Chapter 31

School ended and I walked to the hospital to get the things Casey asked for.

AB blood packets x3

A couple of tools

What the hell does that mean? I thought

I got everything I needed and walked back to Casey's. Halfway there I thought, I'll just text Casey and she can poof me there!

I texted Casey and in seconds I was at her house.

"Did you get everything?" She asked

"Yeah." I say

I empty my bag and put it on the table. She took a surgery knife and cut at Finn's stomach.

"Text Sabrina and tell her to bring Delilah, I'm almost done and I need them to help me." Casey says

"Who's Delilah?" I ask

"A student of mine, just like your sister... But Delilah is in tenth grade." Casey says

I took my phone out and texted Sabrina,

Come over to Casey's and bring Delilah.

She replied,

We are on our way.

"Their on their way." I say

Within seconds after I said that they proofed into the room. They walked over to the table and chanted something. Finn started coughing up blood.

While Sabrina and Delilah where performing the spell Casey was making sure Finn had enough blood going back into his system, which is was the blood was for.

Then something came from the cut in his chest Casey made earlier. It was a silver bullet laced with Wolves bane.

"I'm glad we caught that, two days more he would have been dead." Casey says

Delilah and Sabrina didn't stop the spell yet.

"Can't they stop? They got what was wrong with him, right?" I ask

"No the spell stops when everything that's a threat to him is all gone." Casey says

Then a couple minutes later some orange color liquid floated out of his stomach. Casey took a bucket and put it under the orange liquid.

Th spell stopped and the liquid dropped into the bucket Casey held underneath. Casey took it and went to her shelves. She tore through every book on her shelves.

She huffed and sat down on the couch with her hands on her head.

"I don't know what the hell this is and I'm not sure I'll be able to figure it out." Casey said

"You haven't gotten much sleep have you?" I ask

"I can't I've been trying to figure out-" Casey says

"Chill, what happened to my cool and collected teacher?" Delilah asked Casey cutting her off

"She's stressed as hell." Casey answered

I looked at Casey. I felt bad she's normally calm and collected like Delilah said. But today she's tense as all get out.

"I'm gonna go get Mandy's book of supernatural maybe there's something in there." I announce

I walked out and Delilah followed close behind me.

"This isn't me trying to be rude or anything, but can I ask why your following me?" I ask

"I don't know, I guess I didn't want to stay in there with teacher downer." Delilah says

We walk to Mandy's house. She poofed me into Mandy's room.

"Hey Dena, what's up?" Mandy asks

"I need your supernatural book." I say

"What for?" She asked

"Finn." I say

She goes to her shelve and takes a big book and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I tell her

Delilah and I poof back to Casey's and I hand Casey the book. I leave and go back to the hospital to finish my shift.


Two days left of school

I walked into school and saw everyone who has kept me sane this year Lola, Mandy, Ben, Jackson, Julian, Sabrina, Adrianna, Gregg, and Taylor.

Lola and Julian where talking at Lola's locker. Mandy was with Stephen, holding his hand... You go girl. Ben was talking with Killian and I was proud of him because normally Ben doesn't talk to anyone.

Adrianna, Gregg, and Taylor walked around with each other obviously excited that they get to go back home soon.

The Jackson came from behind me and gave me a big hug. I smiled and looked up at him. He looked down and me and kissed me.

"I got your books." He said

"Thank you." I smile

I walk to my first hour. I once that ends I continued my day until I got to Algebra II. I sat next to Ben.

"Okay Dena, I need to tell you something... You have to promise to not say a thing to anyone especially Killian." He says

"Okay, lay it on me." I say

"I like Killian." He said

"I knew that." I said straight faced

"You did?!? How?" He asked

"You kept looking at Killian's ass in gym, plus I pay attention to my friends." I say

"Oh." He said

"So how's the project in your honors class?" I asked Ben

He proceeded to tell me every sentence Killian has ever said to him. Ben still doubted that Killian is gay.

Later that day I was in performing arts, a class I have with Ben. He came in with the goofiest grin I have ever seem on him.

"What happened?" I asked

"Killian is fucking gay!" He whisper yelled

"I told you!" I say, "Did he tell you this?" I ask

"Yeah, so he walked into class and sat next to me... Ok... Then he turns to me then he says in a hushed voice 'Can I trust you with a secret?' And of course I said yeah... Then he said he was gay... Then I asked if there was a guy in particular he was gay for... And he pointed to me." He said

I was happy for Ben, and happy for the simple fact that Jackson now owed me $20.

"So are you dating now?" I ask

"No, I kinda freaked and totally forgot to tell him I like him." Ben sighed and face palmed

I rubbed his back.

"It's okay, I've got a plan... Come to the hospital with me after school." I say

Later school ended. I drove to hospital with Ben. I started my shift. Ben sat next to me in the second chair.

Jackson trotted in. I smiled.

"What's that big smile for?" He asked

"I told you!" I shout

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Ben's gay isn't he?" Jackson asked

Ben nodded.

"I told you." I said

"WHAT?!? BENS GAY?" I heard someone shout

Ben and I turned around to see Killian.


I motion for him to come closer to Ben and I.

"So it's true?" Killian asked Ben

"Yeah." Ben said said

"Really?" Killian asked a slight smile appeared on his face

"This is perfect." I say

"Why?" Killian asked

"Because... Someone likes you." I say

"Ben?" Killian asked

"Yeah." Ben said

"Anyway your here to see Jace?" I asked

"Bitch please not anymore I've got bigger bitches to fry." He said looking at Ben

Ben looked as if he was about to faint. I stood him up and pushed him to Killian.

"Can we talk?" Asked Ben

"Sure." Killian smiled

The two walked out of the hospital together.

"What the hell just happened?" Jackson asked

"Ben's gay and I told you." I said

"I owe you money don't I?" Jackson asked

"Twenty I believe you bet." I say

He digs his hand in his pocket and hands me a twenty.

"Thank you." I say