
Chapter 3

The light of dawn, along with the sound of birds and the slight movement of the boat hitting something, wakes Oliver up, making him close his eyes for a few moments to get used to the strange sunlight. Once his sight adapts to the new surroundings, his drowsy face changes to one of surprise and admiration for the incredible scenery he has never seen before.

There were so many colors, so much light, and so much peace that on the boy's lips, a big smile appeared, the first in a long time. Then he felt his stomach churn, and the null aliment he possessed inside was returned to the outskirts of the small boat. His hands gripped the bard tightly as the pain in his ribs and throat made him twitch.

Oliver wasn't used to being on a ship, and the constant movement throughout the night had made him so dizzy that he fell unconscious. Once his body gave everything back, he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his torn shirt, trying to regulate his breathing.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

A huge man approached Oliver's standing, making the boy jump in place and move the boat dangerously. The stranger looks at him disgusted, thinking he was just another bum who ended up hungover in that foreign boat; his smell was horrible, as were his shabby clothes.

Oliver looked at the man who stood at the start of his boat for only a few seconds, looking down at his feet and not quite knowing what to say. Emer hadn't told him how to get to the Gold Star... or had he? He didn't remember, maybe if he should have paid attention to the ten explanations the friendly guard told them. Nerves and fear increased as the boat rocked again from the stranger's weight on it. Oliver crawled to the back, imagining the possibility that Mr. Craig had followed him and that huge being was one of his guards.

"From the...hey!"

The boy with unruly hair doesn't let the strange human finish and throws himself into the water to run away from him, getting completely wet. Once he realizes that the water is not very deep, he gets up and runs as fast as he can away.

"Ugh, what a pain," mutters the man, inspecting the boat.

Oliver runs without looking back along the boards that welcomed him to the port. Once he reached the city, the cars, buildings, and people shunned him, there was too much noise, colors, and smells unfamiliar to him.

"So this is the outside world..."

The green-eyed boy didn't know if he was excited or terrified by everything that was happening in front of his eyes. People were walking so fast that they bumped into him abruptly, dragging him into another huge street with twice as many people.

It was too much for the boy; he swore his head would explode from all the whirlpool of the world he was discovering. He didn't understand where he was going; it was overwhelming to be among so many strange things. He tried to run from the sea of people looking for some shadow that could hide him and keep him away. If this was the freedom, it was pretty scary; how would he find Jack and Annette among so many people? And how would he get to The Gold Star?

"Mom is that a hobo?" the innocent voice of a child towards his person caught his attention, receiving a look of astonishment from the creature and one of rejection from his mother.

"Yes, ignore him and keep walking."

Oliver could not fully understand that strange conversation; the people outside that prison spoke strangely, with an unfamiliar accent. He swallowed a little saliva looking around him again; there was a lot of light, more than his eyes had ever seen, people kept passing by. This time they noticed his presence; they covered their noses with their expensive coats, others looked at him with disgust and annoyance while some just walked faster to get away from him.

The boy looked down as he did every time Mr. Craig looked at him that way; he played with his hands nervously, holding back the urge to cry; in those moments, Oliver just wanted to... disappear.

After a few long minutes thinking about where he would move to, a strong aroma reached his nostrils and his empty stomach; he lifts his head slightly, looking for where it is coming from, reaching a wooden table with different foods that he has never seen before in his sixteen years.

Without noticing if anyone was there, he took the first thing that attracted his attention, a simple but spongy bread. He admired that food and then broke it to take a bite and satisfy his stomach that was roaring painfully. Oliver let out a small moan of satisfaction; he had never tasted something like this, he didn't know what it was, but he was sure it was delicious.

"You have to pay for that."

The thick voice and an annoyed look from a man with a mustache make the brown-haired man jump, taking two steps back, not knowing what to say. Pay? He hadn't done anything wrong, had he? His eyes had remained on the ground; he kept silent. That man couldn't hit him for anything, or could he?

"Did you think you could steal from me"

The man stepped forward to intimidate the poor boy, who shook his head several times. Of course, he didn't intend to rob him; that was never his intention. Was that why he had to pay? For having made the man think he would rob him? Perhaps if he tried to beg for forgiveness, his punishment would be less painful. He had nothing to offer; maybe he should give him back that piece of bread and ask for mercy so he wouldn't hurt him... No, it was useless; no one would pity him.

"Are you mute, scum?"

The seller was really upset for not having noticed the arrival of that disgusting being, he had only gone for some water, and this thief took the opportunity to take his merchandise. He would report the guy, and the police would take care of it.

"I'm sorry," mumbles Oliver turning his eyes back to his feet, cringing when the man's hand rose, expecting the blow; however, he just grabbed the bread he had taken and thrown it to the ground.

Get out before I call the police if you don't have the money to steal from someone else.

Money. That was another word he didn't know, but it gave him relief; that man didn't want to hit him; he wanted money. Oliver stands up, still shocked and grateful for not being physically assaulted. As he met the man's still annoyed gaze, he ran to the opposite side.

Is this how this world works? He didn't remember his mother talking about money when she told him stories of the outside world before bed, nor the guard Emer... maybe it was something irrelevant. Still, Oliver doubted whether not telling him about the money was a good thing. He stopped in his tracks when he realized that the only thing Emer talked about was the escape and the place where they were to meet; he never mentioned anything else about the outside, maybe daring to ask him wouldn't have been a bad idea, but now Emer was no longer by his side, and neither were his friends.

Oliver sighs, worried for Ann and Jack's well-being, again the people he loved had sacrificed themselves for him, and he could do nothing to help them. He brings his hands to his face, finding himself frustrated, desperate, and fearful about everything that had happened.

>> We'll be fine, I swear! If you don't leave, the three of us will die!" <<

Oliver must trust his friends, both were intelligent enough, and they could take advantage of Mister Craig's distraction to escape…yes, they'll be fine.

"I need to know how to make it to the Golden Star and be safe with them. I must survive."