Chapter 3

"Adena it's 7:30 didn't your alarm go off?" Mom shouted

"Oh shit!" I mutter

I rushed to get dressed. I got my shoes and socks then my backpack and lunch. I shoved everything in my backpack and ran out the door. I learned my lesson not to go through the woods so I took the side walk which was a extra three minutes.

I open the door to the school and I walk in. I rush to my locker and get somethings and also put some books in. I walk into Mrs. Hills class.

"Adena, where were you?" She asked

"My alarm didn't go off." I say

I hear whispers all around.

"I heard she was in the woods for a whole night."

"Apparently she was bitten by a wolf I think she's a little delusional."

"Yeah she is crazy."

I made my way to my seat. I sat in front of my friend Casey Maxwell. Casey is a blonde with blue eyes, glasses, and her styles is more conservative than most of the girls at my school.

"So I heard about the woods, are you okay?" She asked

The room started to spin, the last bell rung. I put my hands on my ears and cringed at the ear splitting sound it made. Mrs. Hill ran over to my desk. The bell stopped ringing.

"Adena... What was that for?" She asked

"Sorry the bell, it was really loud." I say

"What are you talking about?" She asked, "There was no bell."

"What, I heard it." I say

"You must be mistaken." Mrs. Hill says

"Or crazy... She belongs in the nut house." Stacy Hall laughed

Stacy Hall is popular girl in Hunters Hollow high and the bane of my existence, she has been ever since I moved here. Stacy has brown long straight hair, she has blue eyes, and she dresses a lot like a stripper.

I hear the noise again. I cover my ears. I look out the window to see someone blowing a dog whistle and another person was curled in a ball on the ground, a guy I think. Why is this only affecting me and the kid.

"Mrs. Hill may I be excused?" I ask

"Take a pass." She says

I walk over to the hall-pass and I take it and I walk out of the class. I pass my English class. I heard the dog whistle again and it affects two kids in that class, Theodore and Bennett Lykaon. Apparently they are new they just arrived two days ago.

Theo has brown short hair, brown eyes, and he's tall. Ben is from what I can tell he has good fashion sense, earrings, rings, dirty blonde hair that could be easily thrown into a man-bun, and a pretty nice ass.

I decided to get their attention. I stood outside their classroom. I waved at them to get their attention. They both gave me a weird look.

"Come over here." I whispered

Theodore raised his hand.

"Coach can I be excused?" Theodore asks

"Yes Theo hurry up." He rolled his eyes

Theodore walked out of class.

"Hey babe."  Theodore said

"Hold the hell up I'm not your 'babe'." I say

Theodore pulled me aside past the open door.

"I have a reputation to uphold... What do you need?" He asked in a hushed tone

"You heard the dog whistle to didn't you?" I asked

"Yeah, why do you ask?" He asks

"I heard it too obviously." I say

"Okay is this like a new thing for you?" He asks

"Yeah." I whisper yell

"So what else is new?" He asks

"Okay hold up I barely know you." I say

"Yeah but your the one who pulled me out of my classroom." Theodore said

"I know I was curious why you heard it too." I say

"Okay I'm gonna tell you something you obviously are blissfully unaware of, you aren't human anymore." He said

"Wait hold up what do you mean 'not human anymore'?" I ask

"You where bitten by a wolf weren't you?" Theodore asked

"Yeah." I said

Theodore hesitated a bit before talking.

"Your a werewolf... And the dog whistle is one of your powers, enhanced hearing, sight, smell, touch, along with retractable claws and with a little practice you can fully transform into a full wolf like the wolf that bit you... What color was the wolfs fur?" Theodore asked

"Black, do you know who it was?" I ask

"I'm pretty new to town and  I haven't come across any werewolves beside you and my brother." Theodore says

"Thanks Theodore." I say

I walk back into my class and Mrs. Hill was writing an chemical equation on the board. I sat down in my seat.

"Where were you?" Casey asked

"The hall." I replied

"You missed some notes I'll send them to you." Casey said

"Thank you." I say

"So what did you do in the hall?" Casey asked

"I talked to a guy." I said

"What guy?" Casey asked

"Theodore Lykaon." I say

Just about every girl turns to me. Apparently Theodore is a big deal.

"Dude I don't understand what all the hype about him is about." I say

They all scoff and turn to face the board.

"I don't either." Casey said

"So what did you talk about?" Casey asked

"The whistle outside, I could hear it." I said in a hushed tone

"Could he?" Asked Casey

"Yeah." I say

"So your a werewolf?" She asked

"How did you know?" I ask

"There are many things people don't know  about hunters hollow, the only people who know about these type of things, they aren't human... And how do I know, I'm witch... I saw it coming a mile away you have a destiny, Adena... far beyond your current comprehension." Casey said

I faced forward and listened to the notes Mrs. Hill was giving. I sat there the whole hour debating whether I should tell my mom or not. Probably not because she is a little on the side of not believing me and she'd probably send me to a nut house.

"Mrs. Parker are you paying any attention?" Asked Mrs. Hill

"Yes Mrs. Hill." I say

"Then tell me what we have been learning about?" She asks with her hands on her hips

"Fine." I say

I get up and push my chair in and I walk to the front of the class.

"Hello class, I am Adena Parker and I'm your fill in teacher for the time being, I looked at the sub plans and the notes are terribly long so I took the liberty to shorten them for you." I say, "A chemical change occurs whenever compounds are formed or decomposed.

reactants disappear as chemical change occurs."

People started writing down what I was saying, even Casey did.

"Products appear as chemical change occurs

catalysts speed up the reaction, but aren't produced or consumed. A chemical change occurs whenever there is a rearrangement of atoms that makes or breaks chemical bonds... I believe my visit must come to an end Mrs. Hill shall take this lesson back over."

"Ooohh." Spread throughout the class

"She roasted you."

I proudly took my seat. I looked behind me. Casey's jaw was wide open.

"I guess you don't need the notes?" Casey asked

"I'm good but thanks." I say