it was a cloudy day, nothing strange but I had this bad feeling. I ignored it for the fact that I needed a haircut and to get some groceries while I was out.
After I got my haircut I started to head to the safeway. While I was walking there was a car that seemed to be slowing down, nothing unusual since this was a safeway so I thought that they were going to park.
I was wrong.
While they were slowing down there was another person in front of me. He seemed to be covering himself up completely with sunglasses and hat even though it was cloudy.
Then it kinda happened really fast that i could not even proces it
*bang* bang* bang* more gunshots noises*
The last thing I remember is feeling some pain in my left chest.
"So can you tell me where i am?" I told the person in front of me who looks alot a scholar or a wizard.
"Well first off show some respect, not just anyone get to met a all powerful being." he said
"So you are god?" I ask with some skepticism
"Yeah …. .ish technically speaking I am classified as one but that is not really the point. The point is" he suddenly changed to a man with a beard and long hair. "You are a wizard ******"
"What?" I ask since for some reason I can't hear my name and that is from a meme.
"You area wi---" he said before I interrupted him.
"Stop, i know i just died so why are you quoting a meme and why can't i hear my name." with some sadness and worry in my voice.
He looks at me with sympathy and worry.
"Well i guess you don't like that so i do apologise and to get why i chose you it's very simple. I need your help and before you say that you are a normal human I will say that you are correct but you are the only person I trust the most since well." he pauses. "I am you from another universe"
"How?" I ask. "Well you see infinite universes and there was one i was picked as a gamer and went on a adventure to gain more power since well knowing yourself you know why"
"Power hungry?" "yep, and well i never focused on anything else made alot of enemy on this path, granted they are all dead since a good enemy is a dead enemy i was no stupid to leave them alive so i can get backstabed. I kept gaining power to the point I can make univeseres, worlds and make the most terrifying people, monsters and eldritch beings look small compared to me. Now knowing this I will tell you why I need your help. To be specific even with this power I am still below the administrator. Every game has one and this one is no different to that."
"so where do i come in" i ask with a bit of worry 'he better not substitute me to get me sacrificed instead of him'
"well you see i could do that but i wont for the fact he would be able to tell since you do not have the same amount of power that i have. No, what I want you to do is increase the amount of power I set up for you, distract him enough so that I can separate myself from him. We GTFO out of there, watch our backs until we recover and go our separate ways since i don't have any use for you afterwards. There are enough multiverses to go around and simply put I really need a break. I mean like seriously i haven't even been in a relationship since becoming a gamer. I mean like seriously, where is the romance, You feel?"
"I feel but how do i know you are going to keep your promise?"
"simple with these essence of the scholar, mad doctor, crafter, Archmage, x-gene, home, planeswalker, Rob insurance, gourmand, blank, ultimate intellect, adventure, evolution, broker, inviolate self, compatible, essence of the essence and essence of limit, essence of food. Also you better not complain about them and you owe me the same amount of essence that i am giving you okay."
"Why do I need all of these?" "I will tell you after you drink them also drink essence of the blank first then compatible, evolution, archmage, scholar, mad doctor, adventure, then it really doesn't matter which one you drink afterwards."
*********unknown amount of time pass********
"Shit that was bitter there done so why all these essence?" "make a contract with me then i will tell you."
Making a contract was easy with little problems granted. I felt like making a couple of loopholes to screw with him but the glare he gave made me think otherwise. Can't help it really old habits die hard.
"They're done now sign here and read it first." it didn't take long for him to finish. I just wrote enough so he doesn't screw me over and that after the contract is finished we go our separate ways after everything is done the contracts burn up and then we will be free.
"There I signed." And as soon as he did I felt like there was some type of chain around me but I still felt like I could move. "So tell me why you made me drink the essences."
"Well for one so that you can become powerful as quickly as you can, you basically have the same speed of growth as a gamer so there's that and also when I reincarnate you, you won't go insane. Also dont worry too much I sealed up the big threats to you so it would basically be smooth sailing for you. Also you better go, the shield that protects us from the view of the administrator is going to hold up forever, so bye for now and hurry up. I will contact you when you are ready"
"Wait, hold up, what were the insane parts you said?" Sadly for me I was going to figure that out on my own a lot quicker than I would have liked.
