Sudden Disappearance

Jeremy continued going to Dr Ashton to train with his powers and in a matter of a few weeks,he was really good with his aerokinesis, he could lift heavy things easily whilst controlling the wind with one hand. He had even succeeded in making Dr Ashton float on one of their training sessions. He was happy about his progress but he still kept it a secret.

It was just another boring day at school, Jeremy was particularly eager to get to Dr Ashton's and he couldn't tell why. As the history teacher was yapping on about something about World War II,he kept staring at his wristwatch and he didn't realize when he heaved after hearing the bell signal the close of school.

He packed his books into his bag,sling his bag on his back and walked over to Brooke who seemed lost,gazing at Makayla who was talking and laughing with her friends.

"Lost in love,I see."Jeremy teased and Brooke snorted. " Why don't you just go talk to her instead of stealing surreptitious glances of her?" Jeremy asked and received a glare from Brooke in return.

"If it were that easy,I'm sure you'd have a girlfriend by now." Brooke retorted and Jeremy thought it best to ignore him.

"Pack up quickly, we need to get to Dr Ash's quick." Jeremy said while Brooke went about packing up his stuff. "Why the rush?" Brooke questioned and Jeremy shrugged.

"I just feel like going there early." He said and they left. They walked swiftly to Dr Ashton's cabin but surprisingly, the place seemed to be locked when they arrived.

"It seems he's not home." Brooke stated the obvious. "Dr Ash is never this careless, if he wouldn't be home today, he would have informed me." Jeremy said,worry starting to crawl into his mind.

"He's human you know,maybe he forgot to inform you or it suddenly came up." Brooke said but Jeremy wasn't convinced.

"I'll just call him in case." He said and went ahead to call Dr Ashton but the phone kept ringing and no one answered. "Give it up Jeremy, he's probably busy and you're disturbing him." Brooke said and Jeremy stopped calling.

"Maybe you're right, let's just wait till he calls back or returns." Jeremy said and they waited and waited for hours but Dr Ashton neither called back nor did he show up.

"It's getting dark now and I'm getting really worried,I think he's in trouble." Jeremy disclosed and Brooke shook his head.

"Honestly, at times you act like an old lady. I mean,you worry too much. He's a grown up for goodness sake, let's just go home." Brooke said and Jeremy reluctantly agreed.

That night, Jeremy could barely get any sleep,he just couldn't dismiss the sinking feeling of worry he had in his stomach.

Jeremy arrived school early and waited for Brooke. He voiced his concerns and they decided they would try to contact Dr Ashton once more and if they couldn't, they would go to the police.

School that day dragged on much too slowly for both boys. Immediately the bell went,they left the class swiftly, even bumping into people on the way.

Jeremy didn't wait to walk with Brooke this time,instead he super sped to Dr Ashton's cabin and still found it locked. He called Dr Ashton once more but still couldn't get to the man.

Brooke arrived fifteen minutes later,breathing heavily and sweating so much. "You should know that not all of us have superspeed." He complained breathlessly.

"Sorry,I was just so worried. Now my doubts have been confirmed, Dr Ashton is missing." Jeremy voiced solemnly. "What do you mean my uncle's missing?" Brooke questioned and Jeremy explained the reason why he believed so.

"I think he's been kidnapped." Jeremy said and Brooke looked at him with a lost expression. "Who would possibly kidnap him and why?" Brooke asked.

"I don't know who would. But I think I know why. He was kidnapped because of me,maybe someone found out my secret and kidnapped Dr Ashton because he was the easier target." Jeremy reasoned.

"Stop speaking nonsense, nothing like that happened. I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for everything that's going on. I also know about your secret but I'm still here,aren't I? I'm a much easier target. We shouldn't be concluding just yet,let's just go to the police for now." Brooke said,paranoia washing over him.

They took a bus to Brooke's house and informed his mum that her brother in-law could probably be missing. She also tried calling him but had no luck.

She went with the boys to the police station to file a complaint since her husband happened to be put of town.

Since it had been about 24 hours since he had last been seen,they filled a missing person's report.

The police jumped into action and started an intensive investigation. They questioned everyone related to Dr Ashton one way or another, even his neighbours and former colleagues but no one had a clue to where he could be and then,they decided to search his house for clues.

They broke down the door and began scouring through the house but they found nothing,not even a single clue.

They were about retreating when one of the cops,a female saw something that caught her eye. Inside one the kitchen cabinet,there was a huge bag. It was long and resembled that of a body bag,she dragged to bring it out and realized it was very heavy.

What actually caught her attention wasn't the bag or the peculiar smell around the kitchen but the fact that flies were fervently flying around the bag.

She called the rest of the team to come take a look at her discovery. They brought out the bag and zipped it open,not too surprisingly, in the bag lied the dead body of Dr Ashton Shields.