Chapter 17 Fear Vs Strength

A bright yellow sun in black sky.


No possible, try asking an astronaut.

A blue sea inside another sea?

Possible,ask me when I am surrounded by water and I see those blue orbs staring at me.

Your Majesty.

Daniel Knight's POV

I seriously don't know what's wrong with me.

I have lost my top floor and this girl here has just bombarded it.

I try maintaining my distance.

I fuck*** try so much but every damn time I land back to her.

The theory of circles I read in books is standing on strong foot while I stood here holding her shaking form.

Eyes closed.

Her face inches away from me,leaving all excuses to take in her features to my hearts content.

Innocence is all I see in her cuteness.

Her palms are flatly placed on my chest and I could see then shaking.


My words making her tightly pressed lips to open up and take in air.

Her chest moving up while she did it.

Did I seriously just kiss her on her forehead?

Oh man this is gonna be very very awkward.