Encounters in the Azotea

In a luxurious hotel in London, cool fresh air greeted Dana as soon as she stepped out of the limousine. All the newcomers along with her, gasped at her beauty. It was not an exaggeration to say that she could blind men with her beauty. 

"Is she the rumored genius? The one from the De Grantaine family?"

"Yes, she is. I think her name was Dana De Grantaine. The youngest child of Albert and Lady Margaret"

Dana could hear all the commotion and gossip, but she paid no attention to them. As she walked to the hall entrance, she could already hear the orchestra playing, along with the chatter of the guests. She gave the attendees a curt smile after handling her invitation, she then entered the ballroom in a sophisticated manner that caused all of them to look at her. Some were looking with admiration, men with lust, and women with contempt and envy. 

Dana ignored all stares and went to a certain group of people in the center of the ballroom, which consisted of two ladies and four gentlemen, including her beloved father.

"Forgive my tardiness, everyone. I was caught up with an issue on my way here. I hope that doesn't offend you in any way or so."

 "It's alright dear. Most importantly, you're here." A lady in her 20s smiled warmly. 

"You must be?"

"Oh my, where are my manners, I forgot to introduce you, this is Viscount Louis of Durham and his Fiancée, Lady Irene, main characters for tonight's show, this is Madam Isabella, Wife of Chairman Frederick, a successful food entrepreneur from Ireland, Of course, you already know me, and your father."

"Yes, Minister Andrew, thanks for the introduction." I gave a light smile to the Minister before facing the others. And in a respectful tone and a polite smile, I introduced myself.

"Pleasantries Everyone, I'm Dana De Grantaine. Chief Operating Officer of Crowns Conglomerate."

"I never would have thought that the person behind the success of Crowns this past three years would be a lovely lady such as yourself, Miss Dana." A faint smile surfaced on the face of the Viscount.

"I still have a lot to learn sir, but thanks for the compliment." Then he turned to my father and offered a handshake.

"You're so lucky to have her as your daughter, Sir Albert. It seems like you and Lady Margaret are smiling in your dreams now that Crowns has a capable successor. Speaking of which, I don't see Madam Margaret, is she not here?" Sir Louis asked while looking at the crowd.

"About that, a thousand apologies, My Lord. My mother is not feeling well and can't attend. I hope you understand." I bow respectfully at the couple, who is also the host of this event.

"It's fine, after all, health is more important. I have tonics from the east, I'll send some for your mother. "Lady Irene held my hands and smiled.

"Thank you, Lady Irene."

"Please, call me Irene, I feel old whenever someone calls me Lady." Irene pouted as she looked with teasing eyes.

"But I would not dare to, it is not appropriate."

"I insist."

"Fine then, Irene."

"Much better, for Pete's sake, I'm only 25, I'm not that old yet." we only laughed at what Irene said and she winked playfully at Lord Louis in return.

Perhaps because of the good mood and atmosphere, everyone tacitly agreed to not mention Jace or my father might have been put in an awkward position. Everyone in the group knows how of a headache the eldest child of the De Grantaine Family was.

To continue the conversation, Minister Andrew broke the silence. "On the other hand, I heard somewhere that Lord Louis is now a father."

"News travels fast, aren't they? Apparently yes, Irene is pregnant with our first child."

"Congratulations My lord." Everyone tuned in and gave their heartfelt wishes.

"Congratulations Irene, I'm so happy for you." I approach Irene and give her a light hug.

"How many months is it?"

"Two months." Irene smiled while caressing her bump.

"No wonder My Lord has invited all the nobles in the country to attend this special celebration. Truly a joyous occasion, a new member of the family. A toast for the child." Father raised his glass and initiated a toast. 

"I thought you would only conceive years after marriage, I didn't expect for the viscount to sow his seeds before the wedding bells…" Minister Andrew lightly chuckled as he glanced in the viscount, with mirth in his tone.

