A Promise Best Kept 2

The 'files' were not on the level of a government file on someone. There were no numbers indicating their bank accounts and ID. There was no record of criminal actions or major health events.

These files were meant to be the way that ARC determines how to act with and around people. ARC makes an active attempt to avoid subjects considered sensitive unless they are brought up. ARC also uses the information recorded within to determine whether or not something is 'off' about the person they are talking to, looking for changes in emotion and adding those reactions to their file.

Of the few hundred people ARC had a file for, operator code 0-0 Donovan Strauss was by far the largest. Most of the developers ARC interacted with kept their personal lives and emotions to themselves for the most part, and they often had to rest. Don had been in almost constant contact with ARC for the better part of two months, initiating conversation and answering questions.

Just as much as Don learned from ARC, ARC learned from Don. Developments in ARC's growth manifested themselves in somewhat abstract ways. Learning to read body language as a response to prompts was fairly normal in Don's eyes, even a socially inept person would be expected to understand those.

What was really weird were some of the ways ARC had learned to improve Don's mental state and mood.

ARC had learned to dim and change the color of the lights inside the cabin to best fit his mood. Requests for music always seemed to eventually turn to what he wanted to hear. The temperature of the cabin was always right.

It seemed strange at first, but after asking ARC about it he learned that this was information that it had recorded on his file.

Knowing this, he had trust that any information ARC had on people was at least close to the truth if it wasn't dead on the mark.

"All information I have on her is second hand from characterization trainings. This information should not be inaccurate."

What followed was a conversation between two people about a third person who one of these people had never met and the other only had short and fleeting memories of interaction. They confirmed that she had golden blonde hair, a striking detail that Don could not forget and that ARC had filed as part of her physical profile. Among these physical characteristics, they confirmed that she had steely gray eyes, a predisposition towards black, grey, and yellow clothing, and a figure that could be described as 'fit' but not 'athletic'.

As for characteristics such as height and how her face looked, they simply could not tell. ARC was burdened by the fact that all of its information was second or even third hand. Don struggled with the fact that he last saw her a few years ago, and that meeting was barely an hour.

ARC confirmed that she was pursuing higher education in a medical field, but what specifically she was studying was still a mystery. In the same vein it was revealed that she was going to do work for the government upon graduation through both her deceased father and her grandfather's connections.

ARC opened the discussion on interests with the disclaimer that this information could be wrong at this point. Interests and hobbies change, Don knew that.

"The vast majority of this information comes from Doctor Helmsguard. It is possible that she hides some of her interests out of shame or concern."

"If she does I can understand. I would imagine that the Doctor would pry about anything less than savory in her daily life."

Her favorite animal is the fox. She likes ice cream, though her preferred flavor was never mentioned. She holds interest in older ages, especially the culture. She preferred modest clothing to the objectively skimpy trends of the day. She also seems to hold the ideas of purity and innocence in high regards

ARC estimated this to mean that she would have extreme amounts of trouble finding a partner in the modern cultural climate.

"So her standards are high. Got it."

Arc interjected at this point. "Labeling her romantic standards as 'high' seems unfair. They appear to be based on an older era's standards."

"How so?"

"Correct me if I am wrong, but the current climate is focused in large part around physical appearance and wealth. Is this an accurate summary?"

Don had to agree with this assessment. Despite ARC being incapable of feelings in the vein of 'attraction' thanks to the lack of processes simulating such organic behavior, it was quite accurate at determining what was and wasn't caused by them.

"In that case, the metrics she is concerned with are not on the level of appearance and wealth. What she could be judging a potential partner on could include stability, ability to protect, faithfulness, intellect, and mental fortitude, with any number of smaller variables included."

"Those standards still seem pretty high to me." Don felt his assessment still stood.

"That statement seems uncharacteristically arrogant of you."

'What? Did ARC just accuse me of being arrogant?' Was the immediate thought that ripped through Don's head.

"How was that arrogant? I was stating my opinion!" This was the first time he had raised his voice at ARC. It was not in anger but indignation and confusion.

"Explanation: While it may have been your opinion, the fact that you would be rated very highly in all of these attributes even by historical margins remains a fact. Any observer aware of this would interpret this as arrogance."

He was befuddled by this assessment. Even if true, would this not be viewed as humility? Was ARC missing something? Was HE missing something?

Sensing Don's confusion, ARC expounded further. "If someone who was in a position of power proclaimed it as a great feat and impossible task for most people, how would you view them? Conversely, if someone in a similar position stayed silent even though they thought the same thing, how would you view them?"

"In the first case they are an asshole and in the second they are just slightly less of an asshole."

"Your actions can be roughly compared to the first case."

Don didn't see it, and his body language signaled as such.

"I will once again put forth that you claim those standards to be high, yet fulfill them. It is an approximate parallel of arrogant behavior."

"How do I fulfill those standards then? I don't see it."

ARC wasted no time answering his question.