Grian was astonished, it was the first time in his life to see such a thing. Although he could read, Grian was never introduced to any sort of game. Life in the Bocht was exceedingly poor. He couldn't even play with the other kids because he was busy helping his mother. "What's this Sir Keinstein? Can you see it too?" Grian asked while waving his hand in front of the rectangular shape, seeing his hand pass through.
"You should call me grandpa you know. Tsk, so you did get your sight back? When I found you, your eyes were damaged, and now they're okay." Keinstein asked.
"Uhm, no, thank you? I couldn't say that it's exactly sight? I can see your outline, Sir Keinstein, in white lines but I can't make out your face and I can see a ball-shaped White flame burning steadily on your chest." Grian told Keinstein. He decided to trust Keinstein since he shared his ability with him; and there's also this weird feeling creeping upon him that he can't put his mind to, it felt like he was somehow connected to the old man.
Keinstein disregarded Grian's remark and gasped in wonder and was deep in thought. 'He's just like my master, he can see auras too. This kid keeps on surprising me. I know the system is all-powerful but I did not know it could also grant what was lost? I guess it has something to do with Blue flame earlier? But his eyes are the problem, the Meiths cannot see them, they cannot know that he survived.'
Keinstein glanced at Grian and saw the kid excitedly wave his hand at the screen and said. "That is called a 'screen', and yes I can see it, you got it from me. It's common in games inside the Magical City Capital of Mor but of course, you wouldn't know about it since you lived in the Bocht." The old man continued explaining the meaning of tabs and what each of them represents. He also explained that this was a unique ability only he possessed, passed down from his ancestor, and now Grian has it too. Grian was just listening attentively, absorbing the newfound knowledge he just learned.
"Okay now, using your finger, and tap the tab that says 'skill'" The old man continued explaining. "This tab shows you what kind of ability you can do and can conjure from your affinity."
Grian excitedly tapped the screen and was baffled by what was shown. The screen was changed and it showed as follows:
[Skill(s)] (3/5)
[Providence (passive)] (1/6): (heighten users senses and allows the user to see wireframes and auras granted by the system) ; (???) ; (???) ; (???) ; (???) ; (???)
[Aid](1/3): (user can apply basic first aid) ; (???) ; (???)
[Deamhan Technique]: (a 6-hit skill combo that consists of various slashes, a few full circular spins, and a somersault
"What do the marks mean?" Grian asked while staring at the screen. "Providenc- Oh! so this is why I can see them!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. Kenstein went behind Grian's back and stared at the screen too.
"Hmm, even first aid is included, I guess the system's abilities differ from user to user. Ohh so the system gifted your sight, that's good, that's good. Deamhan, hmm, can you perform it?" Kenstein asked.
"It said I need, 5 Agility and I only have 4. So I guess I can't. Wait, I'll try." Grian said then proceeded to form the stance and attempted to try the technique.
[System Notification]
"But I can already perform this technique? I've been practicing it since I was 4," Grian exclaimed.
"The system restricts skills if it will put too much strain on the user. You need to level up to rank up and use other skills. Those are the marks on your screen. You need to fulfill a certain condition or achievement to unlock them. But don't worry too much about that, now, try checking the 'quest' tab" Keinstein instructed and Grian obeyed. He tapped the quest tab and the screen changed again and showed as follows:
[Daily Quest(s)]
[Eat a fish] : [Reward (6 exp)]
[Hydrate] : [Reward (9 exp)]
The old man read, "Eat a fish? Kid, quests are sometimes affected by desires, you got this amazing ability and you want to eat fish?" Keinstein asked in disbelief.
"Well I haven't eaten a fish before, all we ate were mud cookies," Grian said and giggled, still thrilled by his newfound ability, switching screens randomly.
Keinstein pitied the poor kid, and said, "You should do them right now, so you can gain experience points to raise your level as I told you before," Keinstein said as he was walking towards the door.
