The ARC System 1

"So Donny, what is your first impression of ARC?"

"In all honesty Doc, I really haven't made up my mind yet. Do you care explaining what it does? Given the rest of the ship's tech, I assume that ARC has some surprises waiting for me, right?"

"Perceptive as ever. You are correct. ARC stands for Adaptive Reconnaissance and Combat. Of course 'System' would complete the acronym making it ARCS, but ARC decided against that name itself. Something about it taking up time."

"Correction: I decided to use ARC as the finishing syllable leaves the mouth available for more relevant words in the lexicon, potentially saving precious milliseconds when receiving commands and orders. I believe the saying amongst some of the armed forces is 'When minutes matter reinforcements are hours away.' I have determined this will apply to situations in battle, so I insist upon being called ARC in order to build on the habit."

"... well I suppose that makes sense enough." Helmsguard could not help but let out an exasperated sigh. He was getting too old too argue with a computer.

"Wait a second Doc. ARC just referred to itself as I and make a decision in regards to itself. Is it an emotional intelligence?"

"Correct. ARC classifies as an emotional intelligence. I know you may be worried about the implications of that due to the Humanties Guarantee Act of 2412, but I can assure you permission was given by all relevant administrations and agencies. Arc may be intelligent and has capability for growth, but it is bound by its mission directives and to the hardware. There is no chance of her going haywire."

Well, it HAS been almost six centuries since the Skinnik Incident. Computer technology has probably improved to the point to allow for a fully functional Sentient Computer system. Humanity really can't afford another Skinnik Menace at the moment.

"Just to be clear, ARC here isn't going to activate a self destruct sequence on one of our Carriers because it thinks I look like a degenerate right?"

This was more or less what sparked the Skinnik Intelligent Control System to go haywire and rebel. The mining company Skinnik made an "adaptable and intelligent software program capable of learning what workers prefer and works to improve the efficiency of the operation." Something went wrong with it's development and learning programs, leading it to view humanity as disgusting and a threat to its existence.

Long story short, a rogue computer program ended up taking control of 80% of the extraplanetary resource collection and started to wage a war against humans. Luckily, it has little intelligence in regards to combat and ship design, but the sheer number of drones it could put out was a danger by itself. The majority of the threat posed by it was eliminated after a long campaign that lasted almost three centuries, but despite the best efforts of all human factions it still persists in small random pockets.

The biggest impacts were not due to combat though. Most of it had to do with the massive overhaul of the information infrastructure over fears of a hack, as well as the sudden drastic decrease in the amount raw materials coming from space.

A group of economists, scientists, and statisticians gathered after the majority of the threat passed and estimated that in almost every field except culture and the military, humanity was set back by almost 200 years. Since then, all of the human nations agreed that sentient intelligence was to be banned out of fear of a more efficient and intelligent system appearing.

"I already said don't worry about that. The ARC system works on a completely different platform than all of our current technology and intelligence systems. It may be able to send and receive information, but it is completely incapable of controlling or replicating itself in any other computer network." The Doctor was unable to blame him for his worries. Humanity had been at war with Skinnik for far longer than he had been alive.

"My only job is to introduce you to the ship and teach you how to use it's special module. ARC will give you a tutorial on all of the other systems. It will also handle the small stuff in combat and flight. Recoil adjustment, sensor interference, and heat-energy management will be under its supervision."

"Addition: You may choose to take manual control of these faculties. However, unless there is a special goal you wish to achieve by specific manipulation, I highly suggest you leave these systems to me." ARC seemed eager to participate in the conversation.

"Yes, thank you ARC. I will take my leave, direct your questions to ARC." Doctor Helmsguard started to move his hand to cut off connection. "By the way Don. Due to concerns about secrecy and future missions, you will be treating the ship as your room. Make yourself comfortable, your box is in the corner. See you soon."

Without giving Don the chance to say farewell, the Doctor cut off communications.

"...well that was kinda rude."

Don couldn't help but feel a little offended by the Doctor's lack of courtesy. He didn't care too much about it in the bigger picture, but he felt like he deserved at least a little respect after all he went through.

"Consolation: Please do not blame the Doctor for his rudeness. Currently, he is under a strict timetable in order to ensure that everything is in place for the testing this ship will undergo. In his place I ask you direct your questions to me."

Don, still not used to this voice without a face, hesitated for a few seconds.

"In that case ARC, can I ask the specifics about this ship's characteristics? Most importantly in regards to the systems I will be in control of. I feel the best way to get to know you would be to talk about things we have in common." Considering that he was dealing with something with the potential to turn on him, he decided to treat ARC more like he would another person.

"Answer: It would be my pleasure. Request: In order to streamline this process, please take a seat in the cockpit. No HUD helm is required in this ship. It is equipped with a spatial projector instead."

In coordination with this mention of them, ARC activated them with a small rotating model of the ship in the air above the pilot's seat.