
Remembering what just happened in the building, Alexei ask Marie about the perpetrators. Marie was a bit hesitant to share the information since he was their rival, but with the attitude of Dana earlier, up with the fact that Alexei is involved in the scene, Marie gives him an answer.

"Mr. Pierre and his accomplices are apprehended on the spot. We are already coordinating with the police about his issue and made sure that Mr. Pierre would receive his just punishment. There will be no major moves for the moment since Madam is injured and unconscious. Are you injured, Mr. Rosenthal?" Marie asks Alexei out of formality.

"I'm fine. Focus your worry in her." Alexei responded to the question while looking at Dana. Marie nodded in understanding before she did another call and gave out commands.

Not long after, they've arrived at the hospital. Since the hospital was already pre-empted about the situation, there was already a hospital stretcher and doctors waiting at the front. immediately, they've transferred Dana, rushing her to the operating room.

While Marie was on a call in the opposite chair, Alexei's phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call. He took his phone and looked at the caller, and immediately answered it.


"Where are you? Why did you suddenly disappear? You're the one who ask me to accompany you while strolling, then all of a sudden, you left me here alone!" Micheal roared at Alexei as soon as the call was connected.

Alexei did not mind and was seemed to be used to that kind of situation. He just let Micheal let out his grievances before answering his question. "I'm at a hospital. Could you bring me a fresh set of clothes on your way."

After hearing that he was in a hospital, Micheal immediately asked worriedly. "Why are you in a hospital? Are you injured? Which hospital?"

"Neuville Hospital."

"Okay. I'm coming. Wait there." Micheal ended the call and hurriedly went out, bringing Alexei a set of clothes.

After the call ended, Alexei focused his gaze at the operating room door. Time went slowly as they waited for the surgery to finish. In the middle of it, Micheal arrives with the clothes and Alexei explained the situation to him, seeing he was curious as to why Marie, whom he knew as Dana's assistant, was with him. Nodding in understanding, Micheal sat down as Alexei went to change clothes. They waited a while more before the red light in the operating room turned off and a doctor walked out on the door. the three of them stood up and approached the doctor.

"Which one of you is the patient's family?" a female doctor asks as she took of her mask.

"I'm her secretary. The madam's family could not come at the moment. You may tell me everything about the surgery." Marie replied.

"The surgery went well. although she lost a lot of blood, we were able to transfuse blood to her since it was available in the blood bank. The gunshot wound hit her Musculocutaneous nerve, so for the following days, she might experience severe pains and would not be able to move her right hand and shoulder. I will inform the nurse of her medication. She should stay for at least five days for observation."

"Please Doctor, do what you must. " Marie thank the doctor as he sighed in relief. The doctor nodded and left.

Alexie and Micheal also smiled at the good news. As Marie was about to call the chairman and inform them of the situation, Alexei approached her and ask for a paper and pen.

"I'll leave a message for her when she wakes up."

Marie gave Alexei a post it notes and a pen. Alexei took it quickly and wrote something, folded it in half before passing it on Marie.

"Give this to her when she looks for me."

After saying his piece, he left along with Michael. Although Marie is keen about what happened between Alexei and her boss, Marie respected Dana's decision and decided not to open up the note. She kept it in her notepad and proceeded to take care of the more urgent things.


It has been quite some time when Dana woke up. A white light and the ceiling's view illuminated Dana's vision when she opened her eyes. The anesthesia completely worn off and she could finally feel some leftover pain from the surgery. Aside from the pain, Dana felt her throat aching and dry, like a thirsty pilgrim in a pilgrimage. Dana slowly blinks as she tried to wash of the grogginess, she currently experiences.

Dana took a look around her and discovered she was alone in a hospital suite. She looked at the tones of wires and tube connected her body to a machine beside her and close her eyes in fatigue, sleeping once more.


At this moment in London, after receiving a call from Marie, Albert went home quickly and inform Margaret of the situation. Jace, and Vilhelm also receive the news and was waiting for him to come home to explain what happened.

"How is she? Is there news on the other end?" Margaret immediately interrogated Albert as soon as he stepped foot to the mansion.

"She is not in danger anymore. She just finished surgery. Marie and the others are just waiting for her to wake up." Albert answered his wife as he sat down on the couch. Both Jace and Vilhelm nodded silently, acknowledging the situation.

"Shouldn't we have the plane ready and head to France immediately? Why are you all so calm!? Dana got shot!" Margaret worriedly bashes at them for being emotionless at the matter.

"Margaret, I know you're worried. But didn't you hear what Albert said? Dana is now all right. Let us just wait when she comes home." Vilhelm consoled his daughter-in-law.

"But dad, I'm just worried of her, and I wished to be by her side." Magaret explained as she sat down and took sip of the water placed in the coffee table by the maids.

"Alright, calm down. I already sent Martin to help her take care of the company and let her rest for the meantime. No need to fret." Albert comforted Margaret and gave her another glass of water.

During the whole situation, Jace remained quiet. He observes the three of them before excusing himself, saying he was not feeling well and heads toward his bedroom. The elder trio did not pay mind to him and just nodded as response.

Right after Jace locked up his door, he called Marie to ask for the entirety of the situation.

"How is she?" Jace asked in a soft voice as soon as the call was connected.

"She is now in her suite room, resting from surgery. She hadn't woken up yet, but the doctor said, she in now out of danger, Master." Marie replied honestly.

"What did happen? Didn't you say back was just behind her? How did she got shot?" Jace asked impatiently about the matter.

Marie was taken aback by Jace's reaction before recounting the events. As she was unsure of the status quo between Dana and Alexei, she excluded Alexei in her report to Jace. She collectively describes to him the situation, excluding the letter, and Alexei saving Dana.

"Call me separately when she wakes up." Jace swiftly ended the call after he responded.

He felt angry and a bit guilty at what happened to his sister. Although they bickered and teased one another, Both Jace and Dana respected each other and held them more importantly in their hearts that their parents. Remembering his last call to her, he punched his pillow in anger for not persuading her to not just go to the place alone.

"Oh Dana! Please be well."