Chapter 10 Mistaken

I lost my first kiss

I lost my freaking first kiss!!

I screamed in frustration throwing the pillows in the air and quilt on the ground.

Raven stared at me, bored with my childish tantrums.

"You know this is insane!! I mean you just kissed the Prince! Omg!! Can you believe it!!"

My next pillow attacked her face as I nearly screamed at her.

"He took my first kiss goddamit!! And you are happy!! You are not my friend anymore!! I hate you!!

Her face held surprise as she stared at me with mouth open.

"Are you serious? You are pissed off because your crush took your first kiss?"

Sitting down on the bed I ran my hands through my now entangled hair.

"You don't understand Raven... he... he didn't want to kiss me... he just by accident had to.

Didn't you see the anger in his eyes after we kissed...he hates me and now he will hate me more!!"

"Oh come on! So what... it's no big deal for him... he kisses quite often why will he be pissed?"