Chapter 32: Kokushibo II


A lot gunshot was heard and Kokushibo disappeared, I looked over to where the sound came from, and the blade was coming down to quick.

I wasn't fast enough when he cut off Genya's left arm but I didn't waste any time. I sprinted towards him, instead of aiming straight to his neck, I decided to make this a sword fight.

My blade clashed onto his creating sparks from the impact, his strength was strong, I couldn't even push him back.

He was standing still while I was struggling, knowing I wouldn't win the fight like this. I side stepped and released quick slashes toward his arms, chest, and neck.

[...Rapid Glaciers!]

He was competing with my speed, which meant I had to go faster, faster than all the battles I've fought. Right here was the second strongest demon to Muzan.

I was able to push him back a little, but that didn't stop me. I kept attacking him, I didn't know how fast were we even going.


I had cut off his arm and I was going for his neck.

He changed his expression, he really going serious now. He regenerated his arm in a blink of an eye, grabbed my wrist to stop my neck, and his katana was coming straight at me.

Right before I was about to get cut, a whirlwind came straight at him making him leap back and dodge.

"How dare you cut my little brother? You bastard demon, I'll kill you!" exclaimed Sanemi.

What about me? Did he simply ignore me after I saved his little brother from getting killing? Nevermind.

"Let's go Sanemi." I said.

"Don't order me around!" yelled Sanemi.

"We have to kill this demon." I replied.

He didn't look at me but instead charged, I guess we'll attack now.

[...Tree Swaying in the Mountain Air!]

[...Turbulent Freeze!]

We both attacked at the same time, before our attacks could reach him, he released a horizontal slash filled with crescent moons, and deflected our attacks.

Sanemi was in front of him in the air coming down at him and I was under him coming up from behind.

He stood there and smoke came out of his mouth.

"HAHA! YOU'RE A DEMON WHO USED BREATHS! This is getting more interesting!" said Sanemi.

Right before our attack could slice him, he disappeared.

Sanemi and I couldn't stop our attacks, instead I sensed for his presence.

"Sanemi, use my blade and charge at him." I said.

He seemed to get my message, I changed my blade's angle to where he was able to step on.

His foot was on the blade, I used all my strength, and boosted him towards the demon.

[...Purifying Wind Claws!]

Three slashes were coming down at him vertically.

[...Dark Moon: Evening Palace!]

Kokushibo unsheathed his sword and his blade crashed against Sanemi's.

"Ha! I knew this would work! You finally unsheathed your blade you pathetic demon!" said Sanemi.

Kokushibo kicked Sanemi in his abdomen sending him flying back, luckily I caught him before he could crash into the walls.

"You two are able to keep up with my techniques, long ago it was the Sengoku Era. The Wind Pillar and I would hone our swordsmanship skills, though you are not him. I must congratulate you for lasting this lomg." said Kokushibo.

[Solitary Moon in the Eternal Night Avici!]

Multiple powerful slashes were coming at Sanemi quick and he was just standing there?

[...Snow in the Blizzard!]

I rushed over and deflected the first attack but there was more.

I took a deep breath,

[...Snow's Reflex!]

I had deflected the slashes with as few movements as possible to cover Sanemi, but he still had a big slash across his chest.

Did he get that before I came?

"Haha! My blood is the rarest of them all! Rare blood for demons is like silvervine powder for cats. Demon's get drunk once they get a whiff of my blood, and this is the rarest of them all!" said Sanemi.

[...Primary Gale Slash!]

Sanemi released an attack but Kokushibo was able to defend it.

"What's wrong Fuck-Eyed Bastard? You're staggering quite a bit!" said Sanemi.

Vulgar language but what he said was true, the demon's movements were off, this could probably be our chance.

[...Frozen Love!]

[...Black Smoke Storm!]

[...Pearl Flowers Moongazing!]

Several slashes creating a barrage of crescent blades formed around him and defended against our attacks.

"Interesting, ice is starting to grow on my blade." said Kokushibo.

It was true, it's there. My ice could freeze his blade to help us lower his advantages.