"Oh, and by the way, the 'system', is what it's called. You might be feeling okay now, after what you've been through, but it's because of the system. It's suppressing your emotions. You were in a weak state before, and the system thought you won't be able to handle everything and might go crazy. The system is omniscient, don't ask me why, I still don't know either, and I had it for years. Don't worry, you'll get them back eventually."
"Er, Sir Keinstein how did you pass the system to me? Can Arleiths do that? Pass on affinities?" Grian asked as he stood up.
"The system is not affected by EVs nor affinities. It can be said that it is a gift from God Solaris itself. It is passed from one person to another, it was done a thousand years ago. The system is unique and the only one of its kind and only one person in a generation must possess it. It requires the user to have a successor that will have the system when the time is right. And that's what happened when we met, to pass it on, one must make a blood pact with the other" Kenstein walked out the door while continued explaining, and Grian followed.
"But what if it's taken by force? Since I have it now, does it mean you don't have it anymore?" asked Grian.
"It couldn't, as I've said the system is all-knowing. It will know if it's given willingly, and there were conditions to accept the system. One must also have a flame affinity, and I was in deep shit that time and I took a chance with you HA HA HA. If you weren't a flame user you would've died, but you're already dead anyway so no worries." Kenstein said while laughing. He then took a bowl from a table outside the hut where they came from.
'What was this old man thinking,' Grian thought to himself while chuckling because what Kenstein said was true. In a way, he's still thankful he survived. He followed Kenstein to a river nearby where the old man took water from.
"Drink this" said Kenstein and gave the bowl of water to Grian. Grian drank the water and heard a sound.
[System Notification]
"Oh! It added look!" Grian was ecstatic while checking the screen pop up.
"Come now, let's go catch some fish." Keinstein waved at Grian, urging him to follow him but Grian was immersed in the system tapping at everything like a kid he is.
Grian and Keinstein went behind the hut made of twigs and huge leaves, the floor was mud and so was the platform he was lying in earlier. It was in the middle of circular plains surrounded by shrubs and gigantic trees, you almost couldn't see the sky if the sunlight weren't peeking from the leaves.
"Where are we Sir Kenstein?" Grian asked while he looked around. His vision was now filled with white outlines of trees, plants, and a river nearby.
"We're at the edge of flatlands, and call me grandpa." The old man exclaimed.
"Why would I? You're not my grandfather."Grian said, he tried to focus his vision on the river in front of him.
"You call your parents mother and father but they aren't your parents either. I am now your predecessor, if you don't like grandpa then call me master as I did with mine." Kenstein scoffed. He sat down by the river and added, "What are you doing? Go catch us some fish."
Grian ignored the old man's sassy remark and concentrated his sight on the river. A few seconds passed and slowly, the wireframe in his vision is overlapping with each other. He used to see the outline of the river, the small ripples, and a few glowing orbs moving beneath. But after he focused, he could now see the fishes that were the glowing orbs.
[System Notification]
[Providence (passive)] (2/6): (heighten the user's senses and allows the user to see wireframes and auras <1 Stat Point rewarded
"Sir Kenstein look! I unlocked something." Grian hurriedly went to the old man and showed him the screen.
"Oh, you got a stat point! It can be used to add a point to your stats earlier. I think you should put it on your Agility so you can perform the Deamhan. You can put it there by saying Stat Screen, and don't yell for God's sake. Just think about it." Kenstein recommended.
'Stat Screen' Grian thought and a screen popped up.
[Status Screen]
"Now, tap the stat point then add it to your agility. Easy right? This would be so much easier if I picked a kid who knows how games worked." Kenstein sighed at his remark. Grian followed what the old man said and the screen updated.
[Status Screen]
'It's pretty easy! I'm kind of getting how this works' Grian thought.
"Okay kid, first try closing your eyes and think about calling the system. You need to master your providence without using your eyes."
"But why?" Grian asked while he instantly closed his eyes and did as told.
"Let's just say that there are very bad people looking for you, now try imagining the system will appear even your eyes are closed, then say providence; and stop asking questions!" Added by Keinstein.
