Jonesing for a Bite 3

Diana was awoken from her dreams, which by this point had progressed to a fantasy about a somewhat steamy romantic dinner with Donovan on the coast, by the low growl of a defensive canine.

Someone had entered the room, evidently to Mercedes' displeasure.

As quick as her body would permit, Diana raised her head and wiped some crud from her eyes. Mercedes had not moved from her position, but her ears were alert. With every breath, her growl was getting louder.

No further than five feet away from the foot of the bed, the Healer was frozen mid stride. Clearly she had approached to do something, but the sudden hostility had stopped her.

By the time Diana had registered this, Mercedes had progressed to a snarl. Slowly, she was getting up and assuming a defensive posture, placing herself between the comatose Donovan and the frightened Healer. Her lips had curled a bit to reveal her fangs, and her nostrils were flaring.

"What is it doing?" The Healer, understandably a bit shaken at this development, asked Diana a question, completely forgetting that she would not be able to understand the answer.

In response to this, Diana slowly slid into a position just to Mercedes' flank. Carefully, she put herself in Mercedes' view. Once she had a guarantee that it was only the Healer she was showing hostility towards, she approached and placed her forearm in such a way that it would retard any sudden lunging, right in front of where the shoulders met the neck.

Slowly, she motioned for the Healer to back away, pointing to the doorway.

For the first few motions, the aggression increased, Mercedes unsure of what those motions were. Once it was clear she was backing away the growling lowered in intensity, but not before threatening with a short bark.

She was still grumbling a bit after the Healer had left the room, and she stayed at an alert position for a few minutes, but she eventually returned to her position at Don's side. Her focus was entirely on the entrance.

Diana was a little disheartened by this interaction.

On the one hand, she learned that she was not viewed as a threat by Mercedes, at the very least was being tolerated. On the other, Diana had no way to reliably ensure she would not lash out at anyone else.

After ensuring that Mercedes would not move from her station, Diana left to address the Healer's concerns.

The Scholar had taken up position outside of the ward. He had brought a desk and some materials to record with. His presence wasn't necessary for the ship to operate in a combat environment, and he was one of the only two people who could communicate with Diana. He was more than happy to act as interpreter and liaison.

"What was it doing? Is it dangerous? Is it hurt?"

The Healer was, understandably, in a bit of a panic. A foreign creature making aggressive gestures and loud noises without her having done anything to provoke it.

"Calm down, calm down. I don't know why, but I think she is afraid of you."

The Scholar faithfully relayed her words. She assumed the original intent was also translated as Diana heard it word for word.

"Afraid? Of me? Then why didn't it run? Don't animals r-run away when they are afraid?"

"For the most part they do. However Mercedes was bred to protect. It is in her blood to protect her people. She sees you as a threat, and knows that Donovan can't protect himself, so she put her body between you. I would advise you do not make any approaches towards him."

"Then can you give him this?" She pulled out one of those beans. "The animal should be fine for a while, but the patient will need to ingest one of these every day or so until he wakes up."

Diana outstretched her hand and gave a slight nod. She would have been fine doing this if it meant she had to chew it for him.

"I would like to give him a physical, but that can wait until he wakes. Don't eat it yourself, too much causes headaches."

Evidently, she had other places to be. As soon as she said that she left for some other portion of the ship. Perhaps there was someone injured elsewhere onboard.

"Were the noises I heard from the dog?" The Scholar, left out of the loop, wanted to understand what was going on and how he might be able to help.

"Yes. She is a bit agitated right now, so you probably shouldn't approach her. Even I am a bit nervous around her for the moment. I don't think she will lash out, so you can watch her from a distance."

"May I? I am very curious about the interactions your people have with these 'dogs'." He removed his chair from beneath his desk, dragging it along the floor. It pained Diana to see even a little bit of scratching on the pristine hardwood, but the Scholar evidently did not.

"Scholar, calm down. If you don't want her to act aggressive, you shouldn't give her an excuse. Keep your excitement in check and your motions slow and reserved. You don't have to whisper, but keep your voice soft. Once she is comfortable being around you, she might let you feed her."

"She will give me permission? If she can't speak then how will she do that?"

"Dogs are smart, her breed especially so. Since you are unfamiliar with them, I will tell you when exactly she seems willing to associate with you, but you can get a good idea when she stops acting aggressively towards you." The screeching of the chair continued. "Please, pick up the chair. That dreadful noise will do nothing to make her like you."