Chapter 29: Doma



An explosion suddenly occured, I managed to jump away in time but was still hit by a little bit. My haori and pants were a little burnt and torn but I had other worries at the moment.

Regaining my composure, I immediately tried to see if Oyakata-sama was still alive. There were fresh flesh and blood on the ground, I knew they exploded themselves and didn't survive.

I heard some talking outside and remembered what I was here for, Muzan.

I ran outside as fast as possible and saw Muzan impaled by spikes and Tamayo impaling him with something. Taking the change I immediately rushed towards him.

[Frost Breathing, First Form! Fractured Snow!]

I sliced his head off but his body didn't dissipate, something was wrong.

"Tokan!" said Gyomei.

"Gyomei, you're here!" I replied.

"Muzan will not die no matter how much you cut his head off, there's something else you need to do. It's just like Oyakata-sama predicted." replied Gyomei.

No matter how many times his head gets cut off, he won't die?

"Let's restrain him Tokan!" said Gyomei.

I nodded and quickly sprinted over.

When we were close enough, chains started attacking us.

"I'll take care of the chains." said Gyomei.

As soon as the chains were blocked, I ran to the left to separate me from him and get a better angle.

[Frost Breathing, Fourth Form! Snow in the Blizzard!]

I rushed at him and brought my sword towards his neck. Suddenly the chains were aimed towards me, using my momentum I gained I deflected it and jumped back. More presences were arriving, that must be the pillars.

All of us were here, we all attacked him at the same time hoping that was it but Muzan grinned.

"You all thought you could corner me?! You're all going to hell now!" Muzan said.

Suddenly, I was falling. The ground wasn't at my feet and we were in another place that was unfamiliar. I heard Tanjiro's scream to my right meaning him and the other pillars are probably here.

I entered a hall way, doors were all over the place, leading to one place to another. This had to be some blood demon technique. To be able to move people and transfer demon slayer's to a place, wait no. It had to be able to move the place since we never entered it in the first place.

Demons were appearing from the walls and everywhere.

"Nuisances." I muttered before cutting all of them down.

Suddenly, a presence different from the demons appeared and a sword was suddenly aim at my neck. I jumped back into before it could hit,

"Impressive, you managed to dodge." said the demon.

I looked at him, six eyes, red hair, purple and black patterned haori. His eyes said he was upper demon 1.

"Upper Demon 1, I didn't expect you to be here." I said getting in a fighting stance.

"My name is Kokushibo, I was simply taking a walk. Excuse me now." said Kokushibo.

Then my entire vision changed, I was in a room. Surrounded by countless demons coming to slow me down. If that was what they were trying then come.

[Frost Breathing, Ninth Form! Blessing Of The Blackened Ice!]

I released attacks in a continuous motion, rotating and moving my body to gain momentum. The demons never stopped arriving but they never stopping dying either. None of them could reach me at all, all the training had paid off because I had scary katana accuracy.

The demons disappeared and something was wrong. Immediately, I cut the floor holding this floor up and I was suddenly falling. 2 figures, a demon and a demon slayer. It was cold, was this demon a user of ice as well? No matter, his ice is weak. They haven't detected me yet so instantly right before I was about to land, I released slashes to create some ice to cushion my fall.

When I landed, I knew who was they were.

"Tokan?" muttered Shinobu.

"You're bleeding a lot, rest." I said.

Before she could say anything else, I placed her somewhere safe.

"Another girl to place with, how wonderful," exclaimed Doma.

"Doma." I said.

"So you know me, you must be one of her friends. I'll kill you and absorb you." said Doma.

[Blood Demon Technique! Barren Hanging Garden!]

He waved his fan and suddenly at least 10 razor sharp ice shards were heading towards us.

[Frost Breathing, Third Form! Snow's Reflex]

I deflected and even reflected some of the ice shards back at him which surprised him.

"You can use ice too." said the smiling Doma.

"Of course I can, though my ice is far stronger than yours." I said.

"Let's see then." said Doma.

Immediately, we released our attacks.

[Frozen Lotus!]

[...Snow in the Blizzard!]

I deflected his frozen lotus attacks and quickly rushed at him to kill him. The battle gradually started getting more and more intense, Shinobu would be freezing if I didn't increase the temperature to match her temperature. His stupid shards and lotus keeps getting in the way, it's frustrating. I'll kill him for hurting Shinobu, for killing Kanae, and for using ice that's nothing compared to my ice. It angered me, I was struggling against a mere upper demon 2 despite easily defeating other demons, there's no difference between them. All demons were weak, all of them are the same.

At that moment, the time around me seemed to slow down around me. It was slow, only I could move in this time of mine, my mark must've appeared. Not wasting any time, I rushed towards him and cut off his neck. Time started to flow again.

"How? How did you cut my head off?" Doma asked.

"Because you're ice is weak, your ice can melt. Mine will forever freeze." I replied as he slowly turned into ashes.

"MASTER!" screamed a girl's voice.

"Kanao? Take Shinobu somewhere safe, here is dangerous." I said.

She nodded and took Shinobu who was in no shape to fight.

"Message! Message! Upper Demon 2 was defeated by Tokan!" said the Kasugai.

Now, it's demon hunting time.