Toga's P.o.V.
I can't wait to be with my Izuku baby. I'd be happier with him right now. But he's at school, learning to be a hero. Heroes have to punish villains after all. As long as he's the one punishing me, I'll be the best, err, worst villain out in the world.
Ah dammit! Another health inspector ready to quarantine my house again? How has no one gotten suspicious of the disappearance of health inspectors as soon as they step foot here? First, I pull my panties back up, then I grab a kitchen knife and go to the front door. I open it quickly and say, "Get ready to die motherfu- oh hi Dabi." I change voices halfway through what I was saying.
Dabi was the one at the door. So no need to get all stabby stabby.
"Oh, uh Toga, there's something we need to discuss." Dabi says, void of any emotion (A/N I'm trying to use different words than just "deadpanning" every time Dabi talks.)
3rd Person's P.o.V.
"Yes, yes. Come inside, Dabi, I have some cinnamon buns leftover," Toga says bouncily while rushing Dabi inside. She closes the door, seats Dabi on the couch and gives him a plate of a couple cinnamon buns.
"Well actually, speaking of cinnamon buns, that's the problem," Dabi says.
"What about them? My boyfriend made them for me before he left this morning, so that means they are perfect, and will always be perfect."
"Well, this is a conversation about your boyfriend." Dabi says emotionless.
"You don't approve of us? This is what I always wanted! Star-crossed lovers both from backgrounds that wouldn't approve of our relationship, but we love each other anyways." Toga says, fantasizing about a Romeo and Juliet like story .
"You'll both end up dead if you don't listen to me." Dabi retains his composure.
"Fine fine fine. Are you threatening us, Dabi? That usually doesn't end well with me." Toga warns.
"No, just a warning." Toga attentively listens to Dabi after he says that, "The League of Villains has planned to attack U.A., as well as assassinate you."
"IS MY IZUKU BABY IN DANGER? WHERE IS HE?" Toga violently shakes Dabi by the collar of his jacket, "AND WHO'S GOING TO ASSASSINATE ME?"
"He won't be in danger quite yet." Dabi straitens his jacket, "As for your assassin, I'm already here." Toga has a moment of realization and grabs her knife and lunges with it at Dabi, who just side steps it. "Calm down. I'm not into that kind of stuff. I know you're going to kill yourself if you're boyfriends killed, so it's either a happy ending or a Romeo or Juliet one."
Toga had a sigh of relief, "Well good thing you're about as competent as a assassin as BlackStar."
"I would be on my merry way right about now if I were you," Dabi deadpans.
"You're absolutely right!" Toga puts on a pair of western boots and starts running with her kitchen knife towards U.A.. While running down the street she yelled, "I'm coming Izuku!" Then she got into a recollection of the events of last night.
Meanwhile with Izuku (language warning.)
"DEKU!?" someone shouted. Izuku looked in the direction the voice was coming from, only to see Bakugo (A/ N You shouldn't be surprised, It was a 1 in 2 chance of being Bakugo). "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! WE ASSEMBLED A GODDAMN STUDENT SEARCH TEAM TO LOOK FOR YOUR SORRY ASS AND BUSTED OUR ASSESS DOING IT! AND YOU JUST SHOW UP!?"
"Uh-uh-uh h-hi Kacchan!" Izuku stuttered out.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE WITH THAT 'HI KACCHAN' SHIT!" Bakugo made his way towards Izuku who was stunned in fear.
"OH MY GOD DEKU, YOU'RE BACK! WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" Ochaco appeared out of the realm of convenience. Soon the entire class of 1-A that isn't already in the class room swarms around Izuku, and floods him with a swarm of questions. "Where were you? Where have you been? Why did you leave? Where did you go?" Izuku didn't answer any of these questions because the truth was something he new they hero program wouldn't accept.
Timeskip cause I'm lazy
Izuku found himself talking to Mr. Aizawa, alone. He was a blushing monster, thinking of his girlfriend and all the lies he was going to tell to his polygraph of a teacher. Aizawa dismissed this, because Izuku is a anatomic parody because of how fast the blood rushes to fill his face. "Where have you been?" Mr. Aizawa started off with the question he was asked most today, if you don't include the many, many times Toga asked, "Can you do me again?"
"W-well I was abducted b-by the League of V-villains," Izuku lies. Toga alone is not a league of anything beside psychological judgement disorders.
"And you've just arrived back at U.A.?" Mr. Aizawa questioned.
"Y-yes sir." Technically not lying.
"And how did you escape?" Aizawa questioned.
"Well, I-I used my quirk to leave when the time was right." Izuku answered
"A huh. We searched your room and questioned the students to get any leads on your disappearance and one came up." Mr. Aizawa explained.
"S-s-so?" Izuku said, murmuring. Aizawa got close to a confession, he just didn't know what it was just yet. At the very least, he would just be skipping school. But that wouldn't explain the tears in his uniform and the smell of him. At worst, he could just be plainly telling the truth, but the truth was horrible.
"We found a lot of the clothes you wear were missing, like someone unpacked them, despite you leaving with no luggage. Your window was left wide-open, but you never do that. All evidence leads to you coming back to school, but not enrolling in the classes. Do you admit it?" that polygraph statement was not an understatement. In fact, he's better because polygraphs can't tell if you're lying, from a scientific standpoint.
"N-n-no Mr. Aizawa, that's not what happened." Izuku told a full truth for once in this conversation.
"Then confess. What did?" Aizawa stood up and got into Izuku's face when he was asking this.
A shriek came from outside the walls of the school. Multiple screams that showed on fearing for their own life erupted soon after. Then came a rumble of walls. A huge, hulking monster with distorted features and gruesome scars emerged from the walls behind Aizawa. He swiftly jumped to the opposite side of the room where Izuku was at. The monster was all black, except for its scars and the brains protruding from its dome. It was abut 8"6 with a giant, muscular body. It had reptilian feet, clawed human hands, a snout full of yellow, mangle teeth, a tentacle for a tail, and four goat-eyes that were attached to its brain. Its entire appearance virtually screamed, "Nomu!"
"Hello, heroes." Shigaraki was mounted on the Nomu's back. "Now, here's my post-ending boss. Pretty power full, doesn't it look so?"
The Nomu immediately started attacking, sending punches, kicks, swipes, stabs, bites, and such at the heroes, which all of them manged to miss their targets. After doing its attacks, it successfully backed the heroes into a corner of the room.
"Now time to show this Nomu's true purpose!" Shigaraki said, gleefully. The Nome's body started to glow a pure-white color at every incline or crevice in its body. "Self-destruction!"
"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM!" angrily yelled a voice in the background. It was Toga! And she was also dressed like a slutty cowgirl (A/N BONUS). She jumped so high that her legs were on top of the Nomu's shoulders. She took out her kitchen knife and repeatedly stabbed Nomu's brain, until it showed no signs of being lucid, or even alive. Shigaraki was now out of school boundaries, he ran off when the Nomu began the detonating process.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Bakugo entered through the door screaming, with the entire class of 1-A behind him.