Awake 2

"I love you, Grandpa."

There were tears streaking down the young lady's cheeks. While she was not at the point of crying her heart out, nor would she ever be, she realized that this was likely going to be the single hardest moment in her life to overcome emotionally.

"Why does it have to be like this? Why is this happening?"

She was clinging so tightly to her elder that most would be concerned about fracturing ribs. In response to her force, the old man gently pulled her head of golden hair closer to his chest and began slowly rocking to and fro.

He didn't have an answer for her. He didn't have an answer for anybody. He, the man who knew the most about the impending catastrophe didn't even know why. The Captain had used relatively simple words and terms such as 'breach', 'perimeter', 'wave', and 'broken', but this talk of Split was far beyond his level of comprehension.

He was a Psychologist, not some sort of Physicist, and yet he had forced himself to lie for ten straight years to the child who lived with him. His granddaughter couldn't stay with him for this period of time for fear of exposing the secret, even though she too was vital in the secret's execution.

Oh, his little Diana, how much he wanted to say her golden hair reminded him of his wife's or his daughter's, but their hair was jet black and had a natural curl to it. Diana's hair had some natural waviness, and she was fond of letting it grow extremely long. He knew that there was little to no similarities between their blood in the category of hair.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Draco was intensely involved with his daughter, even before her parents had met, he would have been fully convinced that there was no relation between them at all.

"Come now darling, you know I've only got a few years left to live at most. Do you really want to watch me suffer all the way?"

It was a little white lie. He didn't know when his death was coming, but his doctor told him he had at least another decade before even mental decay started kicking in.

"I didn't want to watch you suffer, I just wanted to be there when it was time to say goodbye."

Her sniffles had mostly cleared up at this point. Diana had been aware of this situation since pretty much day one. She had been prepared as the ideal candidate once the defense council was made well and truly aware of the hopelessness of their situation.

She had had ample time to steel herself mentally and emotionally, but she was just too empathetic for her own good, and likely the biggest softy of her generation.

It was those same qualities that added to her being viewed as the ideal candidate.

It was truly a shame that the combined intellectual and industrial might of the inner ring could only scrounge up enough material to barely safeguard two people, and one of those people would be in stasis.

"I know, but allowing that would mean that you would die as well. I permit you to doom the future for momentary comfort. If you have any regrets or questions, now is the time to tell them to me. You won't have another chance."

He forcefully changed the subject, any further deliberation on that matter would only cause her resolve to waver.

"My only regret is that I couldn't spend more time with you."

"Do you hold a grudge against Donovan for that? Do you hold a grudge against me?"

"No. I only hold a grudge against myself for not being trustworthy enough to not spill the secret. It's my own fault I wasn't able to be with you."

"Then do you have any questions? Material requests? I understand you have had a long time to prepare yourself, but if you've remembered anything you need me to do there is still time to get it."

She was still melancholic, but had stopped crying.

"I've already weaned myself off of sweets and pawned off most of my jewelry and clothes, so I couldn't possibly ask for any of those. I can't exactly ask for a puppy either. Hmmmm. Could I ask for as many cultural and historical records as possible?"

"You already know that information is being compiled. Think of something better. I want to give you one last gift."

"Why do you need to make it so hard?"

"So that you will focus on something that will make you happy."

"Bleh." She stuck her tongue out, completely used to his tendencies to trick her into feeling better. It helped her morale, sure, but it made her feel like she lost agency. Maybe, just maybe, she could get him back this one last time.

"In that case, could you use your Jedi mind trick science to make Donovan love me? I don't want to be stuck with someone who refuses to give me affection for the rest of my life."

"Oh? What's this? My little moon goddess has a crush on a mortal? I never would have guessed!"

Her ploy ended up being used against her. Foolishly, she had assumed that her grandfather would be reluctant to give away the hand of his grand daughter. Diana had forgotten that 'Doctor Helmsguard' had both absolute confidence in Donovan and was prepared for them to be together (in more ways than one) since she was ten.

He had probably been doing something along those lines while he was living with Donovan, implanting the idea in his head that his precious grandbaby's personality and figure were both the peak of attractiveness.

Her cheeks went pink at his sarcasm, and she squeezed his arm out of frustration. She could never win an argument or teasing contest against him, something that her counterpart and future partner apparently could.

"Alright then, my precious little baby, I will give you the man of your dreams. But only if you sleep in your glass casket. Don't you know your prince charming needs to wake you with a true love's kiss?"

He slowly peeled her off of him, laying her down in the stasis chamber.

"I'll miss you." She had given up on resisting, the sooner she could be put in stasis, the less she would have to suffer in his presence.

Draco could only offer a weak smile in turn, fully closing and sealing the lid. A sharp pop indicating that the machine was now working, his pride and joy little more than a statue frozen in time.

"Report: Stasification of operator code 0-1, Diana Helmsguard, has been completed with no apparent irregularities."

"Thank you ARCS, you can recall the stasis chamber now."

He had a little bit of free time until Donovan would be due to arrive. Maybe he could get some tea from a vendor on station.

"Objection: I once again insist that the 'S' be dropped from my name Doctor."

"Sorry 'ARC'." He put an emphasis on the name this time. "I hope you'll forgive me."

He strolled the few feet to the exit, ARC activating the elevator to take him down without receiving a request for it. He once again marveled at its agency and ability to make inferences.

Reaching a stop, he stepped off the elevator and made his way towards the door, loathing the length of the carrier and how the walk would strain his arthritic joints.

"Now . . . I wonder if I can do anything about her request for a puppy . . ."