Brief Travels, Part Two - Futa Talk

For a while, Arisa just stared at her. As Liri wiped some blood off her hands, she blushed a bit.

"Is there anything you want to say?" She asked.

"You are *very* strong," Arisa stated, sounding completely enchanted.

Liri looked back down at her hands. Mainly, so that she wouldn't have to meet Arisa's lovestruck eyes.

[... Maybe,] she thought. [I still don't really know what can be considered "strong" in this world, though. Am I really that powerful?]

She shook her head.

"So, where do we go from here?" Liri asked, ignoring Arisa's expression.

"This way," Arisa replied, pointing off to the side and finally focusing back on the matter at hand.

"Let's keep going, then."

With that, they resumed what Liri hoped would be a short journey.

Liri learned more about her new partner as they continued walking.

"So, your dad's a military officer?"

"Indeed," Arisa replied.

"Same here," Liri responded with a smile.

"Oh? Your father is a warrior as well?"

"My mother. Well, one of them."

Arisa's eyes widened.

"You… have multiple mothers?"

"Two, yes," Liri replied with a giggle. "There aren't any guys among my kind."

"B-But, how do you…?"

Liri realized something then.

Naturally, they'd come upon a very important topic. And so, a thought came to her.

[Hm. I guess now's probably the best time to bring that up, right? Crap...] She snuck a nervous glance at her partner. The woman was waiting for her to give an explanation. [But, what if she...? No. No, just do it. You have to tell her.]

"It's because, ehm…" Liri gulped, preparing herself to deliver this emotional blow. "We kinda have both."

"I do not understand," Arisa replied.

"… I guess showing you is probably the best way to explain. Try not to freak out."

Having said that, she inhaled slowly and lifted the loincloth that had acted as the only thing keeping her from being fully naked.

The surprise on Arisa's face was discouraging.

"Oh my…"



"Yeah," Liri nodded. "We're all like this."

There was something rather embarrassing about the way Arisa looked down at it. An analytical, surprised expression appeared on her face as she took a couple of steps closer.

"U-Uhm…" Liri replied, stepping back.

Arisa did not let that hesitation deter her, however.

She walked forward and crouched in front of Liri. Due to her tall height, even on her knees like this, she was still just a couple of heads below Liri. As the ven wondered what Arisa was about to do, the black-lipped woman answered that question by reaching out and touching her.

"AGH!" Liri flinched. "W-WAIT!"

Arisa did not let go.

Arisa's touch felt like it sent electricity all throughout the ven's body.

[Is she seriously…!?]

"Wow," Arisa mumbled. "It is so much cuter than what the men of my tribe have."

That was the first time Liri had ever heard a penis be described as "cute". She wasn't sure whether to be flattered or annoyed at that, so she settled on feeling a little bit of both.

"Y-Yeah, so, could you stop- aegh…"

Arisa pulled on it gently, looking at it from the side.

"Though, in terms of length, I believe my kind would put you to shame," she said with a smile.

As Arisa continued to toy with it, Liri gulped and pulled away, nearly having the thing yanked off as Arisa briefly resisted giving it up.

[Crap, if she keeps holding it...]

"So…" She said, with quite a bit of effort not to show how she was feeling right now. "I bet you don't want to marry me anymore, huh?" Liri asked as she finally got Arisa to let go. She did feel like that was true, but she was mostly trying to get this woman off of her.

"Hm? Of course, not," Arisa replied with a smile, standing up again. "I would still very much like to make you my wife."

"B-But, you said it was…"

"As cute and as beautiful as you are," Arisa finished for her. "I appreciate it as much as I appreciate the rest of your body."

[… You're insane.]

Hiding her blushing face, Liri turned away, lowering that loincloth and no longer putting that "cute" dick on display.

"W-We should just keep going."



They did just that.

As the sun descended past the horizon, they settled on making a camp for the night.

Such a task was easy for Liri, and, thankfully, it looked like Arisa had some experience as well, as she used the nearby vegetation to set up a makeshift tent for them.

Yes, *one* makeshift tent.

That led to its own awkward consequence, naturally.

[She's so close!] Liri thought as Arisa lay behind her.

The moon was out in full force tonight, blasting them with its blueish-white rays through a cloudless sky. The cold air wrapped itself around Liri's bare shoulders. It was the only part of her body that she could currently describe as cold, especially given that Arisa's arms soon wrapped around her body.

Taking slow, steady breaths, Liri tried her hardest to ignore the woman's warmth, but that was a gargantuan task given how Liri had struggled to keep herself away from physical contact for the past eighteen years.

Arisa's embrace suddenly grew a little tighter.

Liri inhaled sharply as Arisa's arms bumped into the underside of her breasts.

[This is too much…] Liri thought, as one of her hands began roaming down between her legs of its own volition. [No, no, no! Be strong, Liri! What would she think if she caught you rubbing one out just because she touched you a little? Hold it in!]

Arisa's breath hitting the back of Liri's neck made it difficult for her mind to function properly.

Slowly, she began to build up the courage to get off. She deserved it, she felt, as she'd been putting in a lot of work to keep the remaining ven safe up until she departed recently, and she'd managed to save a complete stranger's life as well.

[… I can allow myself a moment or two to celebrate, right?]

Before she could do anything else, however, Arisa sleepily turned in the other direction, ripping that warmth she'd been providing away.


On one hand, this allowed Liri to regain control over her body.

On the other, she felt painfully lonely now.

Once the night was done, the two of them kept moving. They walked for a few days, talking, hunting, and sharing a few surprisingly comfortable nights together.

Eventually, however, they reached Arisa's home, where Liri hoped to learn more about the state of the world.