France Métropolitaine

"Young Miss, we're here." Secretary Martin informed Dana as they arrived at the departure gate.

"Hm. Got it." Dana sighed as she closed the folder and compiled all the files before putting them in her handbag. She took a sip in her water bottle first before she alighted the car, as the secretary was taking down her suitcases from the trunk.

"Thanks. Please tell my mother I'll call her after I arrive." Dana started walking with her suitcases as she instructed Martin. In return, the secretary nodded in acknowledgement before he went off.

Dana went through all the procedures, from checking luggage, up to the boarding of the plane. As her ticket was first-class, she entered the plane first, guided by a stewardess, into her private cabin. She sat down as the stewardess served her complimentary wine and food. She thanked the stewardess, closed her curtains, and relaxed. She set aside the documents she was holding and started to enjoy the food as she scrolled the screen in front of her to choose a movie. After settling in a romantic show, she adjusted herself to a much more comfortable position, covering herself with a cashmere blanket and proceeding to enjoy the show. 

The flight from London to Paris takes about an hour and a half. During that time, Dana peacefully enjoyed watching the show and eating food. After hearing that the plane was about to land, she adjusted her dress and ensured her face and hair were neat and presentable. After alighting from the plane and exiting the arrival gate, she saw a board with her name, five dignified people in suits, and bodyguards standing in the waiting area. She approached them.

"Hello!" she gave a smile.

One of the men recognizes her and greeted her. "Miss De Grantaine, it is an honour to see you again. I hope the flight went well?" someone from behind took her luggage, and she thanked him briefly before replying to the director.

"It was fine. Did you all wait long?" They walked towards the car as they extended formalities.

"Not long. Shall we take you to your hotel suite?" one of the directors asked.

"Sure. We'll have the meeting tomorrow at 7 am. This matter is crucial, and time is of the essence. The sooner we deal with it, the better." After they boarded the limousine, the director started to talk.

"Madam, we have all arranged the necessary documents that you need, including the contract file. Just tell us if you need anything."

"I understand. Thank you." After arriving at the hotel, the directors escorted Dana up to her suite door since they knew she must have been tired from the night flight. After making sure that she was settled in for the night, they bid farewell.

Dana took off her cardigan and placed it on the sofa, and then she walked towards the kitchen to look for a drink. Seeing a complimentary wine in the rack from the hotel, Dana opened it and drank. While holding the wine glass, she took her phone from her side pocket and made a call.

"Mom, I've arrived."

'It's already been this late. You should have called me tomorrow morning.' A worried tone was heard as soon as the call connected.

"Mom, it's okay. I've just arrived at my suite. I'll sleep later." Dana comforted her mother.

'That is still unacceptable. Look at the time now. It's already 1 o'clock in the morning… alright, get some sleep. I'll end the call. We'll talk tomorrow.' Her mother immediately ended the call after saying her piece, as she wanted her daughter to have more time for rest.

Dana just sighed and went back to drinking. Seeing that it was now 2 am, Dana put down the glass on the counter and went to a quick shower, changing into her sleep clothes, she laid in bed, exhausted, and immediately went to sleep.

At exactly 6 am, the outside doorbell rang, waking Dana up. Still sluggish from her sleep, she walked to open the door. Outside was a female hotel server, along with her breakfast and some mail that were sent for her. She opened the door widely to let the server in and instructed her to put the dishes on the table. 

After finishing her task, the server left. Dana went to the table to check what food was on the tray; she then saw bread, hot coffee, and some tarts. Pleased with the menu, she went to the bathroom to freshen up and wore a green suit and skirt set. As she was eating, she received a call from one of the directors who greeted her at the airport yesterday, asking if she was already awake and ready, to which she responded by asking them to wait for her in the lobby.

After finishing her breakfast, she took her case and bag, locked her room, and went down. After exiting the elevator, she saw the same team from yesterday. She nodded at them as they followed her exiting the hotel. The limousine was already waiting outside as Dana went out. She then boarded the car along with the team.

"Acting President, everyone has been gathered in the conference hall for the meeting. They are waiting for us." One of the directors informed Dana of the current situation.

"I see. Inform the PR and Marketing directors to be present as well." Dana commanded as she sorted the documents. Not long after, they arrived at the company. The building was located in a business district. It was not overly crowded and was surrounded by cafés and restaurants.

When they entered the building, several staff were in tow, bowing to her. She gave a nod and a smile, acknowledging their presence. They all went to an exclusive elevator that directly sent them to the executive floor. As soon as they've arrived, several of the executives were looking impatient. Some while murmuring in dissatisfaction, some chose to ignore her completely. The directors accompanying her can't help but be disappointed with the reaction. Dana only smiled and proceeded to sit in the Chairman's seat.

"I know some of you here are disappointed with my father's decision for this matter. And some of you actually doubting my capabilities because of the fact that I am a woman. Despite that, I do hope you can at least trust my father's judgement on the matter. If I can't deal with this mess in two weeks, feel free to complain to the Chairman and ask him to come himself for this issue. Do I make myself clear?" Dana spoke with authority, in a cold detached voice. Not too loud nor too soft. Some of the executives felt pressure, but some still displayed satisfaction. 

"Then you better fixed the mess your brother created." An old man wearing spectacles voices his discontent. Dana eyed him silently taking note of him.

"Aren't I here just for that?" Dana did not back down and rebutted.

"Tsk." The old man ignored Dana.

After the noise died down, Dana proceeded to talk business. "In regard to the scandal of my brother. I proposed that we settle the issue with the pharmaceutical company. We should avoid having lawsuits on both sides. Since the acquisition documents and other related info have already been leaked, we can use this advantage to outright acquire Nexus Pharmaceutical. After all, they initiated an agreement, did they not?"

The board of executives started to talk to one another. Some of them agreed, while the others showed hesitation or negative opinions.

"Even if we did proceed by your suggestion, how would this divert the attention of the public?"

The same old man from before spoke again. Dana looked at his profile in the documents handed by the director earlier. Jacques Pierre, Chief Financial Officer.

"Mr. Pierre, since the issue of leaking the base offer for Nexus is our fault, shouldn't we ride the tide and do exactly what the deal should been about?" Dana retorted in a sarcastic manner. 

"But, won't the media stir another issue about this? The amount was already leaked. What use if we buy the company at a low price." Pierre argued his point.

"I understand your concern. But if we did not buy Nexus, we'd lose 30% of our manufacturing materials. That would be equivalent to millions in lost revenues. Acquiring Nexus is the only solution. And about the media, no need to fret. I have a plan." Dana declared.

"The PR department will release a statement about us buying the Nexus at the same amount. Sine we already planned on venturing to the medical field, I suggest that Crowns Pharmaceutical Inc. and Nexus Pharmaceuticals will merge and become a subsidiary to Crowns Conglomerate."

Dana stood up and looked at them seriously. "We'll reconvene our meeting in a week's time. Just do your work normally. Meeting adjourned." Dana left the meeting room and went to an office assigned for her. Her newly arrived team from London greeted her.