Chapter 27 Leap Of Time

There were nights when I couldn't sleep without out you.

Now there are days when I don't even remember you.

But in the end when I look at myself in the mirror at night.

The pendant hanging in neck brings to light the betrayal you gave me that night.

5 years later

Your majesty's POV

A large gathering surrounded the palace walls.

Stalls were put and markets were set to celebrate the biggest festival of the decade.

I was standing in my balcony,sipping my morning tea, while looking at the gathering below.

Everyone looked so happy, just like I wished them to be.

A smile automatically came on my lips on seeing them.

"Your Majesty! The administrators are waiting."

I sipped my tea, not bothering to turn around.

"Are they ready with the final draft. Yet?"

"No...they have not completed it,however they have a rough draft with them ?

"Tell them to come when it's done. Dismiss them."

"But your majesty they were persistent."

I didn't say anything.

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