Chapter 5

"Hey mom." Sabrina said

"Hey girls..." Mom sounded confused I could hear it in her voice

"Anything wrong?" I ask

"No, it's just I've never seen you two get along so well." She said setting her bags down

"Well we are watching tv, so I think that eliminates all fighting." Sabrina says

Mom walks to her room.

"Okay, we don't tell mom anything that happened today, I don't want her to worry about us." I say

"For the younger sister you seem a lot wiser than I am." Sabrina says

"Well I had to wise up soon didn't I?" I ask

"So Theo and Ben are they seniors like me?" Sabrina asks

"No, Theo is a sophomore Ben is a senior though." I say

"Oh." She said sadly

"Stay away from them, I don't like them at all I have a bad feeling." I say

"Then why are you gonna give them those rings?" She asks

"Because I'm nice." I say

Sabrina laughed so hard she nearly fell off the couch.

"Not funny." I say

"It kinda is, you nice... Pfft hahahaha." Sabrina said


I go to school the next day and Ben and Theo run in almost out of breath. I look behind them. Mandy was chasing them.

"Take these." I say

They put the rings on.

"Thank you." Theo says

"Okay... so I need a crash course in being a werewolf." I say

"Come to our house after school." Ben says

"Where do you live?" I ask

"Just walk home with us." Theo says

"Okay sounds good." I say

We parted ways down the hall I had chemistry and they had... well I'm not sure.


The day had come to an end. Ben and Theo found me at my locker.

"Come on." Theo says, "Your taking forever."

"I'm sorry I had to put a couple books away." I say

I was about to shut my locker when Theo picked me up and slug me over his back.

"Can one of you get my backpack?" I ask

"I got it." Says Ben picking it up and carrying it for me

"Theo can you let me down?" I ask

"Nope." He says

"Your ass is in my face." I say

"I still don't see the problem." Theo says

"Please." I whine

He lets me down and I jump on his back and he carried me out of the school. Most of the girls where looking at me. I tried focusing my hearing on what they where saying.

"How does a freak like her get guys like those?" Asked Stacy

Stacy was with her click. They all laughed I just ignored them since they where jealous.

I guess Theo did the same as I did.

"Don't worry about them, their all hoes anyway." Theo said

Theo and Ben laughed and I joined in. Stacy gave me a dirty look.

"Do you mind if I do something?" I ask Theo

"What?" Theo asks

"I want to make Stacy really mad." I say

"Go for it." Theo says, "It's funny when she's pissed."

I jump off of Theo's back and walk in front of him... and I kiss him, to my surprise he kisses back. He wraps his arms around my waist. I can feel his smile grow on his face.

"Hey... Guys... Can we go now?" Asks Ben

"Guys?" Ben asks, "Gosh, get a fucking room!"

Ben pulls us apart. Theo smiles at me. At first it was to make Stacy jealous but now... I not sure how to feel about Theo.

I look over at Stacy who had an astonished look on her face. I wish I took a picture because it was priceless.

Theo takes my hand and he intertwined it with mine. Ben hands me my backpack and I sling it over my other shoulder. We started walking to their house. Theo opened the door and we all walk in.

"Wow." I say

"You don't like it do you?" Asks Theo

"No, it's amazing." I said

Ben rolled his eyes

Ben jumped over and onto the couch. He turned the tv on. Theo took my hand and led me up a stair case. He opens the door and we are on the roof.

"Okay up here is where we will do sparing, because I don't want you going around all defenseless." Theo says

Theo and I jog back down the stairs back to the living room. Then he jogs down another pair of steps to the basement.

"On the full moon you will be locked here until you learn control, unless you don't mind waking up in the woods with dead bodies everywhere." Theo says

"I wasn't going to disagree anyway." I say

Then we run back up the stairs. Then he went into the living room again. This a loft apartment so there is a bedroom above the half of the living room and you could somewhat see up in it.

"So where are we training today?" I ask

"The basement." He says

"Couldn't we have just stayed down there?" I ask

"Yeah, I didn't think of that." He said

We run back down the stairs.

"Okay today we are going to practice retracting your claws, control, and try to fully transform." Theo said

So Theo walks over to me. He takes my arm.

"Okay try it." He says

He retracted his own claws by motioning his arm down. I copied him. It didn't work.

"What am I doing wrong?" I ask

"Okay you need to imagine the claws retracting." He says

I try it and I fail. I try again and again. Eventually I give up.

"Your not picturing it, you have to picture it you have to want it." He says

"I am." I say

"Then use anger, hatred to achieve your goal." He says

"Is that how you learned?" I ask

"Yeah." He sighed

I tried it. They retracted.

"I did it." I smiled

"See, determination gets you places." He says

"So now about control?" I ask

"Same thing, I taught you two things at once." He says

"Cool." I smile

"Let's see how well you control yourself now." He says

His eyes flash gold. His fangs grow and his ears shape into wolf ears. He was half human form and half wolf. He snarled at me. He looked like he was about to lunge at me. I ducked and ran between his legs and got behind him. I took my foot and pulled out his legs from under him. He fell to the ground.

"Beginners luck." He said