Chapter 21: Execution

Walking South, I couldn't help but look around.

The trees weren't in a good environment because of the demons.

I wonder if there were demons like Nezuko and Tamayo.

I met Tamayo since she helped Shinobu with her medicine and I went over to her place to thank her. She had a motherly aura towards me but it changed when she talked to other people.

The location wasn't far, it was a 4 hour walk at most. Though time didn't matter, by the time I arrived. There stood a demon sitting on top of a hundred bodies which I assume were the village's people.

Her legs were waving around and she chuckled slightly. Her hair was red and her eyes said Upper Demon 2. I knew I was in it for the first mission, the sunrise wasn't coming anytime soon.

"Ara~It seems like fate just keeps on bringing us together." said Chiaki jumping off the bodies.

"This will be our last meeting, as fate has told me to put an end to you." I said.

[Frost Breathing, Seventh Form! Frozen Hatred!]

The area soon turned cold.

In a blink of an eye, I was already swinging my katana at Chiaki's neck.

[Frost Breathing, First Form! Fractured Snow!]

But Chiaki recovered from her shock and replied with a,

[Autumn Breathing, Second Form! Curved Fall!]

curving her blade to defend my attack.

"Strange." I said. As for as I knew, Obanai could do the same thing so I wasn't really surprised.

"Now then~Let's play more~" said Chiaki.

"Alright." I said.

I had to go all out from beginning if I didn't want to drag this longer.

I calmed myself, I held no ill will against the enemy before me, I held no battle spirit against the enemy before me.

[Frost Breathing, Fifth Form! Winter Festival!]

Soon I was in the air aiming the katana at her neck.

An endless snow world surrounded both of us, as if it was in slow motion. Before she could even recover, I had already cut her neck.

(Author POV)

An endless snow world entered Chiaki's vision. It was cold but it was a pleasant cold. The snow falling from the sky exploded as if they were fireworks, it felt pleasant even thought it was my death.

All I wanted was someone to care for me, someone to hold me dearly. I was discriminated because of my autumn red hair, nobody liked me. No, there was someone who did but I pushed her away.

She accepted me, she didn't care, she patted my head and comforted me even though I was a stranger.

Yet I betrayed her by becoming a demon of Muzan since I wanted somebody who would care for me. I was desperate at the time and didn't know what was genuine.

I'm sorry Tokan, if there is a next life, I wish I could apologize to you for pushing you away. Tears filled my eyes and I smiled. I was glad I was killed by her, now my sins are atoned.

The memory flashed in Tokan's eyes. She remembered a girl who was crying silently in an alleyway. I comforted her everyday she was there, but one day she suddenly disappeared. I was around 5 at the time so I didn't know what happened. So it was her, her first name wasn't Chiaki. It was Amber because of her hair. Amber, if we ever meet again in our next life, let's be friends again.

I buried the villager's bodies and prayed.

Now I guess it's going to take a while to get back to the butterfly estate.

I was walking through the forest when I heard a girl's scream. I looked towards where it came from and a demon was holding her up by the neck.

I ran towards it cut off the demon's arm and head in a swift motion. The girl was passed out due to shock and a few cuts on her body.

"She looks about 16? I guess I'll bring her with me." I muttered to myself.

By the time I arrived, it was already about 9 in the morning. I took a little detours here and there. The girl still hasn't woken up and I'm currently waiting.

"Has she woken up yet Shinobu?" I asked.

"Not yet, shouldn't you be seeing how Tanjiro and the boys are doing? They're right next to you, you know?" asked Shinobu.

Oh, I heard they beat an upper moon six with a lot of injuries. Tengen also lost his left eye and arm. I'm here unscathed after beating an Upper Moon 2, though I don't think I would've won if she had the intent to kill.

Her aura was filled with regret, I couldn't place what was it until I saw the vision. She harbored no intent to kill, just like last time when she could've pierced my heart instead of my abdomen. Tengen is probably retiring, they've lost two of their strongest demons. We should be getting a short break right now, Kanao seems to be more decisive.

What am I doing? Breathing, I wonder if I've lived up to my family's expectations. Amber, I wonder if you became a demon slayer, would we have become good friends? I thought.

"Tokan-san, the girl you brought over seems to have woken." said Aoi.

"Thank you." I replied.

Entering the medical room, I spotted Shinobu giving the girl medicine.

"Hello, I'm Tokan Furoku, the Frost Pillar. What about you?" I asked.

"I'm Toda Momiji, thank you for saving me Furoku-san. Please call me Toda, I don't do well with formalities." said Toda.

"Alright then, then please call me Tokan. What do you intend to do now?" I asked.

Shinobu must've caught what I was trying to say since she eyed me.

"I-i don't know, I'm the last survivor of the village. I don't have anywhere to go." said Toda.

"How about you become my tsuguko? You'll train under me to become strong and fend demons off by yourself. I can get you a place to stay too." I said.

Shinobu's aura had a slight annoyance in it but I didn't know why.

"I would gladly take the offer but I don't know how I could repay you." said Toda fidgeting her fingers.

"Even if you don't offer anything or decline. You didn't have a choice either way so now you're my tsuguko. Get a good rest Toda." I said.

"W-wait wha?-" stuttered Toda.

I walked out the room with Shinobu following me.

"Yes Shinobu?" I asked.

"Are you really going to take her as your tsuguko?" she asks.

"Well yeah, there needs to be more demon slayers and strong ones. The ranks of them haven't risen in a while." I said.

She nodded then left.

Sigh, I wonder what would my next battle be like?