[...Death Moon of Abandonment: Chain!]

Right before we were going to defend against the attack, Gyomei appeared and deflected it.

"Demon Slayers, they just keep on coming." said Kokushibo.

"We, the demon slayers, have eternal permanence. Until every last demon is exterminated in this world"

"Shinazugawa, stitch up your stomach right now. Furoku and I will take him on." said Gyomei.

"Sure, sorry about that." replied Sanemi.

We both got in our battle stances and prepared for this battle.

"A body refined to the utmost limits and someone with their battle spirit to the limits. It's been more than 300 years since I've fought 2 people of this strength." said Kokushibo

When Gyomei started swinging his chains, the wind started to draw towards him.

Once he threw his spike, I went with it.

Kokushibo dodged the spike but the sickle was coming straight at him.

[...Celestial Surface Smash!]

It changed to the spiked ball, it was coming down at him, and I was coming up behind him.

Before he could use his katana to defend, chains were around his neck, and the katana was tied with up.

When our attacks was about to hit, he ducked at the perfect time making our attacks miss.

He did a backwards kick at me which I blocked but was still sent a little bit back.

This demon's strength was abnormal.

I tried to move but I couldn't, what was wrong with me?

My breathing was becoming ragged, I was staggering now.

2 broken ribs, sore lungs from the breathing, and a broken arm.

I didn't even realize this and I was still pushing myself too the upmost limits.

I looked over to Gyomei who looked at me back.

"I wanted to save this for Muzan. But if I fail here, I'll end up back where I started. I've got nothing to lose in using it here." said Gyomei.

There were marks appearing in his arms, I could barely make out the things he said.

I blinked once and it felt like a thousand years had passed.

Sanemi had joined Gyomei to attack Kokushibo while Muichiro was helping Genya.

My vision was slowly getting darker.

'Get up Tokan.'

Who was that?

'They need you Tokan, I raised you to become strong. To never give up.'

Father? Am I going to see you now?

'Tokan, live. Prevent more deaths and save them.'

Can I do it? Am I strong enough?

'Of course you are, you're my precious daughter.'

I see, thank you mother.

'Wake up and save them Tokan,'

Suddenly, the voice disappeared, and my vision came back.

All my injuries were still here, my breathing was still here.

I looked around and Sanemi was about to get cut. Muichiro was heading towards him but he wouldn't make it.

Everything was in slow motion, I could save him.

My mark started burning, my blade was turning transparent.

Despite the burning, my body temperature was below -10 degrees, my heartbeat was getting slower.

In an instant, I grabbed Sanemi, and headed towards Muichiro.

Time started to flow again.

"Tokan." muttered Sanemi.

"Muichiro, I got him." I said.

Muichiro and Sanemi got back into battle.

I felt that my strength had increased, I was able to keep pushing myself right now.

I guess that's fine.

Kokushibo was attacking constantly, we needed a way to get in.

They were surrounding him and attacking him to find to get in.

My vision changed again, I could see everything.

The transparent world had entered my eyesight again, I started focusing.

I focused on his movements, his muscles, the way he swings his blade.

[...Frozen Love!]

I rushed at him faster than what a human's and demon's eyes could perceive. I was in the air, tilting my body to avoid, the slashes.

Suddenly Kokushibo was right in front of me.

[...Turbulent Freeze!]

I cut off his arm making him surprised. His rhythm was thrown off.

The rest of the pillars started attacking him, a dozen blades suddenly came out of his body. Though we didn't move at all, Kokushibo screamed and launched an attack.

I had a slash across my chest, I couldn't focus on anything besides killing this demon.

[Total Concentration, Frost Breathing! Fifth Form, Winter Festival!]

My blade was still transparent, it felt like I was cutting paper.

My blade slashed through his chest and made it's way to his neck.

Kokushibo was struggling, I needed to cut.


My blade went through his neck and his head was cut.

Everything was over, his body started turning to ashes.

Mother, I did it. I saved everyone, are you proud of me?

My vision became dark and the last thing I saw was a broken flute.