Grian was back in the darkness he was in before. There was nothing but the void. He thought about the system and slowly, wireframes are showing one by one. "Providence!" Grian yelled and suddenly he saw everything he was seeing before. The wireframes and white outlines of his surrounding appeared. He touched his eyes to see if they're still closed and they were.
"This dumb kid, you don't have to scream, everybody's going to know what you're going to do. You can just think about it, or if you want to scream that much then scream on your mind. Okay now, just keep your eyes closed and think about wanting to know information about me. Concentrate like you did before and inspect." The old man instructed.
Grian was just standing with closed eyes, focusing on the old man in front of him. His fists are closed tightly, he was concentrating and focusing too hard that he looks like a constipated kid.
[System Notification]
A screen appeared in front of him and he thought yes. Another screen appeared in front of him that says:
'Ignis? Is he truly my grandfather?' Grian's face was in confusion and the old man noticed. "Why is your last name Ignis? And why can't I see your affinity? Only your level," asked Grian.
"That's why I told you to call me your grandfather HA HA HA, don't think about it too much. I will tell you everything in time. Even if you ask about it I won't answer you. It's too much of a hassle and I'm growing tired. For the question marks, it just means that you're too weak to see it. First, focus on knowing how the system works and ranking up."
"Don't open your eyes until I tell you to, you need to sharpen your senses. Now go over there and catch some fish, I'll kick you if you cheat. Use your providence to see."
Grian turned around and made a face directing at the old man "d0n'T open YoUr Eyes unTil I TelL yoU toO" he mocked.
Kenstein saw what Grian did and threw a compressed fireball the size of a pebble with white flames and burnt Grian's already ragged clothes. "Don't test me, young man! I'm getting hungry," he exclaimed.
"OW! OW! Stop it old man!" Grian screamed while he patted his burning clothes.
'What an evil old man, just wait until I learn everything about this system, I'm going to burn you too.' Grian thought to himself while grinning.
After a while, Grian caught two big fishes, he gave them to Kenstein and he then proceeded to do his magic. He gutted and cleaned the fish in a swift motion using a dagger. Next, he threw an orange flame on the ground and roasted the fishes. Grian was sitting cross-legged beside the old man, mouth-watering and eyes filled with yearning at the fish.
"Here you go" The old man gave a fish to Grian and he stared at it for a while.
'I should be eating this with mother and father.' He thought as he closed his eyes, 'I will avenge you no matter what so please rest and let God Solaris guide you to the stars.' Grian then bit a huge chunk of fish, he was eating happily when a screen popped up.
[System Notification]
"I got extra points for finishing today's quest. I guess leveling up is pretty easy." He exclaimed while continued to finish his fish, savoring every bite he took.
"Why aren't you eating Sir Kenstein? I thought you were hungry," he added to which Kenstein replied
"You can have it, you're a growing boy. You need it more than an old man."
"What should I do now? Do I just keep on doing quests? But I already finished them," Grian asked as he took the other fish and bit it.
"You need to train and rank up." Kenstein replied while looking weak and tired.
"But why?" Grian asked while chewing loudly.
Keinstein looked at the kid in disbelief and asked, "What do you mean why? You do know what's currently happening around the planet right?" Grian shook his head no, then the old man added, "You at least know basic history?" and followed with, "Right? Right?"
Grian shook his head no again, and said "Father had limited time at home because he was always guarding the gates. He only taught me the Deamhan Technique and basic aid while mother only knew how to make mud cookies."
'You damned Leonard! You hid so well, you taught him how to protect himself with Deamhan technique, taught him how to aid himself but you could not teach the kid basic history?! What were you thinking! You did not even tell the kid who his true parents were. You selfish bastard!' Kenstein thought to himself while pulling his beard down in frustration.
"Oh boy!" Kenstein exclaimed. "Grian, listen carefully while I teach you about the world. This is going to be a long history lesson." Kenstein said as he sat on the ground adjacent to Grian and crossed his legs.