Chapter 23

Adrianna's phone rung. She looked at it and smiled.

"What?" Taylor asked

"It's my friends back in Michigan." Adrianna said

"What's wrong?" Taylor asks

"Nothing, Mandy's fine Alex and Ryan found her." Adrianna smiled

"That's good." I said

2 months later (April)

Just two months are left of school. Adrianna and her pack are going to leave after the school year ends.

Lola still is hanging out with Julian more than she is with me. I hope that all changes when Julian leaves. I want my best friend back.

Mandy misses Lola too. I don't understand what her deal is. Maybe their dating... I kinda think it's cute other than the fact I'm not even anywhere in the picture.

Keegan Doncaster came up to my table where Casey, Mandy, Ben, I are seated.

"Hey Adena." He says

"Hi Keegan." I smile

Keegan is really sweet and all but he has this huge crush on me. He always is trying to ask me out in different and unique ways.

"So I was wondering since the new Star Wars movie came out and since you like that trilogy so much I was wondering if you wanted to see it with me?" He asked

"I've already seen it." I say

I had already seen it wasn't a complete lie. I wanted to see it again, just not with him... On a date.

"What about mocking jay part two?" He asked

"Keegan, I love you and all but as a friend." I finally say

"Oh, thanks anyway." He smiles and walks away

I put my hands on my head and sigh. Mandy looks at me.

"Are you okay?" She asks

"Not really, between shooting down Keegan and Lola not paying any attention to us my life has really started to go downhill." I say

"Hay maybe summer will be better." Mandy says

"Yeah, but I'll stress all summer because I'm probably going to have to retake a bunch of classes... My grades are terrible." I sigh

"Mine are too, but you know what we can be fail buddies together." She says trying to cheer me up

Adrianna and Casey come sit down with their plates. Then Gregg and Taylor join us.

"Still no Lola and Julian?" Gregg asks

"At this point in time I don't think he's gonna come home." Adrianna says

"Doesn't he have a family?" I ask

"No, he's an orphan... His parents both werewolves died awhile back... Hunters killed them, not even their rings could protect them so Julian ran." Adrianna says

"What where these hunters called?" I ask

"Do you mean their last name?" Mandy asks

"Yeah." I say

"They are called the Lynch's." Adrianna says

"So where has he been staying in Michigan?" I ask

"My house my mom and dad said it was okay, so he's like a brother to me." Adrianna says

Ben spilled his milk carton on Adrianna by accident.

"Ben what the fuck!" Adrianna shouts as she stood up

Ben laughs. Adrianna punches him and he falls backward.

"What the hell was that for?" He asked

"You know what that was for!" Adrianna said

"Do any of you have extra pants?" Adrianna asks

"I have some sweat pants in my gym locker." I say

"What's your combination?" Adrianna asks

"10-45-12" I say

Adrianna walks out of the lunch room. I continue to eat. Adrianna returns with my sweat pants on and her jeans in her hand. Adrianna sits in a different spot.

I laid my head in my hands. I lifted it up momentarily and saw Lola and Julian sitting at our table.

"Hey." Lola says

"Hey? That's all I get? What about sorry I haven't talked to you in over two months or how about a reason for why you haven't texted or called back or-"

Mandy cuts me off, "How come you haven't even looked our way? I understand you and Julian are close now but he shouldn't replace us!"

Ben's eyes widened at the excitement. Well to him at least.

"I know I'm sorry guys... I have an explanation I promise." Lola says

"And what would that be?" I ask

"It's just that Julian is gong to leave in a few months and I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could." Lola says

I knew it.

"You know Julian I'd be fine with it if you stayed here if that's okay with Lola and her father." Adrianna says

"Really?" Julian asks

"Yeah." Adrianna smiled

"In that case." Julian says

He looks at Lola and slammed his lips into hers. She looked surprised as hell but kisses back.

Julian and Lola part. He smiled so wide. Her cheeks where redder than I've ever seen them. Lola faced me.

"Are we good?" She asked

"Sure." I say

"Yeah." Mandy says

I'm so happy things are somewhat normal again. Lola looked at Julian and he pulled her closer to him.

I guess its third wheeling time.

"Lola, Julian should probably stay at my house after Gregg, Taylor, and Adrianna leave." I say

"Why?" He asks

"Lola's father." I say

"That sounds like a good idea." He says

"Yeah, just don't let him know your dating, he'll kill you." I say

Lunch ended and I was in the hour with Nick.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah." He says

"No your not, what's wrong?" I ask

"You know what's wrong." I ask

"Nothing... You know, I used to hate you much." He casually says

"Why?" I ask

"Because your mom is a doctor and your always so happy." He says

"On the outside, not always on the inside." I say

"See I don't get how you can hide it that well." He says

"I'm a girl it's what we do." I say

He laughed.

"No I'm being serious right now." I say

Class got started and I walked over to Ben.

"So what's up?" I ask

"Hopelessly falling for a guy who is straight." He sighed

"How many times do I have to say this... He's gay... The dude swerved a long time ago!" I yell

"Who swerved?" Asked Killian as he came running towards us

"No one... Um uh... A character on a tv show we love." Ben says

"Which tv show?" Killian asked

"ShadowHunters." Ben replied

"I love that show!" Killian shouts

"Really?" Ben asks

"By the way your butt looks cute in those shorts!" Killian says as he walks away

"Oh my gosh. I think I hurt died and Satin dragged me down to hell!" Ben was freaking out

"Let me help yeah back up... Cuz guess what he just said your ass is cute!" I say

"It is though." He says

"True." I say