At School.

Jeremy kissed his mum goodbye before speeding to school. He arrived earlier than usual and just had enough time to look for Brooke.

His eyes soon fell on the nerdy boy as he made his way into the hall. Brooke had very pale skin that refused to hold a tan and green eyes that seemed dull by the glasses he wore. His brown hair was messy and fell on his face, it was clear that he was a very handsome boy,just like Jeremy.

"Hey man,it's nice to see you're early today." Brooke teased. Don't let the glasses and geeky appearance deceive you,Brooke can be quite sassy at times though he is quite shy around girls,especially Makayla Roberts,his crush.

Jeremy rolled his eyes at the comment and just lightly dragged Brooke towards the janitor's closet.

"What the hell?" Brooke was about to question what was going on but Jeremy cut him off. "There's no time for questions, I've got a serious problem." Jeremy started and waited for Brooke's reaction.

"What? You just found out you're gay?" Brooke asked with a smirk and Jeremy was tempted to strangle him. "Fuck! Why can't you just be serious for once, I'm in a real dilemma right now." Jeremy lightly yelled and Brooke wiped the funny expression from his face immediately turning it into a serious one.

"OK,what's the issue?" Brooke interrogated and Jeremy went ahead to explain all the strange things that had been going on lately.

Brooke couldn't believe it at first, thinking Jeremy was trying to play a trick on him but then Jeremy had an idea.

He took hold of a piece of broken glass he saw lying around on the floor and was about to slit open his wrist when Brooke stopped him.

"What're you doing? You're gonna hurt yourself." Brooke cautioned. "You've refused to believe me so I have to prove my point, apparently I heal faster so this will be nothing." Jeremy told.

"But what if it was all a dream or your imagination. Cutting yourself on the wrist is pretty dangerous, you could tear a vein and bleed to death." Brooke started again but Jeremy didn't listen, he went ahead and slit his wrist and blood poured out.

But to both Brooke's fascination and horror, the wound immediately stopped bleeding and began closing up all by itself until the skin was completely sealed and flawless like it hadn't been horribly cut a minute ago.

"Wow....." Was all Brooke could say. "So now you believe me?" Jeremy said, a smirk on his face but Brooke only nodded. What he had just seen was so surreal that it rendered him speechless.

"So,what are your thoughts? Any idea what's going on with me?" Jeremy asked, worried something might be wrong.

"I have an idea but I'm not sure. We'll just have to conduct some tests, I don't wanna draw conclusions without have any evidence." Brooke said still studying Jeremy's wrist that was perfectly normal.

"Some tests? What kind of tests? And how? I don't want us to go to the hospital, I don't want people thinking I'm some kind of monster." Jeremy was starting to fidget.

"Relax,it's just a blood test and some physical tests,then maybe an X-ray . I just wanna be sure my assumptions are correct. We're not going to the hospital, my uncle's a scientist, he's got some kind of private lab at home." Brooke said.

"Dude you're scaring me,quit talking like I'm gonna die soon. Besides, why isn't your uncle working for the government if he's really a scientist."

"Well,he was but he quit. You see,they had this project going on and my uncle was trying to prove something about certain mutations causing superhuman abilities but the other scientists thought him crazy and refused to listen to his theory because there wasn't any available evidence. My uncle's one strong headed man and so he quit just so he could conduct his own researches and find the evidence he needed. He's been at it for about a year now but with no luck." Brooke explained and Jeremy nodded.

Just then, the bell for their first class went. "I guess we'll just have to see this uncle of yours after school then." Jeremy suggested and Brooke nodded.

"For now let's just hurry to class before we're late,I've got a clean record to maintain." Brooke said and Jeremy laughed, sometimes he wondered why Brooke was such a geek. He would have been much better off as a popular kid with the sass,looks and all.

They came out of the closet and bumped into Paxton, the troublemaker.

"Don't you think it's a bit early for you to be doing your stupid gay stuff? And in the janitor's closet of all places where you can be seen? That's just low." Paxton started with that stupid smirk of his and Brooke had to stop Jeremy from punching the guy.

"Jerry, he's not worth our time. We're only going to be late or get in trouble by paying attention to him." Brooke reminded and Jeremy tried to stay calm.

"Yeah twerp,listen to your girlfriend and run along to class before you both get in trouble." Paxton mocked and Jeremy landed a punch to his face with the speed of light.

Before Paxton could recover or react,Jeremy grabbed Brooke's hand and sped them to their first class.

The rest of school went on as usual, nothing relatively interesting happened except for the fact that everyone found out that Jacinta, the most popular cheerleader had finally been knocked up.

School finally came to an end and Jeremy sped them to where Brooke's uncle lived,with Brooke leading the way.

He just wanted answers for everything that was going on and he wanted them soon.