"Well… what can I do, Irene is so beautiful, I must make my claim at once, lest she be taken by some wolves in sight." The viscount replied in a joyful manner before everyone laughed with him, agreeing with his statement.

"So, when will you plan for the wedding? Will you two be wed after Lady Irene gives birth?" Lord Frederick, who kept silent, spoke with interest.

The couple shared a look with one another before Lord Louis answered the question. 

"We already agreed to proceed with the wedding this coming month. Irene's bump is not yet visible, so we wanted to do it immediately. Personally, I wouldn't want my child to be born out of wedlock." 

"That is reasonable. Very well. Congratulations to you two. Best wishes." Lord Frederick raised his glass to give his blessings to the couple.

"On the topic of marriage, If I recall correctly, Ms. Dana you're still single right?" Lord Frederick turned and smiled at me.

"Yes, My Lord. May I ask why?" instead of answering my question, he looked at my father and said with a mirth tone.

"Albert, do you remember my son Dimitri? He recently came back from America after finishing his teaching tour. It would be nice if he could spend time with Dana for a meal or two, don't you think so?"

"When you think about it, it has been a long time since I saw him. He must be a great gentleman now, is he not?" My father replied with enthusiasm.

"Yes. He's been doing charity along with his teaching profession, he just came back two weeks ago and settled his work at Durham University."

"What a coincidence, my older brother Nicholas, is teaching History at Durham University." Viscount Louis smiled, shaking his head in amusement before replying to the rest. 

"Oh? What a small world indeed. I agree with your idea, Fredrick. It would be nice if the two youngsters could converse with each other." My father smiled and turned to look at me with seriousness. "Clear up your schedule for the next few weeks."

"Yes, Father." I replied with a half-smile. 

Without really saying it, I could already understand what they imply. Dimitri is a suitable marriage partner candidate. And the two Patriarchs reached a consensus and agreed to it without even asking my view. 

Having lost interest in the conversation, I excused myself from them and went to the roof balcony. The topic of marriage never interests me. Even though I had always known that my marriage was out of my hands, to talk bluntly about my potential husband in front, was rather distasteful. I too have fantasies about my future husband. I wish for my own marriage to be like my parents, with love, not just purely business. 

As I was lost in my thoughts, a cold voice rang through my ears. 

"It is a bit surprising to see you up here on the balcony, not downstairs mingling with the others." 

I turned around to look at the person who just spoke. Seeing who he was, I smiled in a provoking manner and spoke sarcastically. "And to what pleasure do I owe the newly appointed CEO of Rosenthal Corporation?"

He only smiled instead of answering me. He starts walking in my direction, stopping at my side at half a meter distance, I return my gaze to the outside scenery without minding him. Silence enveloped within us for almost half an hour before he spoke again, and this time, in a cold manner.

"I didn't expect you to overthrow my plans so easily, Miss Dana. I'm impressed, to think that my opponent is younger than me. 2 years to be exact."

"Age doesn't define one's ability to expand business, Mr. Rosenthal. Take yourself as an example, aren't you the Marketing Strategist of the Rosenthal Corporation before you succeeded your father for the Presidency?" 

I looked at him with a smile, an arrogant smile that I've mastered since I was a child. Being influenced in this twisted society where money is the basis of your status. Did he really think he's the only one who can play this game? Sorry, but I'm an expert at this too.

"Miss Dana, you really are an interesting person, aren't you? Are you not afraid of being pushed around in this fierce competition in the business Industry? It would be a shame to defeat a talented and stunning woman like you." he smirked and took a sip of his wine.

"It won't be your concern if I lose, right? After all, we are enemies, or did Mr. CEO have forgotten his defeat months ago? The one from the bidding incident?" I smiled sweetly after I said those words and left, I didn't wait for his reaction, nor did I care if he had any. 

"Hmm… Alexei Rosenthal is a worthy opponent, but he would become a thorn if we were to clash again. Better take precautions than regret later."