Book 1: Chapter 66 EJ

Emma's POV

"Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice Mr. and Mrs. Hollen. I just wanted to talk to you about Ethan Junior's behavior and conduct."

We were sitting in Ethan Junior's classroom with him and his class teacher. EJ had gotten into a fight with another kid in his class.

"First, Ethan Junior is a very brilliant and intelligent student. He's punctual and brave. Over there is what I call the Star Chart." She pointed to a poster on the wall that had the names of students and the stars they received for their academic performance.

EJ had a full line. I was impressed. But there was another line for conduct and behavior, his had only one star while other students were all above five. I was disappointed, and Ethan was too. His eyes were getting darker and darker as he looked at our son.