Book 3: Chapter 21

Zenia's POV

"I know last night was irksome and I apologize for everything. Especially EJ."

It was Saturday morning and Anton and I were taking a stroll through the park.

"You don't have to apologize for his behavior towards me. I know he doesn't like me because he believes I'm standing in his way."

Sharing a small laughter, we walked over to a bench, licking our ice-cream cones.

"He does care about you, you know that right?"

"Actually, it's very complicated between him and I. It's like two steps forward then ten steps backwards. Today we're happy, then tomorrow it's a complete different story. I just want everything to stop or to slow down." I heaved a loud sigh.

"But that's life Zenia. Nothing is going to stop or slow down for our liking. I was once in your very situation and I felt like I was going crazy."

It then crossed my mind that I never asked him if he had a girlfriend.