Emma's POV
"I don't want a birthday party." I said to him as we attended to the children.
"Baby why? "
"Because I don't want a bunch of people meeting the twins at just a week old. I want to just have dinner here with the staff and Nana."
"Ethan, you're going to spoil Evan if you keep raising him every time he cries for affection." I watched as my soon-to-be husband took the baby boy out of the crib and placed him against his hard chest.
Evan stopped cried and began to smile in the arms of his father. He was already spoiled by Ethan and it amazed me how much he was attached to him instantly, like he had been waiting to meet his dad.
"I love him and he smells so nice." He said sniffing him, which made me laugh.
I picked up Emily and cuddled her in my arms. She was more attached to me than Evan. Evan only wanted my milk but longed for his father's time and attention. I didn't know what I'd do when Ethan went back to work and Evan realized he was gone.