(if you are interested this part will basically fall under the tale of SCP-1915 'where the stars do not wait for you' general premise is that he destroyed the scp universe completely and no one could stop him. This character does the exact thing but well in a bigger picture. Or like another big bad that I will not name.)
So I now know who I was as reincarnated as. SCP - 1915 the one that destroyed everyone with sand and well it seems I am in an office of my own imagination. The powers are mine but the absence is still there. I got what he was saying when he said I was going to go insane.
I was meant to let absence take over and instead of destroying I would devour or absorb everything and use it as a source to grow even stronger and use the essence of planwalker to jump to more scp universes while doing the exact same thing.
He also said that any actual threat would be sealed off and I get why he said that now, it is so I get to absorb them with no resistance and get more powerful.
I breathe in and out, I have to think this through. On one hand I have an easy route where I let absent devour everything in this reality and use planeswalker to jump to another reality until I reach a certain power and while I do nothing but only have absence take over and I just watch it happen. Being a prisoner in my own body. I could say it was not my fault and blame it on it if I really wanted to as well.
I chose that route immediately.
Simply put i don't know them so i have no attachment to them. I think that if I was in this same position before I took all those essences that basically make me numb to any emotion or resent me I would choose something different. Something better than what i am going to do.
Sadly i don't think that was going to happen. But i know one thing that won't change. I am a monster and a horrible one at that
*unown amount of time passes*
It is done. I absorbed my first reality and now I am in another one. Oh I also seem to have a voice in my head or mental landscape. She's nice, keeps me company and we talk a lot to get out of our boredom.
Using the essences that were based on eating and evolving them until the point I gained the powers, abilities and properties of what I ate I was able to absorb others SCP and anomalies didn't matter that it was an inanimate object or immortal I was inevitable. And I wasn't done with gaining enough power for myself, not just yet at least.
*unown amount of time passes*
So how many realites was that again? Don't really know I spent too much time looking and reading the memories of the SCP agents, chaos insurgency and global cult coalition members sometimes even the SCP themselves and thanks to the essence i won't go insane, well more than i already have, technically i count as a sociopath but nevermind that. Most of the time I spent was to see them and experience their combat memories.
Even with all these powers I honestly say that if i was a normal person I would die immediately to any of these people. They make call of duty look like kids playing in comparison. Obviously not as strong or good as Batman but certainly as Nick Fury.
They can disappear when your back is turned, that's how good they were and honestly I do like seeing how they took some SCP downs and how they freed others. Also got their training and experience but if I actually fight with my fist then it's going to be crude and not as good as them since some of the memoires overlap. Probably should practice before I actually fight with my hands.
Oh and I saw the scarlet king. He was chained up with his army. Ironic that i am devouring him now since i am doing the exact thing he did. I really guess that gamer me was powerful enough to do this. The phoenix force is being a major help sorting out and keeping everything absorbed stable so I don't die.
I think at this point I came to terms on what I am. I am not a good person and i am okay with that and no matter what i don't think anything will change that. Even if i forget my memories of all this.….. That might not be a bad idea if I am being honest. Might use that later.
*unown amount of time passes* (last one i swear for this chapter)
Well I am done. I devoured and absorbed enough that I honestly couldt care about the rest. I took care of the big bads so there gone I guess that counts as a good deed. Doesn't really change what I am but I think I know how. I always wanted to visit the DC universe.
(A.N: the actual story will start the next chapter. I just used this as an excuse to not have a ROB randomly give you power because he killed you since if we are being real that would never happen for the fact that they can just hide your soul. I didt want to use a system for the fact that the ROB might use it as a way to get even more power. Plus it is also sketchy as fuck. Like who the hell gives you a way to get more power than the one who originally gave it to you to begin with. Sorry for the complaint, I had to get that out of the way.)